Chapter 23: Thats what Best Friends are for

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"Clover?!?" Tori yelled walking into my kitchen where I was eating a Apple.

"What are you doing?!? I thought you were coming to pick me up. I had to walk all the way here."Tori sighed dramtially sitting on the stool.

"You had to walk 6 houses. I have had to run 3 miles you'll live."I snapped causing Tori to frown.

"Okay who p*ssed in your Cheerios?" She said grabbing a Apple.

"Im sorry. I'm really stressed."I said sighing.

"Wait why are you wearing a pair of White Short Shorts a White Lace Shirt see through Crop top that lets people see your Victoria Secret Bra? and a pair of Designer Coach Sunglasses? Black Strappy Gladiator Sandals? and no wig or fake glass or retanier? Okay Where the Hell are you going?" Tori asked.(A/N: Picture of Clover on the side!!!)

"To school." I said with a serious face causing Tori to burst out laughing.

"Thats Funny now hurry up and change. We can make it to school right before the bell rings if we leave now."Tori said grabbing my Van keys off the hook.

"Does it look like im joing?" I asked with a frown causing Tori to sit back down dropping the keys on the counter.

"What Happened?"Tori asked.

"Someone broke in last night-"

"Oh my gosh are you okay?!?"Tori said intterupting and seeing for any injuries. I glared at her and she mumbled a sorry.

"Like I was saying someone broke in last night. I wasn't home but the dorr was opened when Andrew was walking by and when I got home Andrew told me he didn't see anyone inside but last night when I was laying down I noticed my Left Dresseer Drawer was opened and my Nerd Clothes were all gone. But in the spot of them was this note." I said handing Tori the letter. She quickly read it and gasped. 

"So Your just gonna give up? Gonna go to school Lucky and Expose that Your Clover Thompson. The Girl who is Victoria Secrets Angel, Forever 21's Model. Your Gonna give up your secret like that. You Model for so many places and your gonna give up your secret because a B*tch is in your buisness. You falling into there trap. Show them your not gonna give up your secret that easily. We are gonna miss first Block but I Don't care. I'll be back i'm gonna borrow those Floral Skinny Jeans and a White Sleeve Less Blouse you have and just  your other pair of those Black Gladiator Sandals you have. I'll be back down in 5 minutes." Tori said taking off her School Clothes. Since she is a Model she still has to look nice and wear designer clothes when she isn't at school. Tori may not have to hide her identity because she isn't that big but she still has to look nice. She has only been a model for a year and a half which explains why she doesn't get attacked for being a Model. Yet. Give it a few years and she will never be left alone.This Recent Fashion Show was actually her first Show in her life.

"Hey Clo."Tori said walking from upstairs.

"Where are we going Tori?" I said annoyed not having time to deal with this.

"We my Friend are going to the Store."Tori said replacing my Van keys to my Red Ferarri Keys.

"You are not driving My Baby!!" I said taking the keys from her. "I just bought that car before we left for New York." 

"Okay, Okay Chill. Drive to that place that sells everythign. Including Wigs."Tori said as we started pulling out of my driveway.

"The Mall?" I question amused.

"Yes thats it!!"Tori Exclaimed as I drove their causing me to let out a small laugh. When we parked I took out the keys and looked at Tori Questioning.

"No Questions Lets just go!!" She said getting out and I followed behind her. She dragged me to the Hair place.

"Hello Ladies What Can I do for ya?" A girl named Daisy asked us.

"I need to look at all the Brown Wigs." Tori demanded.

"Please," I added and Tori just rolled her yes.

"We only have a few Brown Wigs But you may look."Daisy said pointing over to the shelfs. Tori waisted no time in dragging me over there.

"To Short,Boys,Thats not even Brown."Tori Listed and groaned.

"What about this one. It looks like my old one just longer."I said and tried it on.

"Perfect!! Lets go buy it and we will cut it."Tori said as she went to buy it. The wig went down to my butt so after we bought it we cut it so it went a little longer then my shoulders.

"Next  lets go to Pink!!" Tori said.

"Why are we going to pink?" I questioned as she dragged me out of the Salon.

"Because if we go their then we can get Glasses!!" She said with a duh voice and I pauesd.

"You can get Nerd glasses their we have to go to a actual Eye Place."I said and went the opposite way.

"Right? I Knew that."Tori said and we rushed into the eyeglass place.

"Did you get your Perscription for these Glasses."The Lady asked.

"Listen Lady We don't need a Perscription. We are paying $80 dollars for these so just giver her the glasses so we can move on with are lives."Tori snapped and the lady just rolled her eyes and handed us the bag.

"What else?" I asked.

"We need to get you a retainer."She said and I shook my head.

"For now I can live without it."I said and she nodded.

"What time is it?"Tori asked and I checked my IPhone.

"We have 20 minutes till 1st block ends so we just have to get home and change." I said,

"Nope we won't make it before second Block so we will have to go to school and you can change before the bell rings. I grabbed a pair of Baggy Jeans and just a Purple Tank Top and a Black hoodie."Tori said and I nodded.

