The Morning After The Night Before

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Steve's POV:
I stood up, sliding off my boxers as I did.

"I'm not sure about this, babe." I said, looking down at Tony positioning himself.

"We did this earlier, remember? It won't hurt, but if you don't any to do, I won't make you." Tony said.

"I... Okay." I nodded. Tony looked up at me.

"Are you sure?" He asked, taking my hand. I nodded. He let go off my hand and instead held my hips.

"Okay. I'm gonna start." Tony said. He kissed the tip of my dick, then flicked his tongue against my head. He did this again and again, each time making me shiver with pleasure.

He took my whole shaft in his mouth, bobbing his head back and forth, coating my dick with his saliva. Everything felt new and weird, tingly and strange. It felt odd, but good somehow.

He stopped sucking my dick, and instead sucked my balls. My breathing was getting heavier. Without warning, came all over Tony's face.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry." I leant forward and tried to wipe some of my cum off his face.

"It's alright. A warning would be nice, but it's okay." Tony leaned closer and kissed me.

"You taste like dick." I laughed, picking my boxers up off the floor and putting them back on.

"No shit, Sherlock." Tony laughed back, jumping on the bed and hitting me with a pillow.

"Oh, is that how you play? Pillow fights after blowjobs, hmm?" I grabbed a pillow off the bed and hit him back, ducking when he swung his pillow at me.

"Why, are you too tired after my amazing blowjob skills?" Tony taunted, attempting to hit me around the head again with a pillow.

"I think you're the one who's weak from my skills. You can't even get one hit." I giggled, whacking him over and over with the pillow.

Tony hit me around the knees, making me dramatically fall onto the bed. Tony landed on top of me. He started kissing my face, again and again, all over. I flipped us over so I was on top. I straddled his waist, ducking down to kiss him full on the lips. Tony stopped wriggling around and cupped my face with his hands, kissing me back.

We stayed like this for a while, until I was running out of breath. I rolled onto my back, Tony still holding my face. I looked deeply into his eyes.

"Hey, babe. I love you." I whispered. Our faces were a centimetre away from touching.

"I love you more." Tony replied, still whispering. I pressed my face closer so our lips brushed momentarily, then I pulled away.

"That's not fair. Kiss me." Tony pressed his face closer to mine but I moved away, rolling off the bed.

"Night, babe." I grinned, turning off the bedroom light. I jumped into bed next to Tony.

"You're an ass." Tony laughed, kissing me on the nose. "Night."


Tony was still asleep when I woke up, curled up next to me, his head resting on my chest rather than the pillow.

He looked so much younger, more peaceful when he was asleep. He looked emotionless, no hint of sadness yet no hint of happiness either. He was so beautiful.

I reached over Tony to check the time on his phone, which was on the bedside table. It read 9:36am. A suitable time to wake Tony up. If we'd been at home, I would've gone for a run, showered and made breakfast by now. But this was a new life.

"Hey, babe. Wake up." I said, moving some of Tony's hair out of his face. He groaned and rolled over so he was pretty much on top of me.

"Tony." I tried again. This time he lifted his head and opened his eyes.

"Yeah?" He replied. His voice was slightly gruff, like sandpaper.

"You awake? We need to go shopping today. Get some disguises." I told him.

"Yeah. And get you a phone. Just in case we get split up somewhere. Wanna get out of bed?" Tony asked.

"You're the one that's on top of me." Tony rolled off and I stood up out of bed.


"How am I supposed to disguise myself when everyone knows me? I'm the world famous Tony Stark!" Tony asked. We'd managed to take a taxi to the centre of London - Oxford Street. When Tony had googled where the nearest clothing stores were, it lead us straight to here.

"You probably shouldn't say things like that if you don't want to be recognised. What about your beard? Are you going to shave it off?" I asked. Tony took a double take.

"Hell no! It's part of me! But we should probably get a haircut. Maybe you should grow a beard. You'd look pretty hot with a beard." Tony was thinking out loud.

"Really? Nah. I might try it though. For now, I'm thinking like fake glasses, different style of clothes, maybe a haircut." I replied. The taxi cab pulled up next to the side of the pavement. In front of us were bustling streets, as busy as New York. Everyone was busy, trapped inside their own head, worried about their own lives.

Tony paid the taxi driver and took my hand to help me out of the cab. "Hey, a Primark. That's a clothes shop, isn't it?" He asked.

"Yeah, that's what Google said." I replied, still holding his hand.

"Hey, you're getting good with this tech." Tony playfully punched me in the arm. We reached the Primark, and stepped inside.

You know in those Christmas movies where it shows the kid stepping into the toy shop and the camera pans out and you see that it's huge and everyone is everywhere? That's exactly what this felt like. The store we were in was massive. Everyone was walking anywhere they wanted, holding baskets, talking loudly, picking up clothes everywhere. It was chaos.

"Okay, let's go straight to the men's department." Tony said, dragging me through a crowd of people.

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