Revenge | Tom R., Matheo R., Theodore N. & Draco M.

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Sighing, I let my fiery red hair fall over my shoulder and knock on the heavy black door that leads to detention.

"Come in." Umbridge's beeping voice is already causing a headache for me and I'm trying hard not to roll my eyes.

To distract myself, I let my gaze wander over the other students and moan annoyed.

The Riddle brothers, Nott and Malfoy look up coolly at me and a grin creeps on Riddle's lips.

"Please sit between Mister Malfoy and Mister Nott, Miss Weasley." She smiles at me and then gets up.

"I'll be back in two hours, then I would like to have a five-page essay from all of you about why the person to the left of you has to sit in detention." With these words, she disappears behind an extra door.

With an annoyed moan, I let myself fall on the chair between Malfoy and Nott and try to ignore the angry looks of the four.

It's quiet for a few minutes, then Riddle takes out a small notebook and starts scribbling something in it.

I try hard to think of some beginning for the essay, but all this masculine energy robs me of every thought.

I breathe out once and then look at Malfoy. "So why do you have to sit in detention, idiot?" I ask and a grin creeps onto his lips.

"Asks your blood traitors friends." He just answers and I put my head in my neck.

"Listen, just answer sensibly and then we can stop talking, yes." I say coolly and Nott emits a contemptuous sound.

"Your great mudblood girlfriend annoyed us and when we told her very kindly that she could fuck herself, she was like the cowardly whore she ran to some teacher and now we are sitting here with you." Nott gets involved and I look at him angrily.

"Insent Hermione again and I'll cut off your puny cock." I warn and a laugh comes from the other corner of the room.

With contracted brows, I look at him and give Mattheo Riddle an evil eye. He just winks at me and I'm thinking about at least ten ways to kill him.

"Funny that you take it small, we want revenge for the fact that your stupid friends made us sit in detention and we are not sitting at a party with a horny woman who sucks our cock."

I cramp my jaw, with their disrespectful language and take a deep breath before I look at them again.

"And what exactly do you want to do now? Do you want to bewitch me so that I can do everything you want?" I ask mockingly and then put my hands on my cheeks.

"Please don't, don't do that to me, please I'm so scared." I mock the four sarcastically and suddenly Riddle stands behind me and pulls my head back by the hair.

I moan painfully and he pulls my head even further back. "Don't be cheeky, little one. And besides, we don't need to bewitch you, we just need our fingers for that." Angry, I look at him and squeeze my tears.

To my displeasure, I feel the wetness between my thighs and try to pull my head forward again.

He actually lets me go and I breathe out relieved. Goosebumps form on my body and a quiet hint of fear comes up in me.

Nott puts a hand on my thigh and something in me keeps me from pushing his hand away.

It keeps going up until Nott has arrived on the inside of my thighs and suddenly all eyes are on me.

Slight excitement comes up in my lower abdomen and I have to convulsively stop myself from stretching my pelvis towards him.

"As I said, we want revenge," murmurs Mattheo, who suddenly stands very close to me. "And we thought to hurt you would be the best way."

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