And The Winner Is...

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Tony's POV:

"Wait, so what does Fury want us to find?" Steve asked again. I sighed running a hand through my hair.

"On the text he sent earlier, he said there was an envelope with details in it, and we had to find it. He also said we could do that tomorrow, but obviously he's busy and wants us to do it now." I said. We were still sat on the kitchen table.

"Okay. We better start searching then. I'll do kitchen and bathroom, you do bedroom and living room. Let's go!" Steve said, jumping down from the table.

"Wait... That's not fun enough. What if we turn it into a competition? Like, the first one to find it wins." I said. Steve turned around.

"What do I win? I mean, what does the winner win?" He smirked. Smirked. I'm not even joking.

"Ooh, cocky. If I win, which, let's face it, I probably will, you have to cook dinner and wash up tomorrow, but if you win, even though you won't, I'll have to do that. And you can choose something else you want me to do. Because I am about 95 percent certain you won't win." I laughed.

"Okay, okay, you're on." Steve replied. He ran to the first drawer in front of him and started rummaging through. "Well, it's not in there, but now we know where the cutlery is." He joked.

"You got a head start! That's not fair!" I shouted, running to the bedroom. I searched through the bedroom tables. Nothing. Under the bed. Nothing. In the pillows, under the sheets, in the duvet. Everywhere I could think of in the bedroom, but there was nothing.

So I ran to the living room. I searched everywhere: under the couch, inside the couch, behind the couch. Pretty much just the couch. There wasn't much else to search.

"Hey Tony! Guess what I've found!" Steve shouted, running through to the living room like an excited toddler. He had a white envelope in his hand.

"Aw. I thought I'd find it. Well, what does it say?" I asked, sitting myself down on the sofa. Steve sat down next to me, mirroring my position exactly.

"It says... In the centre of London, there's someone we need to meet to get the next mission envelope. There'll be a woman with an eyepatch waiting on a bench in Covent Garden." He paused. "Should we go right now? Then we can get pizza or something on the way back."

"Okay. Let's go." I stood up from the couch, grabbing Steve's hand and yanking him up with me.

"Race you there!" Steve shouted, kissing me on the cheek before running towards the front door.

"That's not fair!" I shouted back, running after him. I saw Steve run down the street, apologising as he ran into someone. I locked the door and started running.

Then I had an idea. "JARVIS, can I have my suit?" Within seconds, I was wearing my iron suit. I rose above the rooftops. Curious passers by stared at me in awe, but I ignored it and flew towards Covent Garden.

Then I stopped, mid flight. I realised I didn't actually know where Covent Garden was. I dropped back down to the pavement.

"Hi, can you te-" I asked the closest person, but I was cut off by them squealing.

"Oh my god! You're Iron Man! Can I take a selfie?!" The girl asked, taking out her phone.

"Um, sorry, I'm kinda busy. So, can you tell me how to get to Covent Garden from here?" I asked, getting a little impatient.

"Oh, no, I don't know where it is. Sorry." She said.

"Wow. Thanks for the help." I flew away. I'd just find my own way there.

Wait a second...

"JARVIS, give me directions to Covent Garden." I said. Immediately I heard a voice. "Sure, sir. Take your first left."

JARVIS lead me perfectly to Covent Garden... And right into Steve. Seriously, I just walked right into him.

"Oh, hey." I said, pressing the button on my wrist which packs away the suit.

"Hi. Firstly, that's cheating. Secondly, I won anyway. Thirdly-" I cut Steve off.

"Okay, okay, but is that Fury? In a wig? And a dress?" I laughed, pointing at Fury sat on a bench in drag.

"That's what I was just getting to. I think that's what Fury meant by 'woman with an eyepatch'." Steve laughed. I loved the sound of Steve laughing. His happiness was so contagious, I couldn't help but laugh along with him.

"Well, let's go." I said, grabbing Steve's hand and pulling him towards the bench.

"Um, hello... ma'am." I greeted the 'woman', who was obviously Fury in a dress and a wig, still holding Steve's hand.

"You made. I didn't think you would ever find the envelope. I've been sat here for at least two hours. Well, here's ya stuff, go have some dinner. Or tea, as they call it in the UK." And then Fury left, picking up his handbag and walking away.

"Why does he always do that? It's really annoying. He'll tell you something and then just walk away. He won't let you ask any questions or even let it sink in. He just walks away." I said, running a hand through my hair.

"Wait, so is this our whole mission? Wandering around London so that Fury can give us envelopes?" Steve asked, sitting on the bench. I was still holding the envelopes. There were five in total, and they each had writing on them.

"I guess so. Well, we might as well open them just now, right?" I held up a pink envelope. It said 'Open this second', so I picked up a yellow one. This one said 'Open this first'.

I held it out to Steve. "You wanna do the honours?" As he took the yellow envelope and opened it, I sat down on the bench next to him. He pulled out a sheet of coupons. Coupons for Dominos Pizza.

"Hey, perfect. We can use some of these tonight." I said. I picked out the yellow envelope. Inside was a letter.

"It says... You may have a break from your superhero duties. However, this means, you must stay undercover. At all times. No one must know that two of the most famous superheroes are living next door. This means, if you must go out, wear a disguise. In the next envelope, there is money and more instructions. Love, Nicholas J. Fury... Ooh, and there's a ps. It says... P.S. There is a catch. On Monday 25th, you must meet me at Tower Bridge. You must be in your best disguise. Make that your funniest... Okay. That's it. Let's open the next envelope." I picked up the next one, which was green, and handed it to Steve.

Before he opened it, he stopped. "Wait, what's today's date? It's the 18th today, right? So we have a week to try and stay undercover. Nice. Well, I'm gonna open this envelope." Inside was a bunch of twenty pound notes and a post-it note. He read out the post-it note. "It says... This money is supposed to last you a week. Don't mess it up. This is for food, furniture, hygiene products, booze, everything."

"Let's open the next one."

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