0 | Prologue

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At the brink of a moonlit abyss, I stand my heart pounding in my chest as I gaze into the swirling darkness below. The cool night air wraps around me, carrying whispers of secrets long and forgotten. In the distance, the faint sound of a howling wolf eches through the night, sending shivers down my spine.

Towering trees whispered secrets in a language only they understood, swaying in rhythmic melody with the gentle breeze, while the unseen heartbeat of the ground pulsed beneath my feet, as if the earth itself had a heartbeat. The air carried the scent of moss, magic, and something more, permeating the atmosphere, beckoning me deeper, pulling me in.

"Come closer," it beckoned, its tone both alluring and foreboding. My heart quickened as I heeded its call, stepping tentatively forward into the unknown. The pull was too strong to ignore as I found myself treading through the ethereal woods, the air silent, the whispering trees holding countless secrets along with the gentle lullaby of the breeze.

Venturing deeper into the forest, the trees began to thin out, revealing a small clearing bathed in moonlight. The air shifted, a mysterious tune dancing in the atmosphere, adding to the surreal ambiance.

"Sirena," the voice called out, the sound both familiar and mysterious. I hesitated, my heart pounding in my chest as I searched for the source of the voice. The faint sound of a howling wolf could be heard in the distance, echoing through the night, sending shivers down my spine.

Without warning, the wind picked up, as if answering the call. The atmosphere shifted in anticipation of someone or something approaching.

"Come," the voice urged again, "Sirena."

In the distance, a figure emerged from the shadows—a wolf, its fur a blend of silver and obsidian, its eyes pools of darkness that seemed to hold stories from centuries past. With each step, the ground tremored, as it padded towards me with a grace that belied its size.

As the wolf drew closer, I felt a connection stirring within me, a sense of familiarity that defied explanation. Its eyes met mine, and for a fleeting moment, it felt like it was looking right through me. The wolf's onyx eyes held mine, searching.

I knelt, reaching out hesitantly, unsure if I should. Sensing my hesitation, the wolf nudged my hand gently, encouraging me. Without hesitation, I reached out to touch the wolf, my hand trembling with anticipation.

Suddenly, the wolf stands still, its ears perking up as something catches its attention. It turns, facing into the distance. Wondering what it sees, I follow its gaze, and a silhouette materializes—a regal figure cloaked in moonlight. The Alpha, majestic and powerful, exuding an aura of command and vulnerability. An unspoken understanding passes between us, and together, we embark on a journey through the dreamscape.

The forest transforms into a tapestry of memories and premonitions, snippets of a forgotten past, fragments of a destiny yet to unfold, all woven into the fabric of this surreal realm. He makes his way toward me, a connection forming between us. I feel drawn to this mysterious man, who carries himself with confidence, authority, and intimidation. My eyes are glued to him, and I wonder about the strange feelings bubbling inside me. We may not know each other, but it feels like we've known one another forever.

With every step he takes closer, an undeniable connection sparks between us, electrifying the air with anticipation. Each stride he takes echoes with the silent promise of countless untold tales, leaving me breathless with curiosity and wonder.

As he stands before me, his presence envelops me in a mesmerizing aura, stirring emotions within me that I struggle to comprehend. My heart races with a mixture of excitement and apprehension, as if sensing that his arrival heralds the beginning of an extraordinary journey.

"Hello," he says, his voice a soothing melody that resonates deep within my soul. In his gaze, I glimpse a hint of mystery and intrigue, compelling me to unravel the secrets hidden behind those enigmatic eyes.

Unable to resist the pull of fate that draws us together, I find myself entranced by his presence, eager to delve into the stories that lie waiting to be told.

A distant howl echoes, and shadows deepen as his silver eyes lock with mine, a silent message passing between us. Before I can comprehend anything, I'm enveloped in shifting fog, the mysterious man slowly disappearing from my sight. Unable to see anything, I'm disoriented, but as the fog dissipates, I see a majestic seat before me—a throne imbued with power and ancient magic.

Two thrones stand tall, symbols of royalty and destiny. The mysterious man appears again, his hand gesturing for me to take it. I walk toward him, my eyes fixed on his outstretched hand. Upon touching it, a tingle travels up my arm, surprising me. Without thinking, I reach for his hand, but his grip tightens around mine. Our eyes meet, and a gentle smile plays on his lips.

"It's okay," his voice, like golden honey, reaches my ears. "You can trust me." And for some reason, I do. He leads me to the throne, each step echoing, drawing me closer to my destiny. Gesturing to the throne, he calls me "My queen." It's a title I never expected, and I'm filled with confusion and wonder.

Taking my place by his side, his hand firmly clasped in mine, I feel a sense of belonging and acceptance. "I'm so glad I've finally found you," he says, and a smile forms on my lips. All I ever wanted was to be loved and accepted, even if only for a moment. Side by side, connected as one, we face the uncertain future together.

The dream distorts, shimmering, and everything around me seems to melt away. "We will meet soon, my queen," his words echo in my mind as I awaken with a start. The weight of destiny lingers, shaping the waking world, and I carry with me the knowledge that visions, like shadows, are cherished until the day when they become reality.

Side by side, as one.

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