35- Percy

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"And the Red team wins capture the flag!" Chiron yelled just as an Ares kid ran back to his territory with the flag.

Percy watched from the sidelines and saw the red team cheer and lift the guy on his shoulders. The Ares camper let out a victory cry, and waved the flag in the air vigorously.

His eyes then drifted to the blue team, all of them were frowning or hanging their heads. Percy spotted Annabeth, near the back of the blue crowd, wearing her armor and a blue helmet. She shot a dirty look at Percy before turning around to talk to some of her blonde-haired siblings.

The tension still ran thick with Percy and Annabeth, and he hoped it didn't last any longer.

Suddenly, Percy felt a pat on his right shoulder. He turned his head and saw Dionysus, and Nyssa was standing right next to the wine god.

"Now it's your time to shine Perry and Alyssa," Dionysus said with a slightly bored tone.

Nyssa groaned. "How long is this going to take?" She asked Dionysus.

Mr.D pondered for a second. "An hour or two? Just make sure your back by the end of dinner, we are having barbecue, and it takes a lot of work to get the dishes extra clean."

"Okay campers!" Chiron yelled. "Everyone meet at the pavilion in thirty minutes to enjoy an awesome barbecue."

All the campers cheered and raced back to their cabins, nearly trampling Percy.

After all the campers fled the area, Chiron turned to Percy and Nyssa.

"Just remember to be back by dark with any weapons or amor you find. Don't hesitate to kill anything that you feel is a threat."

Percy gulped. He nearly forgot about the camps number one rule, don't go in the woods after dark, and if you do, bring a friend and some serious weapons.

Dionysus snickered. "Good luck," he said sarcastically as he and Chiron walked (and trotted?) away.

The sun was already setting and the eerie growls of monsters already filled the woods.

"So I guess we begin," Nyssa finally said, breaking the silence. She touched her gold wristwatch nervously and bit her lip.

Percy nodded. "Okay, then let's go," he said.

Percy and Nyssa began their walk into the woods. Instantly, they found a bronze knife and a helmet with a red plume on it. Several drops of blood were on the helmet.

"Schist went down here," Percy said picking up the helmet.

"When has it not?" Nyssa agreed. "Capture the flag is like a slightly less brutal hunger games."

"I remember my first capture the flag," Percy said, whilst scouring a small cave. "I nearly wet my pants when Chiron shouted go."

"Oh yeah I remember you," Nyssa said laughing.

"What?" Percy said walking out of the cave. He sat on a rock next to Nyssa. "Why is that funny?"

"Oh no reason," Nyssa said her face bright red. "It was just everyone felt so bad for you. I mean you swung your sword so awkwardly and the armor barely fit you."

Percy let our a snort. "Sure, barely is totally the right word."

"I mean we all thought that someone was going to accidentally kill you. We even betted on it."

"Wait, you betted on who would kill me?" Percy yelled, his eyes wide. A monster growl was heard in the distance.

"Yep," Nyssa said laughing. "We weren't serious about it though. Don't take it so hard, we're never serious about these kinds of things."

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