9- Frank

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Frank woke up on the ground coughing and sputtering mud in every direction.

"Frank..." A girls voice said.

"What?" Frank said in a raspy voice.

"Oh my gods Frank! I thought you were dead!"

Arms wrapped around him and squeezed him tight.

"Welcome back praetor Zhang," another voice said.

"Reyna is that you?" Frank asked.

"Yes," Reyna said.

Frank sat up and rubbed his head. He looked around no one was here except for him, Reyna and Hazel.

"Your heart stopped for a whole minute," Reyna said. "Hazel and I thought you were dead."

"I'm so happy your alive!" Hazel said hugging him and kissing him on the cheek.

"Where are the others?" Frank asked.

"We aren't sure. The explosions spread people everywhere. No one has any idea where anyone is," Reyna said.

Frank nodded. "Well we need to go look for those people!" Frank said quickly standing up.

Reyna put her hand on his shoulder. "These people could be anywhere. Looking for these people is like looking for treasure without a map, all we need to do is focus on getting to camp."

"Ok," Frank said. "But where are we?"

"Louisiana," Hazel said. "New Orleans. We're in the woods somewhere."

"Well we need to get out of here," Frank said.

"No duh Frank," Reyna said.

Frank raised an eyebrow. "Wow Reyna, you never called me Frank before."

"Well I'm not supposed to sass a praetor," Reyna said. She then cleared her throat. "The woods end not to far south, we're near the border. We should be in Texas...in 2 hours...at a walking pace..."

"We can't walk two hours," Hazel said. "That's...that's...insane!"

"Hazels right," Frank said. "We should check a bus schedule."

Reyna and Hazel nodded.

"Well okay then," Frank said. "To the bus we go."
Frank gazed at the bus schedules.

"Hey guys," Frank said. "I don't think there is any buses to Texas."

"Well is there any buses close to the border?" Reyna asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"No," Frank replied. Frank then thought of something. "Reyna, I could turn into a bird or something and fly you guys to the border."

"Frank," Reyna began. "That's a great idea...but, what kind of bird is big enough to carry two people?"

"A California Vulture?" Frank suggested.

"No, those don't live in Louisiana, that would freak the mortals out. Besides, they're an endangered species," Reyna said.

"I could turn into a regular vulture," Frank said.

"That bird would only be able to carry one person," Reyna said.

Frank scratched his chin. Then he finally came up with the perfect plan.

"Hazel maybe we could ride on-"
Franks eyes widened when he saw Hazel on the ground, her eyes rolled up in her head.


Hey guys! Sorry the Frank chapters were a little short. I promise they will be a little longer. Okay, I normally don't write notes like this but I really wanna write this one.

So next POV (coming out next week) is going to be a POV Rick never wrote from.

HINT 1- the person goes to camp half-blood.

HINT 2- this person is not related to any of the seven except for one of them.

Can you guess who the next POV will be? Leave a comment below.

The person who guesses the POV right will get a dedication in the next chapter and a follow.

The Return of Leo Valdez (After Blood of Olympus)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz