The Last Jog

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Steve's POV:

I always exercised when I was angry. It managed to calm me down. But this time all I could think of was the argument. It took over my mind. I tried to concentrate on the sound of my feet slapping against the concrete, but I couldn't stand it.

I pulled out my phone to check if I'd got any messages from Tony. Nothing. Then I heard the squeal of tires. I realised I'd stopped dead in the middle of the road. A lorry was coming towards me, and showing no sign of stopping.

I couldn't move. Not a single muscle in my body was obeying my command to move. I was trapped by my own body, the same that has saved me hundreds of times.

The lorry hit my body at an alarming speed. I felt the force of the lorry throw me back. My head made contact with the tarmac. I felt something hot and sticky. I heard someone scream my name and recognised Tony's voice. Everything went black. I stopped feeling.

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