Ch-45 'Attack'

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It was almost evening they had returned early today, roaming & not seeing the certain male anywhere they chose to head to library for a while. Other then reading & study it was also a great spot for work, view and relaxing.

They randomly walks inside, further noticing a certain figure resting on the table, head down-

Phone, water bottle, chocolate bar and Books spread around him but all they could focus on was just his peacefully sleeping face. His head to his right side bangs touching his forehead, eyes closed. as they just watches him not knowing for how long- till they were snapped out by a ding on Taehyung's phone-

Hoseok : I think we shouldn't disturb him lets leave.

They all quickly nods, leaving.

It was not even twenty minutes later that they all returns cursing at eachother. After they had left early & tried to return from under eachother's noses they instead had ended up catching eachother coming here.

They seats down in the library cause it was so peaceful and quiet there and Taehyung wouldn't wake up easily cause of how deep his sleep is, turning on their phones they checks the files.

It was after they don't know how long that a maid came finding them- it was dinner time. They tells the maid to leave & that they would wake him up themselves.

The door closes, as they just looks at his face a small smile making it's way to their lips the way he was looking so peaceful sleeping brought relief to them.

As they calls to wake him up getting surprised with each passing second as Taehyung doesn't even moves. Even though he had told them about his deep sleep but still they were shocked cause last time he had taken meds but now he was sleeping as if someone had covered his ears or had drugged him.

They calls him getting louder by the second as they also knocks on the table and finally after trying for so long their hard work became a fruit as they sees him slightly moving. And they calls him more so he doesn't just go back to sleep again.

Taehyung sits up rubbing his eyes & looks at the front to see who was waking him up only to spot them standing there looking at him.

"Good evening Tae." They speaks so softly.

Taehyung digs his nails on the thumb of the same hand to make sure he isn't imagining things in a way that they doesn't notices it- not to embarrass himself like last time when they had woken him up. Feeling the light pain it was confirmed that they were indeed real-

Tae : G-Good evening H-Hyungs.

Yoongi : Sorry to wake you up Tae but it was cause the dinner's ready Mamma's calling us all.

"I-Its okay d-don't be sorry." Taehyung nods.

Namjoon : So lets go then.

Taehyung looks up again & nods taking his phone this time without them telling him he walks first ahead of them.

Taehyung had initially planned on skipping the dinner today but it wouldn't do any harm eating right? Besides he doesn't want to upset Yuna.

Reaching the dinning hall they also seats down, everyone else was already their so the dinner started.

Yuna : Bear hows the Chicken?

"Mhmm I-Its so, very t-tasty Mamma." Taehyung lets out still chewing. Yuna & Taehyung weren't sitting close so the two had to speak a little loudly, the others just looks at them hearing the change of name.

Yuna : Oh I'm glad you liked it, i made it specially for you today knowing how much you like meat.

Tae : T-Thank you Mamma.

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