Chapter 31

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A knock from the door abruptly brought her out of dreamland. She flicked her eyes open, yawning tiredly as she tried to process what had transpired.

The knock persisted and it took Amelia quite some time to get up and open the door. Her beauty sleep was just interrupted and that was something she loathed.

Having been through a lot that day and the previous, what she needed most precisely was rest and she wasn't getting it. All thanks to whoever was at the door.

Breathing out sharply, she lifted her hand to the door, twisting the doorknob, and opened it up. Mrs. Rebecca was revealed and Amelia kept her anger in check. If it had been Xavier, she wouldn't have given him a piece of her mind.

"Mrs. Rebecca" she called out and immediately a yawn escaped from her lips once more which motioned to Rebecca that she was quite tired.

"I'm sorry for disturbing ma'am, but sir Xavier demanded you have lunch together with him". Rebecca said and Amelia fought the urge not to surge into anger.

It was clear that Xavier had no idea what a quarrel was. There weren't on good terms yet he couldn't see that. Although she wasn't as angry anymore and even though she was, the act of loveliness shown by Xavier was capable of thawing the anger and making her calmer.

He was that powerful and Amelia sometimes wondered if she would ever be able to resist his effect that always found a way to let her guard down.

Inviting her for dinner was sweet, but another part of her still held resentment, but the former was greater than the latter. Since it was, she decided to honor this proposal. He might even apologize and that was something she had always wanted from him.

"I'll be down soon enough" she flashed Rebecca a quick smile as she watched her leave. Amelia was about to close the door when Rebecca abruptly turned around as though she had remembered something.

"He also stated, that he wants you down in 5 minutes. Nothing more" she said and it was at that point, Amelia virtually lost it. He still had his bossy nature, wavering in him and that was the exact opposite of what Amelia had thought.

The fact that he found the need to order her about all the time, particularly now. Made her realize, his bossy nature was built deeply in him, and no matter how hard she thought about it. It was going to change.

Amelia stared blankly into space for a while and when she was finally done with her thoughts of murder, she turned to look at Rebecca once more.

"Well tell sir Xavier, if he wants me downstairs, he might as well have to get me down by himself. And I mean that respectfully " she said adding the last part with a smile on her face to notify Mrs. Rebecca that her anger wasn't towards her but Xavier.

Amelia who thought she might go back to sleep after conveying her message didn't. She couldn't, out of anxiety. You couldn't blame her for feeling nervous. She just sent Rebecca to deliver a daring message to Xavier and it will only take a matter of time before he comes upstairs to get her.

Will he be angry, or will he find it nutty for her exhibiting childishness towards the whole scenario? Amelia tilted to the other side and began playing with her fingers, that was something she did whenever she felt nervous. It didn't help, but it kept her busy on the outside while her mind goes to war with itself.

As though Amelia had evaluated, a knock was heard on the door shortly and she gulped. She needed not to be told it was Xavier. It was so like him to retaliate when he was been challenged. It was more of a dominance thing and Amelia couldn't get what the big deal was.

The knock prevailed and when Amelia felt the need to answer it, she sauntered towards it without saying a word and opened it. Just as she had inferred, it was Xavier, and instead of a stern look on his face, his face held concern and that surprised Amelia.

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