Chapter Two

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*Edited Twice by @Iradiatetrouble & @divergentdaylighters
Last edit: January 1, 2015 *

After Break and a boring Science class, I went to my locker to see Tori standing there, waiting.

"Hey Hun, I'm going to get a ride with Katy since you have detention," Tori said and I nodded saying 'Okay', while shoving all my books into my locker.

"Oh wait! Don't you have that photo shoot?" Tori whispered.

"Shoot! It's at the exact time detention let's out," I said, worried.

"It's okay. Usually, the teacher, Mr. Owl, falls asleep or forgets about detention duty, so it will probably be you and then some other kids. You can easily sneak out, but don't forget to sign your name on the sheet in the front of the room, or else you'll get another detention," Tori said, giving me a reassuring smile.

"Okay, but if I get caught and get in trouble, I'm so blaming you," I sighed.

"Finally, Clover Thompson is going to do something bad," Tori squealed, causing a few people to look at us. She waved her hands shooing people, and then told everyone to move on.

"Okay well, I have to go. I'll text you later, after the photoshoot," I said, grabbing my bag with a few books in it, and shutting my locker.

"Okay, bye girl!" Tori said, waving, as I headed off to detention. I checked the slip: Room 218. I quickly rushed off to the room and walked in to see, only one group of kids. Of course, it's Andrew Carter's group of bad boys. His group complies of 6 people: Zach, Jack, Jake, Jordan, Michael and Andrew himself.

"Whoa, boys. Look what we have here. Looks like the rumours of the nerd getting a detention are true," Andrew laughed. I mentally rolled my eyes, and just sat in the back, opposite to Andrew and his group

"Aww, does the little nerd not talk?" Jake said, making everyone laugh again. I once again ignored them, and remembered that I had to sign in. I signed my name on the paper before sitting down again. Next thing I knew, I felt a presence next to me.

I let out a frustrated sigh, "Yes?"

"Ohh, so the nerd does talk," Andrew replied.

"Yes, I talk. Now why don't you mind your own business?" I snapped, annoyed. I checked my phone and saw that it's 2:15. Great, I have 15 minutes till the photo shoot.

"What's wrong? already annoyed at us?" Andrew said.

"Yes, and I have somewhere to be," I snapped again. Jeez, I really need to stop snapping, or else he can ruin my whole senior year just because I'm talking to him like this, I thought to myself.

"I see the girl has an attitude," Jordan said, snickering to himself.

"Yeah, she does doesn't she? Maybe we'll have to fix that little attitude problem," Andrew said, walking over to the front of my desk. But just as he was about to say something else, my phone went off.

I checked the caller ID. Great, it's Mary. Ignoring all the curious glances, I answered the phone.

"Hello," I said.

"Clover Ann Thompson! Where are you? The photo shoot starts in less than 10 minutes! You should be here by now!" Mary yelled through the phone.

"I know, I know. I totally forgot, I'm at Tori's house right now and I'll leave right now and meet you there." I said.

"Okay, well if you're not here in 10 minutes, Mr. Smith will have both of our heads," Mary said, causing me to let out a small laugh.

"I'll be there in ten minutes,"
We said our goodbyes and hung up.

"Look boys, now the nerd is sneaking out and lying. Are we sure this is the nerd, because she seems like a little bad girl. I mean sneaking out on her first detention," Andrew said, his smirk never leaving his face.

"Listen Andrew, I don't have time for your stupid games and please do me a favour and do not tell Mr. Owl that I left. Make up some excuse if he comes back," I begged, nervously biting my lip.

"Well Thompson, what are you going to do for me?" Andrew asked, getting way too close for comfort.

"I don't know. Anything, but I seriously have to go, so please cover for me," I begged again.

"Fine, but you have to do whatever I ask for the next 3 weeks," Andrew said.

"Deal," I said quickly, grabbing my bag, taking out my keys, rushing out of the classroom and out of the school straight to my ugly mini-van. I jumped in and threw the wig off, put the retainer and glasses in their cases, and quickly drove off straight to the photo shoot.

A/N: Ello Loves! I know it's kinda short but sorry about that.

What do you think of Andrew?

Overall opinion?

Well you know the drill,






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