Chapter 28: Moms and Cakes

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Chapter 28: Moms and Cake.


~Clover's POV ~

I woke up the next morning and realized I wasn't in my room. The memories of last night rushed through my head making me smile. I got out of The bed and went into the bathroom. I did my business and fixed up my crazy bed head then walked into the kitchen where Andrew's mom was.

"Hello." She chirped.

"Ello. Thank you for letting me stay over last night."I said sitting down on the chair.

"Oh no problem dear. Would you like some eggs and bacon?" She asked and I nodded.

"Sure. Is Andrew still sleeping?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Nope actually he went to go pick up some bacon he should be here any-"

"Ma I'm back." Andrew said walking into the kitchen.

"Now." She finished.

"Thank you. I'll get started right away!!"Shelby said already taking the bacon out of the package.I looked at Andrew noticing he was wearing a pair of black jeans that hung low showing off his V-line and a pair of combat boots then a white wife beater and a black Leather Jacket. I looked up to see Andrew Smirking at me.

"I know I look good but no need to drool." Andrew said causing me to roll my eyes.

"Arrogant much?" I said as we walk out of the kitchen towards the living room. After about a hour Shelby called us in the kitchen to eat. We shut off the tv and sat down. When I sat next to Andrew I noticed their was a girl next to his mother. She must be Jenna.

"Oh Hello I'm Jenna, I'm Andrews sister." Jenna said said smiling politely.

"Oh I'm- " I started to say but she interrupted me.

"Clover Thompson. I know. You are like my inspiration!! I wish I was as pretty as you." Jenna gushed causing me to smile.

"You already beautiful enough I'm positive you can be a model with those beautiful Brown curls." I said which Meade her then very red.

"Jenna how do you know Clover?" Shelby asked her daughter.

"Mom she is a Model!!" Jenna said in a duhh voice.

"Oh really? I had no idea! Did you show Andrew your photo shoot pictures? Because a while ago when me and Jenna were shopping you came over and you sadly left before I got home but when I did Andrew was standing in the kitchen blush, I mean clover you should hav-"

"All right Mom she gets it."

"Seen him he was like a little school girl. If I would of got him a wig and and let him wear Jenna's uniform. Oh then their was this one time when he was 4 -"

"Mom!!" Andrew exclaimed as red as a tomato as I sat here laughing. Shelby stopped talking and gave him a confused glance.

"What?" She asked.

"Can you stop talking?" He asked his mother well more like demanded.

"Andrew Carter!! That is no way to talk to your mother!! Now please Shelby continue I would love to here more stories." I smiled as Andrew sent me a glare.

"Oh okay darling.Their was this one time when Andrew was 10 and he wanted his first leather." And that how I spent my morning listening to Shelby tell me baby stories and show me pictures about Andrew as he sulked in the corner.


"That was so embarrassing." Andrew groaned as we sat on his bed.

"You really Pissed on your cake at your own birthday party." I said holding my stomach as I laughed.

"It wasn't exactly my fault!!" Andrew said as he started turning red.

"Yea, yea, yea whatever you say BadBoy." I said Patting his chest.

"Oh here my mom washed your clothes." Andrew said handing me a pile of. I thanked him and quickly rushed off to the bathroom to change. As I walked back into Andrew's room and I handed Andrew his sisters clothes.

"Well I have to go but I'll talk to you later. Thanks for last night I had fun." I said with a smile as I grabbed my purse.

"Yea no problem. I'm glad you had fun. I hope that means I get a 2 second date. But as your Boyfriend. " Andrew said and it took me a second to process what he was saying. I smirked Turing around as we now stood at the front door.

"Is that your way of asking me to be your girlfriend Mr.Badboy?" I asked stepping toward him and putting my hands on his chest." If that's the case then I would love to be your girlfriend. I look forward to that second date Mr.Carter." I said teasing him as I brushed my lips against his but then stepped away opening the door. Andrew groaned and stopped me by grabbing my hand.

"You can't leave like that." Andrew said smashing his lips onto mine.

"Mm I think I can." I said pulling away a little. He ignored my comment and pulled my face foreword again putting his lips on mine. We got interrupted by sniffling. We pulled back to see Shelby holding a video camera while crying.

"This is so adorable. My little Andrew is growing up. Now I don't have to worry about you getting any STDs or Mono. Well you still could get Mono but their is now a less of a chance. I'm going to send this to your Aunt Mallory!!" Shelby said squealing and running into a different room. Andrew stood there with his mouth opened. I'm Pretty sure my Jaw has dropped too.

"Andrew I'm sorry to say this but your mother is crazy." I said still staring where she was standing.

