Feel Alive [babexcharlie] Part 12

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As the morning light seeped through the curtains, Babe stirred from his sleep, feeling a weight on his head. He rubbed his temples, trying to remember what happened yesterday, but everything seemed hazy, like a distant dream. He couldn't recall Charlie waking up beside him, admiring the sunset and sharing moments of beauty together. With a deep headache gnawing at him, he reluctantly opened his eyes.

Turning to where Charlie should have been, Babe's heart sank as he found the space beside him empty. Panic surged through him momentarily until he remembered Charlie often woke up earlier than him. He took a deep breath and rose from the bed, his headache intensifying with every step.

Entering the next room, Babe's eyes fell upon Charlie, sitting quietly with a book in hand. Relief flooded through him, washing away some of the worry that had gripped him moments before. He approached Charlie slowly, not wanting to startle him.

Babe: "You're here."

Charlie glanced up from his book, offering a small smile in response. Babe's heart skipped a beat at the sight of that smile.

Babe: "I thought you had gone somewhere. It's quite cold; let me get you a blanket."

With gentle movements, Babe retrieved a blanket and draped it over Charlie's shoulders, feeling a sense of warmth spread through him at the simple act of caring for Charlie

babe: I thought so you should wake me up after you were awake I would have made you a coffee or breakfast 

 charlie:I made coffee ...

Babe couldn't help but chuckle softly at Charlie's response.

Babe: "You did? 

Charlie nodded, a hint of pride in his eyes as he gestured towards the kitchen where a steaming cup of coffee awaited.

Babe: "That's okay, Charlie. Thank you, not just for the coffee, but for being strong for yourself, for me."

Charlie didn't answer but just looked at Babe's eyes for a moment before returning to his book. Babe got up and went to grab the coffee, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over him. Suddenly, his mom called.

Babe's Mom: "Babe, how are you? Is everything okay? How's Charlie doing?"

Babe: "He's improving. What about you, Mom? How's work going?"

Mom: "Not much happening at work. I was thinking of visiting on Wednesday. It's been four months since I saw you. I miss you."

Babe: "You're always welcome, Mom."

Mom: "I know, dear. Then I'll see you on Wednesday. Bye for now."

As Babe ended the call, he turned to Charlie.

Babe: "I need to go buy some groceries. You should stay in bed while I'm gone."

As Babe made his way out, he noticed Charlie tiptoeing behind him.

Babe: "Do you want to come?"

Charlie stood silently for a moment before replying.

Charlie: "I'll go."

Babe: "Grab a coat. I'll wait in the car."

Charlie went to fetch his coat, and after a couple of minutes, they set out for grocery shopping.

As they navigated through the aisles of the grocery store, Babe couldn't shake off the feeling that they were being watched. He noticed the curious glances from other shoppers, their eyes lingering a little longer on Charlie, who seemed lost in his own world.

Babe tried to brush off the stares, focusing on their shopping list instead. He picked up the items they needed, occasionally checking on Charlie, who was quietly trailing behind him.

As they reached the checkout counter, Babe noticed a woman whispering to her companion, casting a pointed glance in their direction. It made him feel uneasy, a sense of discomfort creeping over him.

Ignoring the whispers, Babe paid for the groceries and they made their way back to the car. Once inside, he turned to Charlie, who had been  quiet throughout the shopping trip.

Babe: "Are you okay, Charlie?"

Charlie nodded silently, 

as they were driving back home suddenly Charlie said something 

Charlie: babe am I mentally rotten?

Babe's heart sank at Charlie's words, and he immediately stopped the car by the side of the road. He turned to look at Charlie, his expression a mix of concern and sadness.

Babe: "No, Charlie, you're not. You're not rotten, mentally or otherwise. You're just going through a tough time, but that doesn't define who you are."

Charlie remained silent, his gaze fixed on his hands, fidgeting nervously in his lap.

Babe: "Look at me, Charlie."

Reluctantly, Charlie lifted his gaze to meet Babe's eyes.

Babe: "You're going through a lot, but that doesn't make you any less of a person. You're strong, Charlie, stronger than you realize. And I'm here for you, every step of the way."

Charlie: "Because... because everyone looks at me like I'm broken. Even here, at the store, I could feel it. They think I'm weird."

Babe: "Charlie, you're not weird, and you're definitely not broken. You're just different, and that's okay. We're all different in our own ways. And sometimes, people don't understand things that are different,

Charlie: "But why am I like this? Why can't I remember things like before? Why do I feel so lost all the time?"

Babe: "We'll figure it out together, Charlie. And no matter what, I'm here for you. You're not alone in this."

With those words hanging in the air, Babe started the car again, the engine purring to life as they continued their journey home.

As Charlie looked outside, the passing scenery blurred into a mosaic of colors and shapes. His mind drifted, lost in a labyrinth of thoughts and memories that seemed just out of reach. He watched the world go by, feeling disconnected from it all.

Babe glanced at Charlie, noticing the distant look in his eyes. He wished he could penetrate the walls of silence Charlie had built around himself, to understand the turmoil within.

As they got home, the familiar warmth of their cozy house enveloped them like a comforting embrace. Charlie stepped out of the car, his movements still hesitant, as if he were navigating through a dream.

Babe led Charlie to their favorite spot by the window, where the soft glow of sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm, golden hue over everything it touched.

Babe: "Sit down, Charlie. I'll make us some coffee."

Charlie looked outside thinking about everything while still being silent his mind had a lot while his mouth had nothing to say 

he was recalling some  memories that never even existed that's how we humans are we recall things and overthink about those little details that nobody even notices that how the mind of an overthinker functions you raise your voice once now he will think about it for many years coming you broke his heart once he will never trust again you made him feel invisible he never try to get visible again your one word was has a worth of 1000 to someone who overthinks that's just who we are so if you say something that may hurt anybody don't deny when they tell you that you were the cause of their death you were not they did it themselves but you played your part well and complete

"In silence, the mind speaks volumes, nurturing resilience and understanding."

Pitbabe the series [Book 2]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin