26. Break Time

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I saw Jason near the school entrance waiting for someone. As it was break, everyone was out of class. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans with a hoodie. His body was leaning across the wall.

"Who are you waiting for?" I went to him and asked him with a smile on my face. I was still excited about the first day of school, and so far it was perfect.

"You" he smirked and placed himself up, coming to me, getting my hand. Me and him were walking slowly, heading to my favorite place.

"So, how are you?" I didn't know what to talk about. He nod in 'okay'. We were on a long hall, no one was around, it was just us. I places myself of the window sit, well, it wasn't really a sit but it was used as one and it was my place. Jason sat next to me.

"Your friends are so annoying" I told him thinking about what happened in Spanish lesson, rolling my eyes. He just laughed saying they are and I told him what they did. I got up from the window telling him I have to go to my locker to get my P.E. kit out as I had it last lesson.

He came with me. I took my locker key out the bag and got my P.E. kit out. I placed it and my bag on the floor so I was able to close the locker. He placed both of his hands on the lockers beside me so I would he in the middle of them. Jason came closer to me kissing me. His lips were moving all over my lips, all of this lasting for probably one minute. I felt like I never wanted to let go. Slowly pulling back from the kiss, I placed my hands around his neck, looking into his blue eyes. Jason then looked left and right searching for something, probably looking if there's anyone coming. I don't think a teacher would be happy with me kissing in the hallway, me, the good girl that never gets in trouble.

He got my hand then his expression changed. "Come, here!" he pulled me in the art class, that was the nearest open room.

"Huh?" I was confused but then I saw his friend Noah coming. He passed without seeing us. Now it made sense.

"Okay, so you don't want people to see that you going out with a nerd" I was sure this is what he wanted.

"No, but, you know, you're..."

I interrupted him "I'm a goody goody and you're a bad boy so that means we can't be seen together" 

"Yes, but ..." I interrupted him again.

"But what, Jason? You are ashamed of me. Alright, cool, go find a girl which is popular and bad so you don't have to hide from everybody." I tried to hold my tears in. I was surprised by his reaction when he saw his friend coming.

He was embarrassed with me. I knew this would happen. I knew it. After he tells me he loves me, after he promises me his friends will not get involved and that he doesn't care what they think about me, after all of this, he does this. I knew being in love with the bad boy is not a good idea, but the truth is, you can't control your feelings or your heart. Even if my heart now was broken in a thousand little pieces. I was disappointed not upset. Well, probably I was a bit upset too.

"No, wait" he put his hand on my shoulder when I turned away from him.

"Just leave me alone!" I walked away then I could feel the tears coming out. I can't believe this happened. I went in the toilet where Alice and Belle were. I ran and sat and the back of it and started crying.

"Amy, Amelia, what's wrong?" Alice was worried.

"Nothing... leave me... alone!" I couldn't talk.

"No, tell us what's wrong" Belle got involved.

I didn't talk.

"He hurt you?" Belle guessed. She always can read what's wrong with me. I'm a open book I must say.

"I brr.. broke up with him" I bumped into crying. Everyone was staring at me in confusion.

"Why?" Alice and Belle were shocked because they knew I love him a lot.

"He didn't wanted to be seen with a nerd so there is not point for us to be together" I snapped angrily, stood up, whipped my tears as I went outside. Alice and Belle were behind me.

I went and sat down on a bench in the playground still quiet.

"Look, Amy, everything is going to be alright, from what you told me he loves you so he wouldn't care about the others. The point is if he really loves you he will fight for you. Please, I hate to see you crying" Alice explained me.

I hugged her without a word. Then I made a gesture with my hand for Belle to come as well. We were having a group hug.

"Thank you for everything girls, I Love you so much" I was so lucky to have friends like them.

I was feeling kind of better so I went to my next lesson which was English. The lesson started. The teacher was talking and I was with my head on the desk. I was thinking about the moment when we had the fight and about what happened before, in my country. I missed so much that times. Without realising, I was crying.

"Amelia, are you alright? Do you need to go medical?" the teacher interrupted my dreams.

"What, oh, yeah, I am, is okay, don't worry" I mumbled, placing my head up from the desk and with my hand rubbed my tears away from my face. I felt dizzy and exhausted like I've run a marathon.

She ignored me and continued with the lesson, telling us something about Curley's wife and stuff like that. I wasn't paying any attention, I wasn't in the mood for lesson now, not at all.

All my next lessons and lunch time were the same. Nothing really important happened.

I wasn't in the mood to go walk with Alice am Belle after school so I took the bus and went directly home.

"Hey Amy, how was school?" my mum asked from the kitchen. I was thinking the answer in my mind: it was horrible, I broke up with my boyfriend and I feel like I'm going to die.

"It was fine mum" I lied.

I went in my room and sat on the bed staring at the wall for like 30 minutes. I looked at my calendar near my bed which said that today is Monday 3 September and the day were marked until 8 September, my birthday. I wasn't in the mood for any birthday party or anything, not this year. All I wanted for my birthday is to be leaved alone.

Then I remember Alice's words: "If he really loves you he will fight for you". I didn't think this would happen because I knew he is going to chose his friends not me and if he loves me he would send me a message for at least to see if I'm okay. I tried to stop thinking about that, but I couldn't, all the memories came in my mind.

Later Belle called to see how I'm feeling, then I talked to Drake, Alice and Belle on our group chat.
"So, how is it to have a popular boyfriend? Is he not embarrassed to go out with someone that has a nerd as a best friend?" I asked Alice because I knew she's going out with James which I guess was the only good one from the populars.

"Ok, I'm sorry, tell me about you two, how is your relationship going?" I tried to stop thinking about Jason.

"Very good, we almost had our first kiss" Drake exit the group because he didn't like this girly things.

"Bye Drake, love yaa" Belle said.

"Belle, how is your one going?" I was curious.

"Good, well, things are the same. What do you want, we go out for almost one year" Belle put some laugh emoji.

"I'm happy for you girls.." at least they are happy.

"Ok I gotta go, is 11pm , I'm tired" Alice said and exit the group.

I couldn't sleep properly that night. I took my phone because I was bored. I went to look at photos. I was keep scrolling when I saw the pictures I took in holiday. Almost all of them were with me and Jason. The memories were like a gun shooting me in my head and then I started crying again. I wanted that times back. I wanted to go back in time to live them more than one time.

Things are getting difficult and now not everything is happy like before. Hope you enjoyed this chapter :) Please vote.

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