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Steve was driving down to Nancy's house, unfortunately with Tommy H. and Carol, because he knew something was wrong with Nancy. He knew she wasn't telling him everything. He knew she was worried and he wanted to try and help her.

"I just don't understand why we're coming out here," Carol bugged. "She obviously doesn't want to talk to you."

"That's... that's not it." Steve shook his head. He didn't think Nancy was just ignoring him, she was obviously worried.

"Oh, really?" Carol dared. "Because no girl would ever blow off King Steve."

Tommy snickered, and Steve defended himself, "She was acting weird. I mean, something was wrong."

"So what?" Carol scoffed. "Like, you're worried about her?"


"Aw, you are," Carol smirked. "Aw, Steve has a heart." She wrapped her arm around him from the backseat.

"Would you just– stop."

"Oh, Stevey's in love," Tommy said in a sing-song voice.

"Would you just shut up?" Steve sighed. 'Do they ever shut up?'

"Who knew?" Carol asked sarcastically.

"Shut up!" Steve yelled. God these two were driving him crazy. Why did they even have to come with him?

Tommy chuckled lightly, but went quiet, "Jeez..."

"Damn. Sorry..." Carol muttered, but you could hear in her voice that she was smiling.

Steve finally pulled into Nancy's driveway, and Tommy sighed, "So this is it, huh? Princess' castle."

"I'll just be a minute." Steve got out of the car and made a b-line for the heater he used to climb up to Nancy's window.

He swiftly jumped on top of it and pulled himself onto the roof, crawling over to the window. He peeked over edge, going to knock, but stopped. Nancy wasn't alone in her room like Steve expected her to be. He saw Nancy sitting on her bed beside Jonathan, his jacket over her shoulders. Their backs were facing the window, and they were very close together and seemingly wet.

Steve felt a mixture of feelings rush over him as he watched Jonathan put his arm around Nancy. He felt angry and betrayed. Why would Jonathan of all people be inside Nancy's room right now? After everything he did, the photos, the spying? Why would he be there with her? What was going on?

Steve backed down from the window, slowly and quietly. He was defiently not going to talk to Nancy now. Was this why she'd forgotten to call him? Because she was hanging out with Jonathan? Why were they wet? Steve didn't know and he didn't want to know now. He slide down the roof and hopped back down onto the AC unit, walking back to his car silently.

"That was quick," Carol said with surprise as Steve entered the car and started it. "I'll take it she didn't want to talk to you?"

Steve didn't reply. He didn't want to talk to them. He didn't want to talk to anyone. He was upset. Nancy hadn't called him like she said, and when Steve went to check on her, she was with Jonathan. Why? Why the hell were they together? What was going on?

"Um, hello?" Carol asked with raised eyebrows.

"What happened, man?" Tommy asked as Steve drove away from Nancy's house. "What's going on?"

"Just shut up." Steve didn't want to answer any of their stupid questions right now. He was too upset. "Nothing happened." Which was the truth. Nothing happened. He didn't talk to Nancy and he didn't plan on doing so until Nancy explained.

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