Land of Rain and Tea

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Tony's POV:

"What? When?" I asked, surprised. I'd never been to Britain.

"Wow. Okay. Cool." Steve said at the same time.

"You're flight is in five hours. I'll text you the details. Text me when you land. I'm gonna leave you boys to pack now." And with that, he got up and left.

"Britain, hey? We better get packing. So I think we should pack your stuff first since we're already at yours, and then we go to mine." I offered.

"Yeah, sounds good. But we'll have to take a taxi, because I won't be able to fit a suitcase on my motorbike."

I nodded, and followed Steve through to his bedroom. Memories from earlier came flooding back. Honestly, I can say that was probably the best blowjob I've ever given.

"Can you grab me the suitcase that's on top of my wardrobe?" Steve asked, breaking me out of the memory.

"Yeah, sure." I had to stand on my tiptoes a little bit to reach the top of his wardrobe, but I managed to grab the suitcase.

Steve packed his suitcase methodically: first his t-shirts, in the top left corner, then his trousers next to them, then socks and underwear, and so on, until he was completely finished.

"Do you think I'd need a suit?" He asked.

"I don't know. It might come in useful. Why don't you text Fury and ask how long we're going and whether you'd need a suit?" I suggested as he tried to do up his suitcase.

"I lost my phone at the hospital." He said, still trying to do up his suitcase.

"I'll text him then." So I did.

Hey Fury, how long will we be in Britain? And do you think we'd need suits? x

And press send.

"Oh shit." I exclaimed.

Steve turned around like lightning fast. "What? What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.

"I just sent a text to Director Fury. But I accidentally put a kiss at the end." Fuck.

"Oh my gosh. You really aren't having a good day." Steve was laughing now.

Suddenly, my phone pinged. It was a text from Fury.

I can't tell you how long you'll be there, but I can tell you that a suit may come in handy. x

"He sent me a kiss back." I held up my phone so Steve could see the message.

"You better not be kissing other guys, babe." Steve was still laughing.

"I'd never want to kiss anyone other than you." I kissed him on the nose.

"And you said I was the soppy one." He joked, kissing me on the lips. I kissed him back quickly.

"That's because you are the soppy one. Well, Fury says it will come in handy to take a suit, so you might want to pack that."

"Then we're going to yours to pack your stuff."


"That's $17.38 please." The taxi driver said as we pulled up in front of JFK airport. I handed him the money and time we got out, taking our bags with us.

"So, do we text Fury now? We don't know what plane we're supposed to get on." Steve said.

"Yeah, I'll text him now." I pulled out my phone.

"No need to text me. I'm right here." Fury said from behind me, making Steve jump.

"Alright, so which plane are we getting on and where is it taking us?" I asked.

"Just follow me." Fury walked off in the opposite direction.

He led us out a door that opened out onto a runway I'd never seen before. In front of us was a black helicopter.

"You didn't think I'd send you on an airplane?" Fury asked, as Steve and I looked at it with open mouths. We'd be on a helicopter, a noisy unsteady helicopter, for 8 hours. Fun. At least I had Steve.

"Well, get on. You've not got all day." Nick Fury shoved me towards the helicopter.


8 long, loud, tiring hours later, we landed. It was already raining, a light drizzle from the heavens above.

"Did Fury say where we're supposed to go?" Steve asked me. I shook my head, holding his hand to help him out the helicopter. He didn't need my assistance, but I helped him anyway.

"No, he didn't say anything to me. Should I text him?" At that moment, my phone buzzed. "Oh, speak of the devil. Fury texted. He says... Um, he's got us a flat nearby... Couple blocks away..." I scrolled down. "He says we can do what we want for the rest of the day, but tomorrow we have a task. There'll be an envelope with details in the flat... But we have to find it."

"Sounds good, babe. Let's go." I took his hand and we started to walk.

"Wait. Are you sure we should hold hands? Not everyone knows we're together." Steve said, letting go of my hand.

"I think we'll be fine. Not everyone knows, but they will soon, probably." I took his hand again, dragging my suitcase behind me in my other hand.

We walked along the street in silence, the only noise between us the sound of our suitcases dragging along the pavement.

Every so often, someone would shout something like "Captain America!" or "It's Tony Stark!" and apart from a few people asking for autographs or a picture, hardly anyone bothered us. Only one lady said something about us holding hands. We ignored her.

We walked for a while, passing shops and houses. We must've been on the outskirts of London, because a lot of buses passed that said 'Chelsea', 'Westminster' and 'London Central'. The streets were busy, but not too busy.

Steve stopped suddenly. "Is that our flat?"

He stopped, pointing at the building in front of us. It didn't look particularly new, or particularly old. It looked about the same size as Steve's from the outside. To be honest, it just looked like any other apartment. The only way we could tell it was ours was the banner across the door that said "Welcome Home, Tony and Steve!".

"Yep, I'm pretty sure this one's ours."

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