6- Annabeth

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3 days later, Annabeth left the infirmary bed.

Her ankle was still wrapped in bandages and she was walking around in crutches, but other than that, she was fine.

When she walked into her cabin for the first time in a long while, a ginormous banner saying welcome home Annabeth! Hung from the ceiling. Everyone was clapping and celebrating, not just because of her ankle, but because she was finally home.

Everyone was celebrating and drinking soda Connor and Travis snuck in camp. It was a great two hours.

"You saved us Annabeth!" A girl named Emily said shaking Annabeth's shoulders.

People were her giving high fives and hugging her.

There wasn't much room for a big blowout party, so people sat around talked, some people danced but everyone was attracted to Annabeth like a magnet.

Wherever she went, they went. They were always asking her questions and complementing her like-

"Annabeth what was it like?"
"Annabeth I heard you went to Tartarus, you must have been so brave!"
"Great job tricking Arachne, that was so noble."

All Annabeth said was thank you and talked about it a little bit. No one asked about her time on the Argo 2, everyone knew why that wouldn't be a good idea.

When it began to get dark all the Athena campers left their cabin and headed out to the Amphitheater for the camp fire singalong.

Up ahead she spotted Percy, laughing with Jason and Piper.

She jogged after them.

"And when the milk came out of his nose-" Percy said as he and Jason doubled over laughing.

"And then he got so surprised," Jason said in between laughter.

"He was like oh!" Percy then looked over. "Hey Annabeth."

After everyone was seated, Chiron began to speak.

"Today sadly, cannot be a happy campfire singalong like the ones in the past. Today we honor the young demigods that have died to save our home. Fortunately less brave soldiers have died in this fight than last fight. Today we honor- Amanda Dickinson, age 14 daughter of Demeter, Clovis Hailstriler, age 15, son of Hypnos, Nick Walker, age 18, son of Hermes, Pansy Albright, age 17, daughter of Demeter, Lacy Ponedatan, age 16, daughter of Aphrodite-"

Chiron still read of each name on the list. Annabeth looked around. Each camper had tears in their eyes, even Piper, Jason and Percy.

Annabeth looked down at Travis Stoll, who's tears were streaming down his face.

When Chiron was done reading the names, everyone was covered in tears.

"But today we honor several heroes who saved the world from Gaea. Unfortunately, some of the team could not he here. But please, clap for Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase."

Annabeth didn't get up from the cement stairs. She did wave her hand or smile. She felt dead, like all the other campers who died.

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