What A Stupid Woman!

3 1 12

Vera Cusino

Saybrook Rd

Middletown, Connecticut

Dana: *outside writing a story in her notebook*

Waitress: Ma'am, you're not allowed to write here! This patio is only for eating!

Dana: I'm just writing till my food is ready!

Waitress: You want me to call the cops?

Dana: The cops are not gonna arrest me for writing!

Waitress: Okay, I'm calling the cops! *gets on the phone*

Dana: Seriously?!

Waitress: Send cops over to Vera Cusino on Saybrook Rd.

Dana: Moron.

Waitress: *snatches Dana's notebook*

Dana: Give it back!

Waitress: *reads the stories* These are stupid!

Dog: *growls at the waitress*

Waitress: *laughing nervously* I was only kidding! *gives Dana her notebook back* I'm sorry, Ma'am!

Dog: *growls and barks*

Waitress: *runs away from the dog* Help!

Dog: *barking and chasing her*

This story was written on Friday, April 26th, 2024. (Arbor Day)

A/N That woman was so stupid! Calling the cops on Dana because she was writing! She should be fired! 😾 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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