9. Shopping

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"Mornin lady! Wake up, we're going shopping" Andra woke me up from my sweet sleep by shaking me.

"Fuck off, lemme sleep" I mumbled-complained. I just turned my head the other side placing a pillow on top of my face.

"Oh, come one! Is 10 o'clock, and I know you love shopping" she was right.

"Aghh, okayy!" I sighed and got out of the bed rubbing my eyes. After I went bathroom to wash my face, washing away the tiredness as well, I came back into the room and said excited "Shopping, Yay, who's coming?" I love shopping, just like Andrea said.

"Me, you, Kelly and my her best friend, Susan asked if she can come aswell" she was telling me.

"Yes, of corse, I didn't see Susan for a long time" I uttered agreeing with Susan coming too. When I moved to England my best friend made a other best friend, Susan and I made my own best friends.

My phone rang. "Hi yaa sis, how are you" it was Isabelle. Did I tell you about Isabelle? Isabelle is my others best friend's girlfriend, Drake. First it was me, Alice and Drake, best friends, then he made a new girlfriend, Isabelle and she took her in our group. She is amazing, funny and very pretty. We became very quick best friends and now we are all like sisters and I love her a lot.

"Omg, Belle, I miss you soo much! I'm ok, you?" I didn't talk with her for 2 weeks because she went holiday in Spain with her family with a week before school finished. I was so, so happy to hear her voice.

"I'm cool, thanks. Alice told me everything what happened with Jason, I can't believe!" her voice sounded excited.

"Yeah, same" my voice was a bit upset.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine" I lied.

"Amelia Gabriela Anderson, I know you very well and I know that something is wrong with you" when there is something serious when she is saying all my full name.

"Ok, I'm gonna tell you" I gave up on pretending everything is ok. I told her about the fight we had yesterday.

"He likes you, can you not see he's jealous, he wouldn't care if he wouldn't love you" she always makes me feel better.

"You think so?" I started smiling.

"Yeah, of corse, call him!" she was giggling .

"No, he has to do that!" I was right.

"Yeahh, then just wait, if he cares he would call you" just then my phone rang again. Why is everybody calling me today! It was Jason. I hang up because my best friend was more important then him.

"He called me" I told her.

"Then answer him! I need to go anyway" I could hear her mum'a voice from the background saying that they are ready to go beach.

"Ok darling, I love you bitch, have fun on the beach! Wait, that rhymed! Call me when you can so you can tell me how your holiday is and if you saw any hot guy up there" I said laughing.

"I love you too, thanks and talk tomorrow or later. Byee slut" she laughed too.

I called Jason back while I was dressing up for shopping.

"Hi, Amy, you okay?" he asked me.

"Yeah, what about you?" I was talking in a normal tone.

"Yes, look, I'm, I'm sorry.. for yesterday" he apologised.

"I'm sorry too" I apologies as well. Because I knew it was my fault too and I shouldn't have react like that.

"So we are alright?" he asked confused.

"Yep idiot" I giggled and smiled.

"Would you wanna come over?" he suggested.

"I just planned on going shopping 5 minutes ago with the girls, sorry" I felt bad for saying no.

"Ok, no problem, I leave you to get ready for shopping, have fun, luv yaa" he told me 'luv yaa'? Nahh, 'I love you' means I love you, 'luv yaa' is kind of a bye in a friendly way, I guess, this boy is confusing me! What if Belle is actually right and he likes me?! Nah, that would be impossible.

I began mumbling "Bye bye, thanks" I hang up.

Me and Andra were done. I was wearing t-shirt, ripped jeans and a white cardigan. Andra was wearing a top with leggings.

We met with Kelly and Susan in front of Kelly's flat. I hugged Susan tight and then Kelly.


We were at the mall looking for something to buy. We visited almost all the shops from the mall, buying something from each one of them.

One of the shops was on sale so I brought like two t-shirts and one top.

We were exhausted from that much shopping so we went KFC to eat something. Then we saw that one of my favourite movie is playing at the cinema. "Can we go and watch Twilight? Please!" I was making the puppy eyes. "Yeahh, that's a good idea" Susan said because she was also a fan of Twilight.

We brought 4 tickets and went to our sits. The film was amazing. I love vampires. The movie Twilight, eclipse began.


It was 6am. "I can't believe we spend that much time at the mall" Susan said. We were all thinking the same. We were in front of my flat now. I said bye to Susan and Kelly and then went in the apartment. I ate something and then I spend some time with my grandpa because my grandma was cooking. Time flew so fast.

When I got home I placed myself my confi bed having a group conversation with Alice, Isabelle and Drake. Alice was so exciting to tell us that her crush, James asked her out. I was soo happy for her because I know she loves him a lot. I just couldn't believe how amazing this life is, everybody is so happy! I commanded her to tell me every single thing what happened. She told me that he asked her if she would like to go park with him and there he asked her out. James and Jason are very good friends, they are from the same squad. We stopped talking about boys which was kind of hard and then we talked about something else. I talked with them more than two hours. I really miss all of them! My cousin was next to me reading my messages and laughing. I hate when people read my messages but I love Andra so I didn't mind that she was reading them.

After, I got a other message: "Good night, princess" containing a kiss and a monkey next to it. The message was fom Jason. It was so sweet, I was dying. "Good night, idiot️" I wrote him back adding a kiss emoji too and a smiley face. It was 1:58 PM. I said bye to my best friends, closed my phone and put it on the table next to my bed.

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