29. Not so Well

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I was in my desk worried about Jason because I didn't like when he wasn't going to his lesson. I knew this would end up him being in troubles.

After like 10 minutes of lesson I saw someone at the door.
"Mrs. Brooke , someone is at the door" someone, I didn't even see who, pointed to the door.

She went to open it and guess who it was? Jason. He came inside the class.

"Sorry for being late I had a problem and I had to go medical" he lied.

I got no idea how but she believed him because in this school you can never come late without a note... this rule sucks. When I saw him I started smiling, and I think he saw me because he smiled at me. Agh.

His table was far from mine. He was sitting there quietly. I was concentrated on my work when something hit me in my head. I looked to see what was it and it was a folded piece of paper. I unfolded it and looked what it was written. I started smiling. I replied to the note and when I wanted to throw it back but then someone interrupted me.

"Excuse me! Give it" the teacher had her hand in front of me waiting for the note. I didn't want to get in troubles because you know, I'm a goody goody, so I handed the piece of paper to Mrs. Brooke, our science teacher. All the class yelled "Read it, read it" and I just tried to stop her. Unfortunately, she began reading.

"Hey, you alright? We gotta talk, I'm really sorry about what happened, from Jason" and "See you next to the English block at lunch. And,yes, I am alright, idiot, from Amelia" she started reading it out loud, "and there's a heart and a kiss from Jason" she added.

I hated this teacher. Why the eff did she have to embarrass me in front of everybody? I through I'm her favourite student. Well... She doesn't like anybody anyway.

All you could hear in the class was "Uuu" and then a girl asked me if we are going out and I was just like "Noo..." and it was actually true, we weren't going out, well not right now, I hope things are going to change after all of this. I just have to wait for him to do the first step just like Alice said: "If he really loves you he will fight for you".

I started blushing, and laughing so hard that Jason looked at me starting laughing as well. We were looking at each other and laughing without stopping until the teacher warned us that if we don't shut our mouth we are going to get in big troubles. I tried to hold my laugh but when the teacher wasn't looking I let it go, but on silent mode.

The English lesson finished so I went toilet to see if Alice and Belle are there. I was feeling great, this was the best lesson from this week, and this was all because of what happened. By that I mean the note. I had a bit of hope from it. I think I might as well maybe just forgive him even if he probably doesn't deserve it. Well, I said maybe.

I can't believe how much I need him, I'm even ready to forgive him from all he had done to me. I can't stay mad at people, even if I try.

I decided to go toilet before going to the next lesson that was double English. I stepped in the girls' bathroom and went straight to the mirror. I didn't actually needed the toilet, I just wanted to see how I look. I got out heading to my english class when I saw Jason and James talking. I wanted to go say hi to them but when I got closer to them I heard what they were talking about, me. I don't think they realized I was there as I was behind them I they wouldn't be able to see me.

"She's a nerd and I just wanna use her this is why I went out with her. We can't be together because she's not good for me as she's going to change me into a goody goody like her" both of them realized I was there, I walked away, leaving Jason with his hand in the air saying "wait!' I could feel my eyes getting watery.

I ran back into the toilet I could feel the pain, it felt like a knife in directly to my heart. I wanted to die. I locked myself in the toilet and started crying (like I wasn't already).

"Amelia? Is that you in the toilet?" Belle asked knocking to the toilet door.

"Leave me alone!" I didn't want to talk to anyone.

"Unlock the door! Right now! Please" she kept on knocking at the toilet's door.

I gave up because I knew she wouldn't go away until I tell her what happened. I opened the door, and I told her everything.

"I don't wanna go to my lesson" I protested.

"No, you are gonna go!"

"I don't want to" I tried to keep my voice calm.

"Is a new lesson, you can't miss the first one, just go, is gonna pass quick" she was explaining.

"Okay" I nodded after sighing, I was forced to go to my lesson. We got out the toilet, I hugged her and she ran to her lesson because she was almost late. I was almost near the class where my lesson is, when I saw him entering in the class, my class. I had lesson with him. Oh no! That's not gonna happen! I went back in the toilet. I locked myself back again.

After the lesson I was positive that everything is going to be alright but no, he was just lying to me all this time. All that was between us was fake, he was using me! He changed. It wasn't my Jason that I met in my natal country, it was another one, the popular, selfish, bad boy that doesn't give a shit about no one. Effing idiot! Why was I so stupid? Maybe because I loved him too much and the worst is that I still do.

I again locked myself in the toilet just crying.

I didn't go to my next lesson too, as it was still English. I waited for lunch break to come. Everything was quiet and peacefully until something broke the silence. The bell. Then the door opened and people were coming in. I couldn't tell who the people were because I was still locked.

"Hi Jade" it was Belle's voice. I kept quiet. I waited like 5 minutes and then she went away. If she would have catch me that I missed two lessons consecutively she would kill me. Literally.

I guess Alice went home because she said in break time that she's not so well. I was still thinking of going to my next lesson witch is R.E. He wasn't there anyway which was good so I decided to go.

I washed my face too and then went outside the toilet. I was careful not to meet Jason because I didn't wanted to face him mainly because I would start crying, but unfortunately, he saw me and gave me a long glance. He was sure I missed lesson because of him, I could tell that from his face.

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