10. Getting Lost

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I was on my way to Jason's house. I called him to tell him that I'm coming. "Are you sure you know the way to my house?" he asked me. "Yes, I remember it, bye, talk when I get there"

Now I was near some car garages. There was so confusing. Everywhere I looked where garages. I didn't know where to go, so i just kept on walking hopping I will get somewhere familiar. I walked and walked but then I realised.. I was lost. I took my phone out which was 2% battery and called Jason: "I need help, I'm..." the battery died. I sighed, rolling my eyes.

I was trying to find a way when I saw some people a bit far away. The first thing that came in my mind was to go at them and ask where I am and if they can help me. I walked to them. Then I saw that they were two boys around 20 years old. "Sorry, can you help me please" I asked them politely.

"Hello, why are you here by yourself?" they were talking very slowly and they were looking at me in a weird way.

"Well, you see, I kind of.." I cut my sentence because one of them came closer to me and start touching me.
"Nothing I'm ok, thanks, I need to go" I was trying to go away from them.

"Where are you going, darling? Come with us" the other boy said.

"No, thank you, is alright, bye" I was trying not to show that I was scared.

"Come, your gonna like it with us" he put his arm around my neck. The boy was tall, he had a beard and looked a bit muscular, the other one was just like him.

"Live me alone, I don't wanna go"

"We can do it the nice way or the bad way", my heart started to beat so fast that I through that it will jump out my chest.

Then I saw Jason coming: "Live her alone", I was so happy, relieved to see him there that I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Who are you to tell me what to do? Oi look, your boyfriend came to save you" they both started laughing.

Jason, he somehow, pulled me from them and shouted at me to run.

"No, I'm not going without you, Jason" I couldn't live him there.

"Go, Amelia, I'll take care of myself" he said calmly.

I had a plan. I ran away then I took Jason's bag which was in some bushes. I took his phone out and called the police. I told the police all what happened and that I don't know the exact address. They told me that they are going to be here in a bit.

I went around the garages and then I found myself behind the boys. They couldn't see me. Jason was fighting, his jaw was bleeding. I panicked, I was feeling so quilty because if I wasn't that stupid to get lost all of this wouldn't happened.

I was thinking what to do, then I saw that next to me was a long piece of wood. It was heavy. I raised it with all my power and went behind the boys throwing it at them. It hit both of them and they fell of the on the ground.

Just then I heard the police coming. "They are, they tried to kidnap me" I was pointing at them talking to the police.

"No, she's lying" they were trying to defend themselves by lying. The police obviously believed me and they took the two boys with them.

I took Jason's hand and we went in his park. It was 7:34, it started to get dark. We were on the bench, I was whipping his jaw with a wet tissue. "Are you sure you're ok? Don't you need to go hospital?" I was worried.

"Yes, I am, don't worry, let's just forget all what happened, okay? he gave me a big smile.

I smiled at him too and put my head on his shoulder. For 5 minutes everything was quiet. "Jason?"


"Why do you have to be such a bad boy? Why do you always get internal and detentions?" I stood up the bench. I was in front of him. I don't know how this subject came in my mind but I just had it on my heart so I had to say it.

"Why do you have to copy your friends, you are not a bad boy am I know that. Just be yourself. You're a amazing and sensible person. They just have a bad impact on you. Why do you..." he stood up and kissed me on the lips. It was my first kiss. Now I realised how much I love him. I put my hands around his neck and he put his hands around my waist. I felt like In was flying, I felt so secure and safe with him, there in his arms.

When he pulled back from kissing me he looked into my eyes, smiled and said "I promise I'm going to change, I'm going to be a better person, and I know that you can help me, you already changed me a lot, and I thank you for that" when he said that I changed him, I started to blush because I was happy to hear that.

"Come, is late, I'm taking you home" I didn't answer or say anything because my heart was beating so fast that I though I'm going to have a heart attack. It wasn't beating like that because of what happened when I got lost, it was because of the kiss.

He took my hand and we stated walking to the way home. We went on the long way because I didn't wanted to go on that way again.

We were in front of my flat. He pressed his soft lips one more time for goodbye.
"How are you going home by yourself?"

"Don't worry, I'm gonna be fine"

"Call a taxi, is too dark to go by yourself" I insisted because I was worried, it was mostly because of what happened a few hours ago.

"Amy, don't worry" he came to me and kissed me one more time.

"But promise me that you are going to call me and we are going to talk until you get home" I was telling him giving him a one more quick kiss and smiling.

"Ok, cool" he took his phone out and called me.

He started to walk to his house. I went in my apartment.

"So, how are you" I didn't know what to say.

"I'm good, what about you?" he asked.

"I'm very good. I remembered that tomorrow I'm going home, into my home town"

"Ohh, what time?" he seemed like he didn't want me to go.

"At like 2-3 o'clock."

"Can I come over to wish you goodbye?"

"Of corse, I would love to, and bring your football because you still didn't do the promise" I laughed.

"Ohh, yeahh, I forgot" he remembered about the promise.

The silence came again.

"Say something" I said.

"I love you!" he said.

"I love you too!" I started getting red and smiling. I can't believe this is happening. Are we going out or nahh?

"I'm home"

"Take a picture of you being home so I believe you" I wanted to make sure that he's not lying.

"There you go!" he sent me the picture on whatsapp.

"Ok, good night" I told him

"Good night, princess" he answered

"Hang up!" I said.

"Noo, you hang up!" he got my game.

"No, you!"

"No, you!"

All of this stopped after I said "ok, we are going to hang up in the same time, 1, 2 and 3" I hang up.

Next, Alice called "Hi yaa"

"Heyy" I was being excited to hear her voice.

"Something is wrong with your voice, you're happy" she discovered.

"I'm gonna tell you after, now tell me how is going on with James"

She started telling me everything then I told her everything, we were both very happy for each other.

We stopped talking at the phone and we talked by messages on the group where it was Belle and Drake as well.

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