Our New Home

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Steve's POV:

Tony and I were still holding hands, up until we reached the door.

"Wait..." Tony let go of my hand and searched in his pocket. "Fury didn't give you any keys, did he? He didn't give me any."

I shook my head in reply, but still searched through my pockets anyway.

"Um, we could climb through a window or something? You could probably kick down the door. Uh, how are we actually going to get in with out breaking anything?" Tony asked, looking up at the building.

"We could go in through the door." I tried the door, and it opened first time. Tony went red.

"I mean, sure we could do that. Whatever." Tony mumbled, following me through the doorway, holding his suitcase in one hand and closing the door behind him with the other.

The hallway was a pale blue colour. It was relatively narrow, but it still fit a small table with a phone. Leading off from the hallway were five doors.

"You want to explore?" Tony opened the door to his left, gesturing for me to follow.

It opened out into quite a large bedroom. However, despite being big, it was hardly furnished other than a double bed and a bedside table with a lamp.

"Well. It's kinda empty." I stated, shoving my suitcase against the wall.

"It'll be fine. We'll make it our own." Tony assured me, putting his suitcase next to mine.

We crossed the hallway to the next room. This one was a bathroom. Once again, it was large, but rather empty. It pretty much just had the basic essentials: bath, shower, sink, toilet, cabinet and mirror. The bathroom had turquoise tiles and a white laminate floor.

"This place is quite nice. I mean, there's like no tech, but I can fix that." Tony said, peering in the cabinet. I moved onto the next room.

The room I walked into was completely empty. It was all white, as well.

"Hey, babe, spare room here." I shouted.

"Maybe I could use it as a lab?" Tony replied. I followed the sound of his voice and walked into the living room. Just like all the other rooms, it was pretty empty, with just a tv, sofa and a coffee table. It had a really thick carpet though, so that was good.

"Last room on the list." Tony said, pushing the door open. It was a huge kitchen, about 3 times the size of the one in my little flat. It was the only room which was furnished. Most of the walls were lined with countertops, except for one, which had a fridge freezer, a bookcase filled with cookbooks, a washing machine and a tumble dryer. In the centre of the kitchen was an island with stools around it. Then in the corner, probably Tony's favourite aspect of the room, was a cabinet filled with alcohol. The kitchen was very modern and sleek, but it had a few old fashioned parts like the hardwood flooring. I loved it.

Tony opened a drawer. "Fury's done good. The kitchen's fully stocked."

"That's good. But I don't really feel like cooking. Can we just get a pizza?" I asked sitting on the island.

"Sure. Are you hungry? I thought we could just stay in for the rest of tonight." Tony said, pulling himself up onto the island next to me.

"I'm okay just now. So what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Well, firstly, we check if Fury's put any cameras or bugs in here," He jumped down from the island and walked about the room, checking everywhere. He seemed to be happy with the check, as he came and sat back down next to me. "He hasn't. Which means I can do this."

Tony pressed his lips to mine, wrapping his arm around my waist. I melted into the kiss. Kissing Tony felt so natural to me, as though I'd done tens of thousands of times, rather than just a few times. I slipped my hand up his t-shirt, feeling the muscles in his back tense as I ran my hand over them. I pulled away for a second to pull off Tony's shirt.

"I fucking love it when you're dominant." Tony whispered. I kissed his jaw, his stubble prickling my lips, then kissed his neck. I left a hickey. Then I stopped.

"Um..." I started.

"What?" Tony pulled a face.

"Are we just going to make out on the kitchen table?" I asked him.

"Yeah, why not? We'll clean it after." He shrugged.

"Oh. Okay." I kissed him again, pushing myself closer to him. He wrapped his legs around my waist so he was even closer to me. I pulled my shirt over my head, flinging it to the side somewhere. In the back of my mind I knew this would be messy, but honestly I didn't really care.

I pushed Tony down so that he was lying on his back on the table, straddling him.
I leant down, kissing him again. Just as I was about to pull away, Tony grabbed my shoulders, pulling me closer to him again. Then he flipped us over, so that he was still on top.

"I didn't expect that." I whispered, kissing his neck.

"I know." Tony kissed me again, nibbling my lip gently. Suddenly I felt a vibration against my leg.

"It's probably Fury. You should answer it." I whispered, looking Tony straight in the eye. Oh god, I love him so much. You can't even possibly imagine.

"Nah, it'll be fine." Tony kissed me, but his phone kept buzzing.

"Seriously, you have to answer that." I said, and this time Tony did. He sat up but I stayed lying down, listening to the conversation that took place.

"Hey, Fury, what's-"
"What took you so long? Why didn't you answer straight away?"
"Well, Steve and I were kinda... You know.."
"Did I interrupt something?"
"Frankly, yes."
"Too bad. Have you found it yet?"
"Have we found what?"
"Obviously not." And with that, Fury hung up.

"Looks like we'll have to put that on hold. Fury wants us to find something, babe."

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