Chapter 19

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His CFS was also making him more frustrated. He was angry. He hated how restricted he was to do anything. Just when he was about to make his way to the door, he felt a strong migraine, and he fell to the floor in pain, crawling on the cold floor. Beads of sweat gathered on his forehead as he closed his eyes shut, trying his possible best to bear the pain.

He fell to the floor once more in pain. Knowing fully well there was nothing to be done, he remained on the floor. His pills were way up the stairs, but he couldn't go up there. Staying there and waiting for fate was what he chose to do.

His phone rang once more, but he didn't have the energy to get up to take it. He just laid there wallowing in pain, unable to do anything about it.

Amelia held the phone to her ear and scowled when the call wasn't returned. She was going to tell him she needed him outside. It was none of her business if he came or not, she just wanted to let him know she could be as unbearable as he was

Signing in frustration, she decided to go in and tell him how disrespectful he was for leaving her call unanswered.

*Like who the hell does he think he is?* she screamed inwardly as she marched inside. The day was far gone, and the night was quite early. The atmosphere was quite conducive for rest. Truth be told, the main reason she wanted Xavier to come out was she felt lonely, and the atmosphere was perfect for the both of them.

Amelia held the doorknob. She didn't fail to hear the groan behind the door, and it could only belong to one person, Xavier. She panicked

She hurriedly rushed inside and was greeted by a shock. Xavier was on the floor, crawling in pain. He tried to get up to take a step but fell to the floor again. His blue shirt was drenched in sweat. She could tell the pain he felt was excruciating.

Rushing towards him, she panicked as she held him by the shoulder. When he realized she was with him, he tried to shrug her off.

"Amelia it's fine, you can go" he said in a raspy strained voice, trying to get away from her. She noticed how he tried to avoid making eye contact with her. Even though he wanted her to leave, Amelia would be damned if she did. She kept looking at him, accessing him properly to note what was wrong, but she was so worried to even understand anything.

"You don't look fine, Xavier," The panic in her voice was at the max. She was practically shaking.

"Amelia... I Amelia... Please leave" he begged.

"Xavier, can you stop all this? What can I do?" she asked again at the same time, raising his head from the floor and resting him on her thighs. No reply was given as he began to close his eyes partially. His energy was slowly beginning to leave him.

Panic flooded through her head once more and for a second, she forgot how to breathe.

Just when she was about to reach for her phone to make a phone call, his phone began to ring and she rushed towards it, not after resting his head gently on the floor. He was still awake, she could tell, but hardly could he do anything.

The number was unknown, but she didn't care. For the person to call, that meant they probably knew Xavier.

"Hello," she said in a hoarse voice and a male voice replied.

"This isn't Xavier," the voice said with a little hint of disappointment.

"Yes it isn't, but it's his phone, though. He just passed out, and I'm so confused".

"Passed out?" the caller's voice increased over the phone. It truly held panic.

"Yes and I'm so confused"

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