"We will make sure the bathroom is cleared then you can stay guard while I change then I will Go check in with the office and  you can change." I said and she nodded. I quickly arrived at school and we stuck with plan and everything worked out perfectly. 

"Tori!!Clover!! You made it!!" Katy said as Tori and I walked to second block. 

"Yea we both had a sleep over and stayed up late."Tori said with a fake smile.

"Oh Well you didn't miss anything amazing."Katy said boredly.

"Yea?"I said.

"Wait actually Andrew has his new girl of the day."Katy said.

"Who is the B*tch this time?"Tori said rolling her eyes.

"Anne."Katy said walking with us.

"Anne?From Stacey's Group? I asked.

"Yup. Well got to go. See you Later." Katy said with a wave and left.

"Tori!!I Think we forgot about something!!" I said with wide eyes.

"What?" She asked.

"We Brought the Ferarri to school!!! No one in the whole school has a car as nice as that!!"I said and Tori Froze.

"Yea this is not good. Guess we are taking the bus home."Tori said shrugging and kept walking.

"This is my Baby. My Ferarri. I am not leaving her Here."I said as I caught up with her.

"Her?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes Her. I named her Emma." I said Matter-Of-Factly.

"Okay well then we will have to be the last ones leaving." Tori said and I said Okay as we walked into Math.

"Oh and Tori?" I said when we sat down.

"Yea?" She asked looking at me.

"Thank You." I Said with a Smile.

"What are Best Friends For?"  She said with a smile and continued looking for whatever she was looking for.



"Hey Clo,Tori." Chris said as we sat down next to them.

"Where have you been?" Jasmin asked picking at her fries.

"We had a sleepover last night and were up late so we slept in." I said eating my salad. I know your thinking Again?Or thats so typical she doesnt want to get fat so she starves herself with Salad. But No I seriously Love Salad my favorite dressing is Italian.

"Oh Really?"Jasmin said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yea its not the first time."I said ignoring her stare. She Obviously doesn't believe me but she shrugged it off anyway.


"Hey Babe"Andrew said sitting down next to me causing me to scowl at him.

"Why are you here?Again?"I asked annoyed.

"We are all Best Friends Now!! I mean we have all been to Jail together. Well not including Tori but I never liked her much anyways."Andrew said stealing a Fry from Jasmin causing her to glare at him.

"Don't worry the feeling is mutual."Tori said with a scowl on her face.

"Hello."Katy Squealed sitting down by Chris.

"Whats got you all Excited?" I asked Katy.

"Caleb Brown Just asked me out!!" Katy said Squealing again.

"What did you say?" Tori asked and everyone gave her a 'Are You Serious' Look and she Just looked away sipping on her Milkshake.

"Obviously she said Yes DUmb Ass."Andrew said rolling his eyes.

"Oh Congrats. Let us know how it goes."Tori said glaring at Andrew.

"Of Course I will and Tori a tip of advice you shouldn't drink that large milkshake. You don't want to gain any weight."Katy said sweetly.

"Oh Yea um I'm --"Tori starting saying but I cut her off.

"Tori can eat 60 Burgers and will never get fat so she is good but Thanks for looking out for her Katy."I said with a fake smile. Tori gave me a Thankful Smile.

"Oh Tori I didn't mean to offend you!! I hope I didn't"Katy said apologetically. But I still could tell there was a glint in her eye that showed she really didn't mean her apology. I just shrugged it off. Maybe I'm seeing things. I thought and listened to their conversation. After I went to Lunch I went to my Locker and a Purple Envolope fell out of it when I opened it. Luckly no one was with me. I notice on the front of the Envelope there was a Kiss mark. Who ever is sending me these is definetley is a girl. I opened it and I read the note,

Dear Clover,

Nice Job getting a new Outfit but you can't hide forever. I tried being Nice and letting you expose being Lukcy yourself but now you ruined it So I guess its my turn. Clover your secret will be out soon Enough. Have a Great day.

I Quickly put the note in my purse and left to Science with many thoughts running through my head.

A/N: Okay First I have a few questions for all of you and the first two people to comment will get a dedication. Now I was wondering Instead If I didn't do a Sequel and I did kinda like a Spin- Off of the book.Would you read it?  For those who don't know what a Spin-off is. It is a Book or Movie that has different characters but its kinda has the same Idea as the book or movie before. I thought it would be a good idea to Spin-off. Since a few people said they like these kinds of books I thought it would be Fun to write a story about ,

A.) A Girl Going into a Boys Boarding School Undercover
B.) A Secret Agent going Undercover in Highschool.

If anyone is interested Comment and let me know A or B. I can also write the Summary's for them and you could let me know if You like them. Next Question, What Do you think Clover should do about the Notes? Let me kno What you guys think. I now have 10,725 reads on this Story so thank you so much!! Remember first 2 to answer both questions get dedications. Please Let Me know so far these are the suspects that people have commented for the Unknown POV,


Keep letting me know Who You think it is even if you change your mind. I know this is a long Authors note. Very sorry about that but you all Know the drill,





I'm a Model that's Undercover as The School's NerdWhere stories live. Discover now