Epilouge- Percy

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Percy, Annabeth Piper, Jason, Leo, Calypso, Grover and Nico sat on a large orange blanket above the sand. Percy's hands were loosely wrapped around Annabeth's waist.

The sun was nearly done setting and Percy could see the brilliant stars emerge.

Percy has gotten quite good at pointing out constellations, but his favorite one was the huntress. Percy can still feel such power, strength and beauty from those stars.

"Bob says hello," Percy whispered. He hasn't said those words in a very long time.

"What was that, Percy?" Annabeth asked.

"Nothing," Percy said.

"Hey guys look!" Jason called. "The show's about to start!"

A brilliant beam of red light shot into the sky before it exploded into an array of rainbow lights that read "Welcome home Leo!"

"And I'm happy to be back," Leo whispered from beside Percy.

More fireworks climbed the sky, flashing amazing pictures across the world.

Percy looked towards the shore. He could hear the Hephaestus campers yelling commands and directions to each other. The campers scurried about, each holding fireworks twice their size

Percy never understood how things ever were successful with the Hephaestus campers. They always seemed so unorganized, with all their plans and tactics. Percy decided that maybe their bonds with each other is like a machine. Everything may seem crazy and confusing, but it all comes together in the end.

I guess machines are masters of organized chaos.

"Why aren't you out there, Leo?" Jason asked.

"I wanted to help," Leo said. "But everyone insisted I sit back and enjoy the show. And boy am I glad I did. I missed nights like this."

Leo wrapped an arm around Calypso and pulled her into a warm hug.

"Hey where's Nico?" Piper asked.

The demigods all turned their heads towards the edge of the beach, where Nico  was talking to Will.

"They've been talking a lot, haven't they?" Grover observed.

"I ship them," Leo whispered with a smirk.

"I was going to ask Nico how Reyna, Hazel and Frank were doing," Piper mentioned.

"I talked to them over iris message after dinner," Leo said. "They're all safe and sound. The whole camp got separated, most people turned up okay, but there still are people coming in."

"I'm happy they're safe," Piper added.

The demigods nodded in agreement before going back to the fireworks.

Percy could still hear the screams of the Hephaestus cabin. And in the midst of it all, Nyssa and Jake Mason. I guess every machine needs a control center. A spark of electricity to get everyone going.

Percy looked back at his friends, their faces lit up from the light of the fireworks and suddenly, he understood.

Maybe my friends are my control center.

Before Percy figured out he was a demigod, he was a nobody. Just a troubled kid who switched schools twice a year.

But here, at camp, his flaws made him great. His friends made him better. They gave him a reason to keep fighting, and he couldn't thank them enough for that.

The truth is, Percy would have never been able to experience any of this if he was just a 'normal kid.'

So yes, maybe being a half-blood is dangerous and scary. Maybe it means you get killed in painful, nasty ways.

But being a half-blood is what makes Percy who he is. Being a half-blood is what gave Percy the opportunity to make friends, and be the hero he always dreamed about.

His adventure is never over, maybe one day he will fall into enemy hands. Maybe he'll die or be tortured or left to rot in Tartarus and never find a way out, but as Percy sat on a beach towel with his best friends, none of that really mattered. The good always outweighs the bad.

So did Percy really want to be a half-blood?

Maybe not at first, but as of right now, he wouldn't trade it for the world.

The end.

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