Slow? No thanks

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Tony's POV

"So... Anything you want to do today?" I asked. Steve just shrugged in response.

"I don't know. I just really want to chill with you." Steve is so cute. He's soppy and disgustingly adorable. But at the same time, I've seen him kill an alien with his own bare hands. Exactly my type of boyfriend. I smiled to myself.

"That's so gross. You're so soppy." I threw myself down on the sofa, right next to where Steve was sitting.

"Fine. I'll stop." He said. I laid my head on his shoulder. At first, he tensed up, but soon he relaxed.

"No, no, don't stop it. I like it. I'm just pointing out how soppy you are. It's cute." I turned my head slightly to look up at Steve. He was looking right at me, completely innocent.

"Oh, I see." 


Steve suddenly stood up, accidentally knocking me to the floor.

"Steve! I was comfy!" I groaned, using the sofa to try and pull myself back up, although not exactly succeeding.

"Oh. Sorry. I just remembered that we need to grab my stuff from S.H.I.E.L.D. But first, can I use your shower?" Steve looked at me as though I was going to say no.

"Yeah, of course. You can use my ensuite. Just don't put the shower on full blast, because it sets off the smoke alarms." I told him, managing to get back up on the sofa. 

He smiled and left for a shower.


"Hey babe. Are we leaving?" I asked as Steve walked back into the room, wearing my clothes I gave him earlier, his hair still a little damp.

He raised an eyebrow. "Babe? And yeah, we can leave now."

"Don't you like it? I'll think of something else if you don't." I shrugged, standing up.

"No, I like it. It's cute. We'll take my bike. We only need to collect my jacket and my shield, because that's what Fury took to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters while I was at the hospital with you."

"Okay, babe, let's go." I emphasised the 'babe', grinning.


I felt the same exhilaration as I did the first time I'd rode the motorbike. I had a distinct feeling it was never gonna fade, that I'd always feel the same way riding a motorbike. I guess I could compare the feeling to flying in my suit, but it was more carefree. I loved it.

As Steve kicked away from the curb, I wrapped my arms tighter round his waist, leaning my head into his shoulder. I pressed my face against his shoulder to shield it from the wind. 

"Hey, Tony, is it this turning or the next one?" Steve asked, breaking the silence.

"I think it's this one." I replied, looking up as we leant into the turn.

We rode the motorbike into the garage, parked and then took the elevator up. 

"It's funny how the last time I was here, about three quarters of the people in this building were trying to kill me." Steve said casually as if people tried to kill him everyday. Though now that I think about it, that's quite close to the truth.

"Um? No one told me about that." I tried to hide the concern in my voice. Why would anyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. want to kill Steve?

"Oh. Well, it was last year and I guess we weren't really that close then, but Hydra took over S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm sure you heard about it." Steve shrugged.

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