52- Leo

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"Challenge 2 will commence shortly!" Zeus boomed while Leo stood in the center of the same arena the next day.

He clutched his trusty tool belt, even though he was given the option to change his weapon.

Even though Leo won the first round, his stomach was like wasps and blood rushed in his ears. Spectators crowded the stands, but Leo couldn't hear them. His heart was palpitating a million miles an hour.

"Leo Valdez!" Zeus boomed.

Leo jumped out of his daydream and glanced up at the sky.

"You might want to stand on these."

Leo looked ahead of him, four medium sized rafts sat on the dirt arena floor.

Oh no.

Leo climbed on top of the nearest one. It was white and hard. It was only about 6x6 feet, but there was no way these could possibly float.



Oh no.

Thunder boomed from the sky. A small trickle of water could be heard. It slowly got louder. Leo felt like crying.


The sound was ocean waves. They crashed and turned and fought for dominance.

"Leo Valdez!" Zeus called. "Let the second challenge commence."

The crowd hollered, but Leo could barely hear them over the rush of water. Where would it come-


Water shot out from the side of the arena. Leo let out a blood curdling scream as the water took him to the sky. The force lifted him up higher and higher until he couldn't see the arena from the ground.

"Oh and I forgot! Just make sure you stay alive for five minutes!" Zeus mentioned.

Five minutes. A small surge of relief spread through Leo's body. It can't be that hard when it's just-"

Leo yelped in pain. He looked down at his arm where a small burn lay. It's acid water.

Leo let out another scream as the water dropped from below him and he came hurdling to the ground.

Leo felt as if his organs were being ripped from his body. It was like riding the tallest, fastest, steepest rollercoaster without a seatbelt. Leo was terrified.

Leo scavenged through his toolbelt, trying to find something like a parachute, but the thought of death crowded his mind.

Leo felt the world move in slow motion. He felt the raft fly under his legs, the whistle in his ears and finally the crash. The water shot up around him before they circulated into a double tsunami, coming in for the kill.

Leo found himself dodging acid rain droplets as quick as he could, but he knew it was no use. The water would come down on him and he would die.


Leo charged at the next raft, his feet met air and he crashed onto the new raft. He watched as 500 gallons of water crashed onto his old raft. He wondered why the spectators haven't gotten wet.

But Leo knew he couldn't sit back and watch. He had the rest of the pool to worry about.

Leo hopped from raft to raft, trying to avoid the water, struggling to make it through the full five minutes.

Waved crashed against all the rafts. Leo couldn't see the spectators anymore. It was as if he was stuck in the middle of the ocean.

The dark water gurgled below Leo. Was it sinking?

The water firecrackered up.

Not even close.

Leo screamed until is throat hurt. The water flew up as if a giant was holding it.

This was the end.

Leo couldn't see anymore rafts and fire wouldn't work this time. Leo screamed until he couldn't anymore. He closed his eyes and braced for death.

I'm sorry Calypso.

Tears streamed down his face and the sound of water crowded his ears. The wave took form of a tsunami above Leo.

"I'M SORRY CALYPSO!" Leo screeched, rawing his throat.

"I'M SORRY PERCY AND ANNABETH AND FRANK AND PIPER AND HAZEL AND JASON!" Leo screamed in between blubbers, hyperventilation and tears.

Leo could feel some acid drops burn his skin but he didn't care. His throat felt like fire, so he couldn't scream. He just silently wept on his raft, waiting for death.

"I don't want to go," he whispered in tears.

And then there was nothing.

The Return of Leo Valdez (After Blood of Olympus)Where stories live. Discover now