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'I guess I'm gonna have to sneak through her window after all...' Steve thought as he walked down the quiet road.

At around 7:30, Nancy had called him to say that her parents weren't letting anyone out of the house due to the missing Byers kid. Which was stupid, in Steve's opinion. Why would you keep everyone inside when they could be outside helping the police look for the kid? He sighed, knowing that sometimes Cheif Hopper didn't want any normal people to help with this sort of thing.

Steve shook his head and continued walking down the street towards the Wheeler's house. He wasn't going to take the chance of driving too close to their house and getting both him and Nancy caught, so he parked half a block away and walked the rest of the way.

As he neared the house, he kept out of sight of all the lit windows, trying to make a b-line to Nancy's room. The only problem was that Nancy's room was on the second floor, so Steve was going to have to carefully and quietly sneak onto the roof before even attempting to climb through her window. He had very slim chances of doing this without getting caught, but he was still going to try. He was stealthy, like a ninja, right?

He at least knew where Nancy's bedroom was, so he made it across the lawn without getting caught, then made his next move.

"Ah." There was, conveniently placed, an AC unit right under where he needed to go. He climbed onto it, careful not to make a sound. When he stood to his full height, the roof was at neck level.

"Couldn't they've made this roof just a little lower..." He grumbled to himself, but still he began trying to hoist himself onto the roof.

There was a familiar sound of tires on the road behind him, Steve spun around and saw Nancy's little brother Mike, out in the street on his bike.

'So he can go out but she can't?' Steve thought. He knew that Nancy's parents most likely didn't know that Mike was out, but Steve was still annoyed at how easily he could sneak out.

They both stared at each other for a minute, Steve trying to look nonchalant, but failing. Mike rolled his eyes and pedaled away, leaving Steve to continue scrambling up the side of the house.

Once he was safely on the roof, he crawled his way to Nancy's window and gently knocked on it, trying not to scare her and get them both caught. He saw Nancy sitting at her desk, working on something while listening to music. She clearly heard the knock as she spun around with a look of shock and disbelief on her face.

Steve gestured for her to come and open the window– maybe they could still go out in his car– and she hurried across the room, still looking disbelievingly at him, and opened her window. Steve could now clearly hear the pop music she'd been playing on her stereo.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered urgently once the window was open fully. "I told you on the phone, I'm on house arrest now."

"I figured we'd just study here," he replied in a whisper and shrug.

"No. No way."

"Oh, come on," Steve began to climb through the window and into Nancy's room. "I can't have you failing that test. So just... bear with me."

He stumbled off the window sill and stood in Nancy's room, where she was now frowning with annoyance at him. "What'd I tell ya," he shrugged. "Ninja."

Nancy scoffed and closed her window, "I can't believe you."

"Come on, you told me yourself 'I have to study', so I'm here to help."

"Fine," she rolled her eyes and then began to smile. "I made flashcards." She grabbed them off her desk and sat down on her bed. "But if we aren't quiet my parents will kill both of us."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." He sat down across from her on the bed and took off his jacket. "I'll quiz you."

Nancy handed him the stack of flashcards, which he shuffled then read the first one, "Which polymers occur naturally?"

"Starch... and cellulose."

"Mmm-hmm." He flipped to the next one, "In a molecule of CH4, the hydrogen atoms are spatially oriented towards the centers of–"

"Tetrahedrons," Nancy answered confidently, before the question was even finished.

"Wow," Steve muttered, confinfirming the answer by looking at the back. "How many of these did you make?" He looked back up at Nancy. She was pretty cute when she was trying to remember things.

"You said you wanted to help," Nancy raised her eyebrows.

Steve looked down at the cards for a moment before an idea came to his head. "How 'bout this, how about... how about every time you get something right, I have to take off an item of clothing, but every time you get something wrong–"

"Uh, pass."

"Oh, come on. Come on." He repositioned himself horizontally on the bed, looking up at Nancy. He knew she'd keep saying no, but he had to try. He really wanted to see if it would work.


"Come on it'll be fun,"


"During fractional distillation, hydrocarbons are separated according to their–"

"Melting point," Nancy said determinedly.

Steve flipped the card over and clicked his tongue, "Ooh, it's boiling points..."

Nancy blinked, "That's what I meant."

"Yeah, that's not what you said." He gestured to his shirt.

"No." She said, eyebrows raised, looking at him like this was absolutely ridiculous, which, to be fair, it was.

"No? Oh, do you need... Do you need help, or..." He moved closer, they were now inches apart on Nancy's bed. He knew he was pushing it, but he couldn't help it.

"No," Nancy said slowly, a smile spreading across her face as their lips met. They laid back on her bed and continued kissing, while Nancy's pop music continued to fill the silence and mask what was happening on the four poster bed. Steve began to unbutton Nancy's top, but she pushed him back.

"Steve, come on," she whispered.

"What?" He whispered.

" Are you crazy, my parents are here."

Steve turned to look around the room, "That's weird, I... don't see them." He leaned back down to kiss her, but was again stopped once she sat up.

She looked at him seriously, "Was this your plan all along? To... to get in my room and then... get another notch on your belt?"

"No. Nancy, no." He shook his head, staring at the plaid bed cover rather than Nancy. He just wanted to see her. And maybe kiss her. And maybe he really did want to go further, but it was clear that Nancy didn't.

"I'm not Laurie, or Amy, or Becky."

"You mean, you're not a slut." 

Nancy was taken aback. "That's not what I'm saying."

"You know, you're so cute when you lie," he admitted truthfully. She was cute doing everything.

Her eyes widened, "Shut up."

Steve took a small teddy bear that had been sitting on Nancy's bed and held it up to his chest, making a pouty face. "Bad Steve," he muttered. "Bad. Don't do that to Miss Nancy."

Nancy reluctantly smiled, "You're an idiot, Steve Harrington."

Steve smiled and whispered, "You are beautiful, Nancy Wheeler."

Nancy blushed and looked down at her covers, unable to help the giddy smile taking over her features.

Steve moved back and grabbed the flashcards again, he was going to help her study. He was actually, really going to help her. Even if it wasn't as fun as what they could've been doing. He was going to help her because at least he could see her cute thinking face while she tried to remember the material.

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