58- Annabeth

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Down in the forge, the Hephaestus campers worked like a machine to create the locator.

Annabeth found it amazing, how so many people could work together in such a fluid motion, without any breaks or holdups. It was like they could read each other's minds when building, it was a strange phenomenon for Annabeth.

"Hey Jake! Get me that plank!" Nyssa called out.

"Can I get that screwdriver?" Shane asked.

Annabeth watched as the demigods worked together. Jason, Piper and Nico also tried to help. They handed the Hephaestus campers the tools they needed and helped read off blueprints and labels.

Annabeth felt two arms wrap around her waist. She looked up and saw Percy, looking at the working demigods, beaming.

"We're finally going to find Leo, Annabeth," Percy said smiling.

Annabeth nodded. "I just hope he's-" not dead.

What if Leo is dead?

Ever since Grover found the blueprint for the locator, it never really crossed Annabeth's mind that this work could all be for nothing. Leo could be dead. Annabeth couldn't even imagine how morose the camp would be, especially the Hephaestus campers. After all, he's their family, most of the campers probably only have each other.

What if Leo is dead?

The campers stepped back from the locator.

"It's finished," Nyssa confirmed with a nod.

Annabeth and Percy ran to the circle of campers.

"Nyssa, do you want to do the honors?" Shane asked.

Nyssa nodded and she stepped forward to a big red button on the side of the grey metal. She pressed it and clasped her hands together like she was praying. Whirrs and clicks sounded from the machine.

A ding was heard. No one made a sound. Even Annabeth knew that this was the big reveal.

Nyssa looked at the screen in the center of the device. Annabeth could see a small smile break across her face as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"What is it Nyssa?" Shane asked.

"Get to the big house," Nyssa said, trying to hold in the tears. She was beaming, she knew what was happening. "Leo's here."

The campers sprinted out of the forge to the big house. Several other demigods already gathered nearby, gasping and pointing.

The demigods stopped and gazed at the sky.

"Look up there!" Someone called.

Annabeth diverted her gaze to the west. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"He's really here!" Nyssa cheered. She turned to the girl next to her who tackled her into a hug. Nyssa returned with a kiss, which they both seemed the melt into. Annabeth couldn't help but to smile.

"Look Percy!" Annabeth said as she pointed to a golden chariot drawn by four angel white pegasi.

Annabeth had to squint her eyes, but she could make out two small figures. One who was most definitely Leo.

The chariot started to descend and it was easier to make out the people inside.

"Who's the other girl?" Annabeth asked.

Percy was squinting, but then he gasped. "I can't believe he actually did it."

"What?" Annabeth asked.

"That girl's Calypso."

The campers cheered and cheered as Leo descended from the sky

The chariot hit the ground with a soft thud and the pegasi whinned with pride.

Annabeth heard the chariot door open and out came the man himself.

He hoped off the chariot with his hand in Calypso's.

"Anyone call a McShizzle?" He smirked.

Annabeth had to look closely, but even she could see the tears of joy that dripped down his face.

The Return of Leo Valdez (After Blood of Olympus)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin