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The two had finally made it to the old junkyard after about an hour. Steve looked around and sighed, "Oh, yeah. Yeah, this will do." He nodded and began walking forward. "This will do just fine. Good call, dude."

Dustin followed him happily as they continued scattering meat around. Once they were in about the middle of the yard, they dumped the rest of the meat onto the ground in a pile. Steve wiped his gloved hands off and sighed.

A familiar voice called from a distance, "I said medium well!"

The two looked up to see Lucas and the red-headed girl, who Steve guessed was Billy Hargrove's sister. Lucas waved to them and started walking over with the girl.

"Who's that?" Steve turned to ask Dustin, but Dustin said nothing, he simply watched the two as they walked over. Steve had a sudden feeling he knew who she was. 'Ah... the strange girl who likes weird lizards... hm...'

When Lucas and the girl made it to the pile of meat, Dustin pulled Lucas aside to talk to him behind a beat up old car. Steve watched them walk away before turning around and continuing the plan. He and the girl started moving things around the junkyard accordingly, which continued for about ten minutes before Steve sighed.

'The two people who actually came up with this plan aren't even helping.'

Steve was fed upwith them not helping, so he went over to the car Lucas and Dustin were talking behind.

"Hey! Dickheads!" He banged a rusty fold-up chair on the car to get their attention. "How come the only one helping me out is this random girl? We lose light in 40 minutes. Let's go. Let's go, I said."

"All right, asshole! God!" Dustin sighed.

"Okay! Stupid." Lucas muttered.

'The nerve. Jesus, I'm only doing this because... well... I don't know. Whatever.'

All four of them began collecting everything they needed for the plan. They lined the abandoned bus with scrap metal, both inside and out, rolled old barrels into position, and Steve poured a trail of gasoline from the meat to the bus. The girl found an old ladder and managed to get it inside the bus, positioning it under a hole so they could get on top of it. Then, as the daylight started to dwindle, they all clambered onto the bus, closing the rusty door behind them.

They waited in the bus until after the sun set, and the only light given to them was the moon, stars, and their flashlights. Lucas climbed on top of the bus to be their lookout, while the three waited inside.

"So you really fought one of these things before?" The girl asked Steve. He'd finally learned that her name– through the other two saying it, no one told him– was Max.

Steve nodded, flicking the lighter open and closed again. Open, closed, open, closed.

"Are you're, like, totally, 100% sure it wasn't a bear?" She asked, sceptically.

"Shit. Don't be an idiot. Okay?" Dustin sighed. "It wasn't a bear. Why are you even here if you don't believe us?"

Max raised her eyebrows.

"Just go home," Dustin told her, sounding annoyed.

"Geesh. Someone's cranky," Max started to climb up the ladder. "Past your bedtime?"

Steve looked at Dustin, "That's good. Just show her you don't care." He told him quietly.

"I don't."

Steve nodded and winked at him.

"Why are you winking, Steve? Stop."

Steve blinked and shrugged. Then he went back to flicking the lighter open, then closed. Open, closed, open, closed.

King Of Hawkins High[Stranger Things Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now