BDSM (Winner x Dean) Part 11

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Song:HIM AND I by G-Eazy & Halsey

 New's awakening was met with a chilling solitude that echoed the depths of his despair. In the silence of the room, he felt the weight of his mistakes pressing down on him, suffocating him with the unbearable reality of his actions.

New: "He's gone..." The words escaped New's lips in a hushed whisper, the realization of Tay's absence sending a shiver down his spine. "He left..."

With a heavy heart, New resigned himself to the belief that Tay had abandoned him, unable to bear the burden of his addiction any longer. He imagined Tay recoiling in disgust at the sight of him, turning away from the broken mess he had become.

New: "He wouldn't want to see me like this... He wouldn't want anything to do with me now..."

New's defiance surged like a flame within him, igniting his resolve to break free from the confines of his despair. Despite the nurse's warnings echoing in his ears, he brushed them aside, driven by a desperate need to escape the suffocating grip of his own thoughts.

Nurse: "Please, New, you need to rest. It's not safe to leave right now."

But New's stubbornness knew no bounds. With a fervor fueled by desperation, he pushed himself to his feet, his determination eclipsing the ache in his bones and the fog in his mind.

New: "I have to go... I can't stay here anymore."

The nurses pleaded with him, their voices a chorus of concern and frustration, but New remained steadfast in his resolve. He had to find Tay, to seek forgiveness and redemption before it was too late.

Nurse: "Call the doctor! We need help here!"

As New stumbled forward, the world spinning around him, a familiar figure materialized before his eyes, a beacon of strength in his darkest hour.

Tay: "Running away won't solve anything, New."

New's heart lurched at the sound of Tay's voice, his eyes locking with those he thought he'd never see again.

New: "Tay...?"

New: "I am the problem, Tay. How can I run away from myself?"

With a gentle touch, he guided New back to his bed, a silent testament to the unspoken bond that still lingered between them.

As the doctor admonished New for his reckless actions, Tay remained by his side, a silent sentinel watching over him with unwavering concern.

New: "You stayed..."

Tay's response was simple, yet laden with unspoken truths.

Tay: "For humanity."

New's heart swelled with a mixture of gratitude and regret, his gaze searching Tay's for answers that remained elusive.

New: "Did you... Did you move on from me? Did you really?"

Tay's response pierced through the silence like a dagger to New's heart, laying bare the raw truth of their shattered love.

Tay: "The question is for you, New. Did you ever truly let me go? You chose to hurt yourself rather than be true to me. What did you want from all of this? What was your conclusion? You chose to cheat, you chose to betray, you chose to pierce yourself with thousands of needles, but you never thought that at least once I could be true to... this guy who is ready to give his everything to me. Who do you think you are?"

As tears welled in his eyes, New's voice cracked with emotion. The drugs had become his refuge, his only solace in a world devoid of hope. But with each fleeting high, the reality of his longing for Tay became ever more palpable, a relentless ache that LOOKED at his soul.

New: "I thought I could forget you, Tay. I thought I could erase the memories, the pain, the regret. But the more I tried to escape, the more I found myself drowning in your absence. I lost myself in this darkness, in this addiction... and now, I don't know how to find my way back."

With trembling hands and a heavy heart, New looked to Tay, his eyes pleading for understanding, for forgiveness, for redemption. 

TAY: At least once, if you had come back and said, "Tay, let's start over," at least once, if you would have tried to get me back, I would have given you everything, including my self-respect. I gave up everything for you, I chose to, but what did you choose? You decided to live through the pain once again. You thought of me as nothing once again. You chose to be in pain rather than be true.




Author note

as you guys know  I will probably be in surgery right now so I wrote these chapters short and in a hurry so that you can enjoy your daily chapter my sis will upload them just like how I do so no worries but sorry for the short chapters if I don't die we will meet in chapter 20 as a fresh chapter written by me...

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