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Tony wasn't in the bed when I woke up. Checking my new phone, I found out it was about eight in the morning.

I swung my legs out of bed, slipping on a pair of Tony's jogging bottoms as I went.

"Hey, babe, where are you?" I called out. I heard a muffled noise from the empty room. Upon exploration, I found that was where he was fiddling with a screwdriver.

"Morning. I didn't wake you up, did I?" Tony asked, without looking up from whatever he was doing.

"No, no, I woke up myself. Um... What are you doing?" I asked, sitting next to him on the bare floorboards.

"I've managed to set up JARVIS, but he's talking in Japanese, or something. So I'm trying to fix it. Can you pass me that wrench?" Tony asked. I handed him the wrench.

"So, are we going to do anything today? Or are we just going to stay in?" I asked.

Tony turned around. "Yeah, pretty much. We don't really need to do anything today, we've got like 5 days until we have to meet up with Fury, so-" Tony changed the topic mid-sentence. "Are you wearing my joggers? You look really hot. You should wear them more often." He said, not taking his eyes off my body.

"Uh, thanks? You always look hot, especially now with your new haircut. I like it." How are you supposed to compliment your boyfriend?

"Thanks. Oh, sorry, can you go out and buy me some screws? Silver, pretty big. I think there's a hardware store down the road." Tony asked.

"Yeah, alright. I'll get dressed." I replied, kissing Tony on the forehead and leaving the room. I went straight to the bedroom, and pulled out some clothes I bought yesterday. I wore my white t-shirt with a flannel shirt over the top with my black skinny jeans and a little pair of black boots. Adding my beanie and my fake glasses, I looked like a completely different person.

"Be back soon, babe." I called as I unlocked the front door. I had a tenner; I was hoping that would be enough to pay for it.

Outside was dreary. The sky was a depressing grey colour and there was a slight drizzle. Everyone that was walking along the street was scowling or on the phone moaning about work or colleagues aor something.

I walked about a block until I found the hardware store. Inside, I searched until I found a pack of screws that looked about right. I paid for it, then left the shop.

On the way home, a girl that looked about my biological age asked my for my phone number. She was fairly pretty, but I declined telling her I had a boyfriend. She nodded and moved on.

"Hey, babe, I got the screws." I called, locking the door behind me.

"Thank you!" Tony shouted back. He was still sat on the same position on the floor, still fiddling with a screwdriver. I passed him the screws.

"So while you were out, I was thinking... What if we got tattoos? Like, I just feel like now that we have new images, we should get tattoos that match our new image." Tony said. He was screwing something metallic. I'm not sure what.

"Umm, I'm not sure if I want one. We can go look at a tattoo parlour tomorrow, if you want." I replied. Tony was really concentrating, his brows furrowed and his tongue sticking out.

"Yeah. Can you get me a coffee? Thanks babe." Tony asked. I sighed, but went through to the kitchen and made him a coffee anyway. The coffee in England tasted different, but it was still coffee.

I went back through to the spare room and handed Tony his coffee. He thanked me, but he didn't notice when I left the room. I curled up on the couch with my book.

I lay there reading for about half an hour until Tony called me again.

"Steve, babe, I'm really cold. Can you turn on the heating for me?" Tony shouted. I got up from where I was sitting and moved to the hallway. I turned the heating on and I was going to sit back down, but I went to see Tony instead.

"Hey, babe, not being rude, but are you just gonna use me today? I'm not your assistant, I'm your boyfriend." I sat down next to him.

"I know, babe. I just really want to finish this today. I won't ask you for anything else, I promise." Tony replied.

"Okay. Tell me when you're done." I stood up, ready to leave but Tony grabbed my hand.

"Thank you. I love you, babe." Tony looked up at me.

"Love you too." I replied, blowing him a kiss as I left the room. I sat back down on the couch, and read my book.

About an hour later, I was asleep. I didn't really dream of anything. Then I heard something in the distance.

"Hey, Steve? Can you bring me my phone charger?" I woke up almost instantly. Is he serious? He promised he wouldn't!

"Seriously? Tony, you promised you wouldn't ask for anything else!" I called, grabbing his charger and taking it to him.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. It's really important." Tony tried to make up excuses.

"Couldn't you have got it yourself? I was reading." I kinda thrust the charger at him.

"Now you're just acting childish." Tony retorted, taking the charger from me.

"I'm acting childish? You're the one who can't do anything for yourself! I've had to help you out all day! I just wanted a peaceful day!" I replied, raising my voice a little. I knew I was getting angry for no reason, but I couldn't stop.

"If you want a peaceful day, go to a care home. You're certainly old enough." Tony said calmly. There was something about the way he said it that really annoyed me.

"It's not my fault I'm 97! I didn't ask to be frozen for 70 years! You know what, I'm not gonna argue with you. I'm going on a jog." I left the room. Swapping my jeans for my joggers and my boots for my trainers, I grabbed my phone and jogged out the door.

Maybe We Can Work      (stony fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt