BDSM (Winner x Dean) Part 9

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Sonic: You've told me this a hundred times. After a day, he'll be back? It's been more than 10 days. Where is he, Dean? I haven't seen him in over 10 days. Where is he?

Dean: Sonic, he broke up with you. Stop trying to think he would consider you. He doesn't care. He doesn't want to see you. He's being awkward, not listening. You have to move on somehow.

Sonic: You don't understand because you're not in love. I am. You would never understand.

Dean: What if I am not? He will come back when he wants to. He won't care about you. You have to go through this. Don't you want to fulfill your dreams? Don't you want to be the big fashion designer you always wanted to be?

Sonic: I...

Dean: That's all. We're going to university, that's all. We can't make any more mistakes. It would affect our future. And no, I don't take no as an answer.

After about 3 hours, both Sonic and Dean left for university. Dean tried to comfort Sonic in any way he could, but he couldn't. Eventually, they parted ways for their separate classes, while Dean assured him that he would come right after his class.

As Dean entered his class, Winner was standing in his way.

Dean: Get out of my way.

Winner: We need to talk.

Dean: I'm not talking to you.

Winner: You're coming with me.

As Winner held Dean's hand in front of the whole class, dragging him to the school terrace..


Winner: Will you fucking listen to what I am saying?

Dean: No, I don't want to. I just want you to leave me alone.

As Dean was about to go, he stopped when Winner said,

Winner: It's about North. He... he is up to no good.

Dean: What do you mean? Will he hurt someone? What can he do?

Winner: He's really different. Yesterday, he came back. He attended class. He...


As Sonic went to his building to attend his class, he suddenly spotted North heading towards the basketball court.

Sonic: "North, is he okay?"

He followed North until they reached the entrance of the basketball court.

Sonic: "North?"

There was no response. Suddenly, the door to the basketball court closed behind sonic with a click. Sonic tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge.

North: Trying to find me or Tay?

Sonic: Sonic looked behind, smiled, and was about to explain everything when he took a step back as he saw a girl clinging to North.

North: Chuckling, "What are you acting like you're hurt for? Be freaking real."

Sonic: "Are you fine? Where were you for these 10 days?"

North: "As if you care about me. Stop the act, North. Stop pretending like you ever cared about me. It was all fake, wasn't it? Everything was fake, just like your face and your feelings."

Sonic: "North, you can tell me anything, but not that. I never loved you. My love is never and will never be fake for you."

North: "Stop the act. But oh, won't you ask who she is?"

Sonic: ...

North: "Hin, introduce yourself. Oh wait, I should introduce my girlfriend in the first place. Sonic, say hello to my girlfriend. Her name is Lexi because she is like my galaxy."

Lexi: "You're being overdramatic, North. Stop. It's literally so sweet to say that."

North: "No, I wanted it to be clear so you know some twink could or would never chase me again. I don't like cheaters, you know that."

Lexi: "Is he that boy who made you gay?"

North: "No, he isn't. My first time, he's just an annoying brat who cheated on me for some bashed handsome guy who had no genuine lines to him. I mean, he has 'I want it, I got it' syndrome. So, I wanted to prove him wrong. In fact, his best friend, he is better than him in everything."

Lexi: "That's new right

North: "Yup, him. But now I have come back to my senses. It was a phase. Somebody tricked me into it."

North: "Won't you say something?"

Sonic: "Should I... I... say something?"

North: "You shouldn't, because you don't deserve to."

Sonic: "Haha... chuckling... haha," as he smiled while tears fell from his eyes. "I knew you slept with him, I knew every single thing that you did. I knew you were a drug dealer, I knew you were a playboy from the start. I knew that you slept with him again and again, in my absence, because I was there every time, just in the next room, listening to my own destruction. I listened to my own destruction, saw myself getting destroyed because I loved you. I love you. I destroyed myself for you, North. You chose to stay like that, and I chose to accept you like that. When you thought that I knew nothing, I knew every detail of everything you ever had with anyone. I gave you my body, my heart, my money, my everything just because when you looked at me, it was a feeling that no one could ever give me. And you're telling me I don't deserve to say anything? Just because as small a thing as that, is this fair? Am I unfair, or am I in love with you?"

North: ...

Lexi: "Don't listen to him, he's trying to be the victim."

Sonic: "I gave you a chance. I gave you a chance every time you did something. I gave you a chance without you even knowing because I am crazy in love with you. Is that unfair to you or me? You still choose to hurt me every single time. Whenever I choose to forgive you, are you the victim or am I the victim? Every single day I slept while crying because I knew things you never did. Every single time I looked at you, all the things that I saw you doing reminded me of what I have become for you. As Sonic breathed, hitched in between, he held his heart, trying to lace himself, trying his best not to fall."

Sonic: "Love was made to give you a garden of happiness. Why did it become a ticking thorn garden, bleeding me again and again, and I chose to bleed with my own permission?"

Listening to all this, North never felt so weak. Just thinking that how Sonic knew but he never knew how much he did for him just made every second of his life hell.

Sonic: "Why are you trembling? Listen, listen to what I have coped with for the 4 years of my life."

Lexi was latched onto North, not leaving him.

Sonic: "Who deserves to speak now, North? You or me?"

Suddenly, Sonic fell down, trying to catch his breath.

North tried to go to him, but Lexi stopped him. North pushed Lexi away and ran to Sonic, putting his head on his lap.

Sonic: "Inhaler... I... need... my inhaler..."

North's hands trembled as he tried to find Sonic's inhaler, but he couldn't.

north:hands shaking w..where is ..y.iour sonicc inhaler..

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