Chapter 32: Shopping for Prom and A talk with mother

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A/N: 4 Chapters Left including the Epilogue!! I'm not ready to say goodbye to this story :( Anyways,




Chapter 32: Shopping for Prom and a Talk with Mother


~Clover's POV ~

Next week was Prom and everyone was freaking out. All the girls around the school keep coming up to me for advice and guys keep asking to take me to Prom which in results Andrew either punches the guy or scares him off. You know the usual thing every boyfriend does. Tori ended up getting asked by Michael which caused me to threaten to chop off his precious jewels if he does anything douche like and Jasmin got asked by Zach. Chris and the rest of the guys are just gonna take some random girl.

"So where are we going shopping?" Jasmin asked as she took a bite of her Salad. Right now we are together at a small diner eating salads. Why are we eating salads you may ask. Well we can't get fat and not fit into our future dresses. Plus after you eat your stomach is fatter for a few hours so we have to eat light to make sure that does not happen.

"Well I was thinking we should go to debs." I suggested and the girls nodded.

"Yea that sounds like a good idea. If your ready we can go."Tori said and we threw out our food and headed to Debs. When we got their we decided to pick out dresses for each other. I was looking for a dress for Jasmin. Jasmin was looking for a dress for Tori and Tori was looking for a dress for me. I thought a Red dress would go good with her. It was a Hot red dress that was Sequenced at the top and had a belt around the waist. The went all the way to the floor and their was a rip on the side. I then picked out a pair of black Platform heels.

"Okay I have your dress Jasmin!!" I exclaimed. I knew this was perfect for her. We all met up at the dressing rooms and handed each other the dresses and tried them on. I slid on the dress and looked in the mirror. It was Gorgeous!! I knew this was the one. It was a strapless two tone dress with high low hem and glitter, it stopped about mid thigh but the back blowed out to a little bit above my ankle. I put on the pair of Sparkly platform Open toes heels and stepped out of the dressing room.

"Tori you sure do know how to pick out a dress!!" I said. Tori looks Beautiful. She was wearing a Pink dress that was Sparkly. At the top it was sequenced then had a ribbon rapped around right underneath the bust and it was Puffy at the bottom. It went only a few inches above her knee. She supported it with a pair of White thick platform opened toed heels. Just like I thought Jasmin looked perfect.

"The guys are gonna die when they see us!!" Jasmin exclaimed spinning around showing off her dress.

"Jasmin how come you haven't signed up for modelling yet!!" I scolded.

"I'm not fit for modelling. I'm not confident and I don't have the right curves." Jasmin said with a sigh.

"Then we can work on helping you become more confident. But you need to show off that body girl!" Tori said with a encouraging smile and I nodded in agreement.

"I will have Sarah get you an Appointment a month from today." I said and she blushes.

"Thanks girls." She smiled.

"Any day now lets change out of these dresses and head to your house for our girls night!" Tori said and we all went back in changing back into our clothes. The price of all the dresses came up to a total of $698 but it was worth it. I had to drop off Jasmin as Tori at their house since they needed to pack their stuff and Tori and Jasmin were gonna go shopping for the junk food while I got the movies set up. I arrived home and seen my mothers car in my drive way and groaned. This cannot be anything good.

"Cover!! It's so nice for you to join me." My mother said with no emotion in her voice.

"Hello Mom." I said sitting down across from her in the living room.

"What are you doing home?" I asked nervous. I knew what was coming.

"I just wanted to see my daughter." She said staring at me with no emotion.

"Really?" I asked with hopefully.

"No. I'm here to talk about your "boyfriend" She said putting air quotes with her fingers as she said boyfriend.

"Oh about Andrew.." I said trailing off nervously

"This is the same boy that put your career at risk and this is the same boy who put you in a Cell that you do not derserve to be in." My mother said disgust obvious in her voice.

"Listen Mo-"

"Does he make you happy?" She asked cutting me off.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"Does this Andrew boy make you happy?" She asked me.

"Yes. Very. He has made me happier then I have been in 6 years." I said with a small smile.

