Ten - Season Two

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"It's crap, I know," Steve sighed, tapping his finger on the steering wheel. He'd given Nancy one of his essays so she could read it over before he turned it in. He was not confident in it, which was part of the reason why he'd given it to Nancy. He kind of wanted her to confirm that it was, indeed, crap.

"No, it's no crap." Nancy flipped through the pages.

"It's not good,"

"It's going to be," Nancy reassured him. "Just... it needs some re-organizing."

Steve sighed. He knew it was crap and he didn't know how to fix it, even with Nancy's help.

"Can I mark on it?" She asked.

"Yeah, I guess," he shrugged.

"So, in the first paragraph," Nancy began, "you used the baseball game versus Northern as a metaphor for your life, which is great."

Steve nodded, and she continued, "But then, around here, you start talking about your granddad's experience in the war. Um, and I... don't see how they're connected."

"It connects because... because, you know, we both won," he explained, and Nancy didn't say anything to that. "Do you think I should start from scratch?" He asked, hoping he wouldn't have to. It would take forever and he knew he wouldn't be able to do it.

"No. I mean..." She paused, looking over the paper again. "When's the deadline?"

"It's tomorrow for early application," he replied. "Can you, I mean, can you come and help me tonight?"

She shook her head, "We have our dinner tonight, remember?"

"Oh my god!" Steve threw his head back on the headrest with frustration.

"We already canceled last week."

Steve groaned with annoyance.

"You don't have to go. Just work on this."

"No, no, no. What's the point?" He took the paper back and crumbled it up.

"Hey, calm down."

He took a breath. "I'm calm. I'm calm. I'm just being honest. You know, I mean... I'll just end up working for my dad anyway."

"That's not true," Nancy shook her head.

"I don't know, Nance. Is that such a bad thing?" Steve asked. "There's insurance and benefits and all that adult stuff." He shrugged, "And if I took it, you know, I could be around for your senior year."


"Just to look after you a little bit. Make sure you don't forget about this pretty face." He said, deflecting the conversation from his essay. From him. He didn't like talking about himself.

Nancy chuckled and looked away.

"Nance, I'm serious."

Nancy turned back around and Steve kissed her. He loved doing that. He loved Nancy. 

"I love you,"

"I love you, too," she smiled.

A car suddenly screeched loudly into the parking lot, and they both turned to look. It was a very nice, black Chevrolet Camaro. The two got out of Steve's car as the Chevrolet parked haphazardly in the school parking lot. The license plate was from California, and two people soon exited the car. A guy with big boots, a denim jacket, and a mullet that looked like he'd just transferred to Hawkins, and a girl with bright red hair and matching jacket, and a skateboard, who was definitely in middle school.

As the girl skateboarded away to Hawkins Middle, and the guy walked down to the high school, several girls stared at him as he went by. 'Jeez, who was that guy? Nice car, nice hair, from California. What was he doing in Hawkins of all places?' Steve shook his head. It wasn't his business anyway, but he was curious.

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