"No need to be sorry of something I already knew. I can't believe she got all that on video." Andrew said shaking his head with a sigh."I'm gonna go try to stop her from sending that to everyone and posting that on YouTube so I will text you later." He said giving me a quick peck on the lips. I left out the door grabbing my keys. As I walked out to my car I heard Andrew yell,

"Ma the whole world does not need to see that." He said causing me to let out a chuckle and I got in my car and left. When I arrived there were hundreds of paparazzi swarming my door. I decided to be nice and answer some questions and sign a few autographs and went inside. On my table was a Cake with white frosting and blue frosting along the edge then on it it said in pink frosting,

Dear Clover,

So nice that you decided to let your little secret out. I hope you don't think everything's over. Plenty more to come and you can't tell a word about this to anyone.Or else...



Underneath it was a kiss mark causing me to frown. I took a picture with my phone and opened my back door then threw the cake at a tree. Luckily my back yard is fenced in so no paparazzi are back their. I called Tori and told her to get her Arse over here.

~Tori's POV~

I was doing my usual once a week training at the gym today and I decided to call it a day when Clover called me panicking. I went over into the locker room they had and took a quick shower then so changed into a pair of yoga caprees and a pink spaghetti strap Tank top to match the pink fold. I picked up my purse but a purple envelope letter fell out. I picked it up and opened. It said,


Dear Tori,

Aren't you tired of living in Clover Thompson's shadows. I can fix your problem. We can work together and take Clover's career down. I could make you the number one model of Victoria secret. You wouldn't have to be Victoria, Lucky's BestFriend and the model. You could be first place in everything. Imagine the popularity at school you could get also or imagine Clover's face when she sees her BestFriend be trade her. You like the idea yet? You want to contact me talk to Anne.




I quickly made my way to my car then to Clover'a house. When I arrived I was attacked by paparazzi. I smiled and wave as they yelled things like,




I ignored all of their stupid questions and went to the front door knocking. Clover opened it a second later. She squinted from the flashing of lights and let me in. Shutting and locking the door behind me.

"What's the problem?" I asked as we went up and sat in her bedroom.

"The problem is this Unknown person is now sending me cakes!! And managed to get in my house. Again." Clover said grabbing out a pair of Adidas shorts and a Pink Victoria secret shirt she quickly changed and laid out on her bed next to me.

"You got a cake?" I asked surprised.

"Yep and this is what it said." She said handing me her IPhone. I read the note and frowned.

"What did you do with the cake?" I asked.

"I threw at a tree. Who knows what this person could of done to it!!" Clover said sounding stressed.

"True, True. But Clo I got a note too." I said taking the note out of my purse. She read it and gasped.

"They would really go this far to try and get my BestFriend to go against me." She cried. I pulled her into a hug as she cried into my shoulder." Do you feel like that Tori? Like your just a shadow behind me?" She asked.

"No." I lied. Sometimes I feel like I am a shadow but I couldn't tell her that it would make her even more upset.

"Babe. This B*tch is playing with fire now and is gonna go down." I said with a smirk as Clover continue to cry into my shoulder.

~Third person point of view~

The girl sat their smirking as she pressed the send button the mouse sending a video to everyone in Brookeville of Clover's time in Jail.

"By tomorrow her career will be down the drain." Mary smirked. The doll that resembles a certain blond girl in the girls hand she threw into the garbage as Mary lit it on fire.

"Lucky will be No more." The girls laughed together both smirking at the fire.

"When someone says or else you never test them" Mary said shaking her head with the smirk still plastered on her face.

"I can't wait to see her face when the streets are covered with paparazzi and she is on the front page of every Magazine and every newspaper with her face being smashed against the wall handcuffed." The girl said shaking her head while watching the fire.

A/N: Weird place to end but oh well. I hope you liked this chapter and sorry it took so long. I am a secret writer so no one but my BestFriend knows I write these stories. That's why it sometimes takes longer to upload. I am hoping to finish this story before the end of August so I can upload the spin-off. I actually have been working on chapters for the spin-off too!!!(: So from what you all have said its between Tori and Katy for being the Unknown POV. For all everyone knows Tori could of wrote the note herself.... Or maybe it was from someone else. I'm not giving up anything. My lips are sealed. Who is worried about Clover in the next chapter? I know I am🙋🙋🙋. Sorry if the third person Point of view was bad :/ it was my first time for writing Third person. Let me know if this chapter was good or bad. 4,000 more reads till I reach 20,000 reads!! Also I have reaches 100 comments on the story so thank you very much for all the comments and votes!!!(: so you all know the drill,






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