54- Frank

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Frank couldn't believe his eyes. It was if the large sign sitting on top of the mountain was only a trick of light. His heart told him it wasn't real, but at the same time he yearned just to get up there, back to safety.

Did they really make it all this way? Or is it some kind of Elysium? Frank thought. He did almost die a lot of times along the way. What if this is what Elysium really is? What if they were just dead the whole time?

"Well let's get moving," Reyna said as she took her first step up the dirt path.

As the trio edged their way up the path, Frank kept his eyes glued on the 'Camp Jupiter' sign as if he was scared it would float away.

"We're almost back," Hazel said from behind Frank. The hopefulness in her voice told him that he was alive and almost safe. All Frank could do was nod.

However, as he moved up the path and the campsite building came closer into view, Frank began to wonder, would it all look the same?

With each step Frank took, his pulse quickened.

"We're almost there," Reyna said from in front of Frank. She wiped sweat from her forehead and sighed. "I hope the others made it here too."

Frank had completely forgotten about the others. He hoped they were safe too.

Frank, Reyna and Hazel arrived at the top of the mountain, only several hundred feet away from the entrance of their home.

It looked exactly as Frank left it, purple banner with the words 'Camp Jupiter' strung on it. A small wooden archway hung next to the sign, Frank couldn't see any farther.

"We're here," Reyna said as she sighed.

The trio stayed silent for awhile, just gazing at the entrance that was lit by the setting sun.

"Come on," Hazel said slowly walking ahead, eyes fixated on the prize. "I want to go in."

The demigods slowly walked to the entrance, heart pounding in Frank's ears. The reached the archway, and they looked far ahead.

Frank let out a sigh of relief. Everything was as it was left. Several campers were scurrying about, they didn't seem to notice their praetors yet.

"We're home," Reyna confirmed.

Some campers turned their heads at them, eyes wide.

"Hey! It's Frank, Reyna and Hazel!" Someone yelled.

"Welcome back!"

"So glad you're safe!"

Frank could feel tears dwell in his eyes. Maybe things can get better.

A big fire pit was lit in the middle of the ruckus. Frank could swear he saw a face flicker in the flames. Then, everything made sense. The curse, Hades, Hazel, gems. Everything made sense. His family, his power, his stick.

He knew what he had to do. He knew how to break the curse.

"Give me my stick Hazel," Frank whispered as he held his hand out.

"Why?" Hazel asked. Frank could hear the worry in her voice, but he knew she had nothing to worry about.

"Just give it to me, I need it."

"You're scaring me Frank."

Frank intertwined his fingers with Hazel. "Trust me."

Hazel nodded and gave Frank a small pouch.

"What are you doing?"

Frank took the stick out of the pouch. It looked so thin, so old. Burn marks still showed on one side. About time it burned completely.

"Something I should have done a long time ago."

Frank kissed the small part of wood, something that seemed appropriate to do.

"Things will be better now," Frank assured as he chucked the wood into the brilliant flames.

The Return of Leo Valdez (After Blood of Olympus)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt