57- Leo

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Leo jolted awake. His heart was pounding in his ears and sweat drenched his forehead. His hands gripped...bedsheets? As far as Leo knew, the last time he was alive, he was surfing an acid tidal wave.

Where am I? Leo thought.

Last time Leo checked, he was dead.

"Hello Leo," a female voice boomed.

"W-who's there?" Leo asked. He couldn't see anything, the room was too dark.

Leo heard a lock click. Leo squinted at the light as someone opened a door.


Hera walked through the door, gown of silk trailing behind her.

"What are you doing here?" Leo asked.

"I saved you," Hera said, monotonously. "Hades owed me a favor, I used it on you."

"Why?" Leo asked.

"Your friends will need your help in more ways than one. It may seem crazy, but I have a soft spot for you demigods. I'm letting you and Calypso free-"

"Wait," Leo interrupted. "Calypso is here?"

"Calypso!" Hera called. "I think Leo wants to see you."

Leo saw a small girl pop her head through the door way. Her red lips stretched into a wide smile and wrinkles formed around her amber eyes.

"Hey Leo," she said softly.

Leo couldn't help but to cry. Calypso's here! She's really here!

"You're right outside the Empire State Building, a chariot is waiting for you outside-"

"Thank you, Hera!" Leo exclaimed as he ran up to Hera and gave her a big hug.

"You're welcome-"

"Come on Calypso," Leo said, grabbing her hand. "Let's go home."

The Return of Leo Valdez (After Blood of Olympus)Where stories live. Discover now