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The next day was a school day- as per the usual, "Halloween party then directly back to school so don't make any bad choices like getting drunk! You'll regret it tomorrow, because you're going to school no matter what!"- and Steve struggled to get out of bed. Last night was a blur, he didn't even have that much to drink, it was mostly because of what Nancy had done and said.

He tried not to think about that. He got up, got dressed and drove to school. He knew he was going to regret this decision later, but he didn't pick up Nancy for school. He didn't want to talk to her right now. It was too soon for her to explain. Plus, Jonathan had drove her home last night, so maybe he'd pick her up.

He sighed as he pulled up to school. Maybe he was overreacting. Maybe he was a complete dickhead. 'Am I though? She told me she thought we were bullshit...'

~ ~ ~

During gym class, Steve had the amazing opportunity to play basketball against Billy Hargrove. At one point during there game while Steve was trying to make a shot, Billy began talking to him, to distract him or something Steve didn't know.

"I heard you used to run this school. That true?" Billy was chewing gum. In gym class. While playing basketball. Surely that was a hazard. King Steve, they used to call you, huh? Then you turned bitch."

"Hey, maybe you should just shut up and just play the game." Steve turned to make the shot, but ended up falling as Billy lunged to grab the ball.


He scrambled to his feet, but by the time he was up, Billy had already made the shot. Everybody on his team whooped.

Steve doubled over, panting while mentally scolding himself for letting Billy distract him. Then he heard Nancy's voice.

"Steve?" He turned around to look at her. He stared at her and she motioned for him to follow her. He sighed and grabbed a towel before following her out to the side of the gym. Maybe she was going to explain.

"What are you doing here?" He asked her once they were outside, arms crossed.

"What do you think?" She asked, obviously upset. "Where were you this morning? I missed first period."

"I figured Jonathan would take you," He shrugged, looking down at her frown. The same frown.

"Wh... what are you talking about?"

"Jesus, you really can't handle your alcohol," he scoffed. "Uh... you remember going to Tina's party last night, right?"


"And then what?" He wanted her to tell him what happened, what she remembered.

"I remember dancing, and... spilling some punch." She replied, thinking about it. "You got mad at me because I was drunk... and then you took me home."

Steve scoffed and shook his head. "No, see, that's where your mind gets a little bit fuzzy. That was your other boyfriend. That was... that was Jonathan."

"I don't understand." Nancy shook her head.

"It's pretty simple, Nancy. You were just telling it like it is." He wanted her to explain, but apparenty she didn't even remember what she'd said.


"Uh... apparently, uh..." he said slowly. "We killed Barb and I don't care, 'cause I'm bullshit... and our whole... our whole relationship is bullshit, and... I mean, pretty much everything is just bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Oh, yeah, also, you don't love me."

"I was drunk, Steve!" Nancy said defensively. "I don't remember any of that."

"So that makes everything that you said... It's what? Just bullshit, too?" He asked. 'Being drunk doesn't mean you weren't thinking straight, it means you were being honest, to some degree.'

"Yes!" Nancy exclaimed defensively.

He blinked at her. "Then tell me,"

"Tell you what?"

"You love me." He looked at her with hope. 'Please. Just say it. Then we can forget about this. Just tell me, okay? It's not that hard if you really do love me...'

Nancy raised her eyebrows, "Really?" She sounded like he was the one acting crazy.

The door beside them banged open, "Harrington!" One of his teammates yelled. "Dude, we need you, man. That douchebag's killing us. Let's go!"

"All right!" Steve said, back to him.

He looked at Nancy pleadingly, but she didn't say anything, she just looked down at the ground.

Steve turned to go back inside, feeling defeated and angry and sad. Feeling empty. "I think that you're bullshit," he said back to her, before going back inside. He shook his head.

'Shit. Why can't I do ANYTHING right?!? I always screw everything up. I never say the right things. I never do the right things. I can't do anything correctly. What the hell is wrong with me???'

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