The End Of Everything

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Tony's POV:

I ran towards him. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. I saw the lorry hit Steve in excruciating detail. I called out his name but it was too late.

His head contacted the road, the lorry driving right over him, without noticing he was there. I sprinted, as fast as I could.

I knelt over him. There was so much blood, spilling out from all over his fragile body. A crowd of people had begun to gather around us, but I couldn't care less.

"No... Steve... Please, stay with me. You can't die. You're Captain America, you can't die. I'm so sorry. I was stupid. You were right. Please. Don't be dead." Fat, salty tears dripped down my cheeks and landed on Steve, mixing with the wet blood.

I couldn't find a pulse. I tried to convince myself that he was okay, that he was still alive, but in the back of my mind, I knew he was gone. It was my fault. It was all my fault. This must have been how Steve felt on the day of our last mission.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Son, please step away. I'm sorry. He's dead." A paramedic was standing behind me.

"Please. Is there anything you can do? He's my boyfriend. I love him. He can't be dead." I told the guy. He just sadly shook his head. He muttered something.


I can't remember much else from the next week or so, other than his funeral. The rest of the Avengers came over from America for it. It was red, white and blue themed, of course. I cried a lot.

I felt empty. Like a darkness had taken over me. Most of the time I stayed in my room. I didn't go out for months after his death. I couldn't cope.

I stayed in the apartment; it was the only thing I had left that reminded me of Steve. Sometimes Natasha came over, but she was the only one. I was alone. And I missed Steve.

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