Lazy Day

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Steve's POV:

I woke up tangled in Tony's limbs. He had his arms wrapped around my chest, his legs in mine, his head resting against my shoulder. He was so warm, but unfortunately, I had to get out of bed. Ugh.

"Hey, Tony, are you awake?" I whispered.

"Urrgh." Cute sleepy Tony. I kissed him on the forehead and tried to get out of bed. It didn't work. Tony just held on to me tighter.

"No, don't go." He murmured, his arms wrapped tightly around me.

"I should go on a run. I promised Sam I would." I told him. Though actually, the bed was cosy and Tony was warm and I kind of didn't want to leave.

"Nah, stay with me and we can just lie about all day." Tony tried to convince me, his eyes still closed.

"Okay." I gave in and snuggled up to him. Tony smiled.


After a while of just lying in bed and talking, I decided to get up and make breakfast. Tony came through to the kitchen soon after, wearing just his boxers. His hair was messy from sleeping and there was a bandage on his chest and plaster on his arm from his IV, but he still looked pretty good.

"Morning, babe." Tony ran his hand through his hair.

"Morning. Waffles or pancakes?" I asked.

"Hmm... Pancakes." He decided, sitting up on the counter and watching as I cracked an egg in to the batter mix and poured a little bit into a frying pan. After letting it cook a little, I expertly flipped the pancake.

"Where did you learn to flip pancakes like that?" Tony asked, still sitting on my counter.

"I lived with Bucky for a little while, before he went off to war. The only thing he could cook was pancakes, and I learn quickly, so that's probably the thing I'm best at cooking." I made another couple pancakes before we sat down in the living room, me wearing a t-shirt and boxers, and Tony wearing only boxers.

We ate in silence, the only noise coming from downstairs. The couple that lived below me were having a huge argument.

"I'm glad we're not like that." Tony said suddenly. "We've never even had a single argument."

"Yeah we have. Remember, that one time in Bruce and your lab? I'd say that was an argument. But I guess we weren't dating then, although we have only been dating for like a day."

"Well, yeah, but you know. Doesn't really count." He got up and took his empty plate through to my little kitchen.

"I'm exhausted, and I've hardly even done anything. Do you want to go back to bed?" I asked Tony as he came back through to the living room.

"Yeah, sure." He replied.

As soon as we got into the bedroom, Tony pressed his lips to mine. I gently pushed in my tongue, though he fought me for dominance.

Tony pushed me so that I fell back into the bed. We were still kissing, hungrily.
He bit my lip, softly so that he wouldn't hurt me. I broke apart first, out of breath.

Tony was lying on top of me, his brown eyes wider than usual.

"Sorry for coming onto you like that. You just-" Tony rubbed the back off his neck. "You looked really hot and I couldn't help-" Tony was rambling on, so I kissed him.

He kissed me back quickly. Taking advantage, I turned over so I was now on top of Tony.

"Oh, is that how it is?" He whispered, in between quick kisses. He kissed my jawline, my neck, my collarbone, and then quickly pulled off my t-shirt. Then he continued trailing kisses all the way down my chest, until he reached just above my boxers.

"Um, Tony, remember I'm a virgin. I've never gone this far before." I reminded him.

"It's okay. It's not really proper sex. I promise I won't hurt you." Tony said, before pulling off my boxers.

"Tony? Are you sure?" I asked. Of course I'm nervous, this is my first time. Oh my god. I'm in my nineties and I'm still a virgin. Wow.

"I'm sure." He kissed the tip of my dick before taking the whole thing in his mouth.



"That was the weirdest feeling ever." I was still naked and Tony was panting slightly.

"That was amazing." Tony said, staring up at the ceiling.

"Yeah. Well, we should probably get dressed, because we need to go shopping. I have absolutely no food." I said, starting to sit up.

"Walmart, here we come."


"Weeeeeeeeeeee!" I pushed Tony down an aisle in the trolley.

"Okay, but seriously, we are the heroes of the world, and what do we do on our days off? Push each other down the aisles of Walmart in a shopping trolley." I chased after him, smiling at an old lady as I passed her.

"That's because it's fun. Anyway, what do we need?" Tony started to try and climb out of the trolley. However, it didn't work as he thought it would. He slipped while trying to get out, and ended up on the floor, trapped in a sort of trolley cage.

I couldn't stop laughing. He was crouched on the floor, trapped by the trolley, glaring at me.

"Don't just laugh at me! I'm stuck! Save me!" He grumbled, still glaring.

"You're Iron Man. Surely you can save yourself." Tony glared at me, making me crack up even harder. "Okay, okay, I'll help you." Still laughing, I picked up the trolley and put it to the side, before helping Tony up.

"Thanks." He kissed me quickly on my cheek, making me blush.

"You realise that's gonna end up on You... Uh what's it called again?" I'd forgotten the name of it. It was like a video sharing site. Umm...

"You mean YouTube? I hope it won't. Natasha's totally gonna make fun of me now."

"I won't let her." I replied, beaming.


We arrived home and quickly unpacked all the bags before sinking into the couch to watch some TV.

"What are we gonna do? We've already done everything we need to do today." I asked, glancing at Tony as I channel-surfed.

"Hmm... I don't know. We could-" At that moment, there was a knock at my door.

"I'll get it. It's probably just Sharon." I got up from the sofa to open the door.

"Oh. Hi Fury." I heard Tony mutter something behind me, but a moment later he was standing at the door next to me.

"Can I come in?" Fury asked, already walking into my flat.

"Not trying to be rude, sir, but why are you here?" Tony asked as Nick sat down on the sofa and put his feet up on my coffee table.

"You boys gotta mission." He looked up at us with his one good eye. "You're going to Britain."

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