BDSM (Winner x Dean) Part 1

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Winner is the son of the biggest political leader in Thailand. He is one heck of a child; whenever he messes up, his father covers for him. He's spoiled, and not just normally—his indulgences rival those of billionaires. His father never questions his extravagant spending because Winner's influence helps him win elections. Winner is also a prominent figure at his university and assists his father with basic political work. His father knows Winner knows how to win because that's what he's been taught all his life. Winner doesn't know how to lose, even in something as trivial as a pillow fight.

On top of all that, Winner is a sex freak. He enjoys wild experiences, to the extent that he has a dedicated room filled with various BDSM equipment like whips, cuffs, and more. He's known for his fondness for threesomes and foursomes, often indulging in group encounters. Many girls are scared of him, trembling in his presence due to his love for BDSM roleplay, where he makes them do things like bark and crawl. This side of him is known only to his bodyguard, who handles all of Winner's affairs. His parents are unaware of this aspect of his life.

Meanwhile, Dean is the son of Winner's political rival. He attends the same university as Winner but with a crucial difference: Dean is the school president. Despite Winner's repeated attempts, he could never match Dean's grades. Dean is known for his saying, "You got a 97 because it was all you could get. I got 100 because it was all that was left to get."

Dean is a mean guy, but not spoiled like Winner. He's a bully and a clean freak due to his OCD. He detests anything unclean, once even getting a teacher fired for coming to school sick. Compared to Winner, Dean is even more problematic due to his high grades and mischievous behavior. Despite being a big help on the business side, Dean has never liked his father and avoids involving him in anything. Unlike Winner, who creates problems for his father to solve, Dean prefers to handle his issues independently. In conclusion, both Winner and Dean are highly problematic and toxic individuals.

Winner's father is named Thanakorn Sangsuwan, and his mother is named Sujitra Sangsuwan. Dean's father is named Preecha Charoenwong, and his mother is named Suphansa Charoenwong.

Besides being political rivals, Dean and Winner's fathers are childhood friends. In order to maintain the economy, they have to play rivals, but they are actually very good friends and trust each other more than anyone else. Many people have tried to prove this, but no one could. Despite their fathers' friendship, Dean and Winner's children cannot relate as academic rivals. Knowing how much of a sex freak Winner is, Dean never liked Winner from the first place.

It was a typical day at school, with everyone bustling around during zero period.

Dean: Sonic, did you even bother to prepare for the bio test?

Sonic: Bio? Yeah, piece of cake. Unlike some people, I actually study.

Dean: Oh, you mean like your boyfriend over there? Looks like he's still struggling with the basics.

Sonic chuckled nervously, while North, in Winner's group, looked visibly stressed, flipping through his textbook.

Sonic: Well, I did remind him to study.

Dean: Reminding him won't fix that empty head of his.

As Sonic and Dean shared a laugh, Winner's arrival in his flashy Porsche interrupted them.

Sonic: Speak of the devil.

Dean: And he shall appear, with his usual grand entrance.

Winner strutted over, flaunting his latest acquisition.

Winner:looks like somebody is really afraid or just jealous I can smell sif sniff the jealousy from the this far 

Winner: Dean, my man, what do you think of my new ride?

Dean: Parking in a no-parking zone? Real classy, Winner. Just like you.

Winner shrugged off Dean's comment, but Dean wasn't done.

Dean: Must be nice to buy your way through life. Money can't buy you class, though.

Winner smirked, unfazed by Dean's barb.

Winner: Careful, Dean. You might cut yourself on all that edge.

Dean's eyes narrowed as Winner continued, taunting him.

Winner: Jealousy suits you, Dean. I'd be bitter too if I couldn't keep up.

That was the last straw for Dean. With a swift motion, he made his way to Winner's car, leaving a dent in its hood.

Winner: Hey, what the hell, Dean?!

Dean: Consider it a wake-up call. And about that bonnet... I'm sure you can afford to replace it. Or maybe Daddy will bail you out again.

As Winner's frustration peaked, he clenched his fists, ready to retaliate. But then, a voice echoed in his mind, his father's plea resonating deeply: "Winner, I need to win this election. Please behave."

With a frustrated sigh, Winner reluctantly reined in his anger, watching Dean's retreating figure. Dean, on the other hand, didn't miss a beat. As he sauntered away, he glanced back at Winner, flashing a final smirk before disappearing inside.

Both Winner and Dean entered the classroom, the tension palpable between them. As they took their seats, the girls gravitated towards Winner, their admiration evident in their eyes. Winner shot a proud glance at Dean, who responded with an annoyed expression.

When the bio test began, eager whispers filled the room as classmates offered assistance to Winner. Meanwhile, Dean remained focused, tackling the test on his own.

Dean: "Ma'am, I'm done."

Winner: "Ma'am, I'm done."

Their eyes met, brimming with resentment, as they simultaneously handed in their completed tests and stormed out of the classroom.

After the test was over...

As Winner and his followers exited the classroom, he noticed Dean walking briskly in the opposite direction. Something about Dean's demeanor irked Winner, igniting a spark of anger within him. With a smirk, Winner intercepted Dean, blocking his path and pinning him against the wall.

Winner: "Well, well, well, if it isn't the infamous Dean. Heard you aced the bio test today. Impressive, huh?"

Dean: scoffs "What are you implying, Winner? That I cheated off your test?"

Dean: pushing back "You're delusional, Winner. I don't need to cheat to excel. Unlike you, I have integrity."

Winner: leaning in menacingly "Integrity? That's rich coming from someone like you. You'll do anything to win, even if it means stepping on others."

Dean: maintaining composure "Is that why you're so threatened by me, Winner? Because I represent everything you're not?"

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