"Good. I would like to meet this boy in person tomorrow." My mother said.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Clover?" My mom said moving over to sit next to me. She put her hand on my lap looking at me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You do know I have missed you and I do not and never will blame you for Aria's death. Your father may but I never will. I have come to realise over the past few weeks that even though I lost Aria I still have another Beautiful daughter that has a Amazing Career and is going somewhere in life." She said giving me a sincere look.

"Thank you." I whispered giving her a hug. She was surprised when I first rapped my arms around her but after her minute of shock she Hugged me back.

"How long are you gonna be here for?" I asked her realising from the hug.

"Till you graduate school." My mother said with a smile causing me to gasp.

"What about your businesses?" I asked with a toothy smile.

"Who cares about my business right now. All I care about is seeing my Baby girl Graduate. I have assistants and workers for that. I need to try and be a better mother for you." She said standing up." What are you doing tonight?" She asked me.

"Well I was gonna have Tori and my other friend Jasmin sleepover to have a girls night but I can cancel it."I said.

"No.No.No. Don't let your old mother ruin your night." She said shaking her head.

"We will have a Day to our selves soon then." I said and she nodded.

"For sure." She smiled and walked over to the kitchen.

"Now the party don't start till I walk in!!" Tori yelled walking into my house causing me to laugh. She was wearing a pair of Sunglasses that had pop up lets on the top saying 2013 and then a Black Michael Jackson like hat. She was holding a Black stereo that was playing Ke$ha's song Tick Tock.

"No,No, No. Wait Don't stop the partayyyyy!!" Jasmin yelled walking in after as Tori changed the song. We blasted the music so loud that I'm positive the neighbours could here it. We started our girls night dancing around in our pjs and singing with brushes.

We ended up getting a knock on the door around 9 o'clock.

"I'll get it." My mum said walking into the room causing the girls to freeze.

"Mrs, Thomspons." You said standing straighter.

"Oh please you have known me since you were in elementary school call me Valerie." My Mother said and Tori nodded.

"Your moms home and your on good terms again?" Tori asked surprised and I nodded with a smile we went to the door and stop behind my mom to see if was the next door neighbour and a police officer.

"Clover. The officer and the neighbour would like to know if you girls can quiet down a little." My mother said.

"Sorry for partying rockin." The girls and I say causing my mom to laugh but she covered it with a cough.

"It's fine. Have a nice night." The officer said leaving and the neighbour gave us a glare and walked off.

"I always knew that neighbour had something against us." My mom said shaking her head. "I ordered pizza it should be here soon." She said and left into the other room.

"Move time?" Jasmin asked and we nodded.

**1 Hour and a half later**

"Oh my gosh Edward why must you be so Hot but so cruel. How can you leave her!!" Jasmin said.

"No Jacobs the hot one!! I mean look at the size pack." Tori said.

"Hey Tori you have a little dribble." I said and she wiped her chin and glared.

"Dribble?" Jasmin asked.

"Drool." I said and she nodded.

"Another non American term." Jasmin asked and I nodded with a small smile.

"No Bella your a Idiot why in jells world did you choose Edward!!" Tori complained throwing pop corn at the 65 in flat screen.

"Because Edward is a Hot vampire!!" I said with a duhh tone.

"Thank you!!" Jasmin said holding up her hand giving me a high five.

"Jacob Baby don't worry I'll marry you!!" Tori said sighing dreamily.

"What about Michael?" Jasmin asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh yea. He'll live." Tori said waving her hand in a uncaring matter.

"Yea if Robert Ever came up to me asking me to Marry Him I would take him in a heart beat and drop Zach like he's hot." Jasmin said snapping her fingers.

"I wouldn't drop Andrew." I said popping a piece of popcorn in my mouth. Tori and Jasmin gave me a look.

"Okay I totally would I mean Robert is Sexy but so is Taylor!! They both have Abs and their hot!! I just can't choose." I said shaking my head with a sigh.

"I knew it Andrew, Michael and Zach may be Hot but they can't be compared to Robert and Taylor." Jasmin said and Tori and I nodded. We spent the rest of the night watching movies like, The Notebook, all the twilights, 50 first dates and more. It was nice to just relax with the girls for the night.


A/N: This was absolutely rubbish once again. Thanks for all the comments I need about 2K till I reach my goal!! I have 4 chapters left so I'm trying to earn it before then!! I'll update soon. You all know the drill,






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