32. Birthday Party

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Wednsday was boring because all I did was lying to my mum that I'm sick and sit in the bed all day.

When I looked at my phone I had 5 missed calls from Alice, 7 from Belle and 3 from Drake. I didn't bothered answer it because I didn't know what should I tell them, I didn't want to worry them more.


"Thank you so much!" I said while Sarah was handing me the gift and I hugged her. I missed my cousin a lot.

I thanked everybody for the presents. After that, me, Sarah and a boy that I never met before (his parents were friends with mine) went upstairs in my room. It was just us, as i didn't want to invite more people because i didn't want a birthday party. I was planning on going out with my girls on my actuall birthday.

I served them with some coca-cola and some snacks then we talked. Outside the house, in our yard was a big table with approximately 20 people. They seemed that were having fun for my birthday.

"You wanna play cards?" Andy (the boy) asked me and Sarah. I loved playing cards so I said "Yes".

After a long game of cards we decided to watch a movie.

"Do you wanna watch a romantic movie?" Sarah said, her voice sounding 'weird'.

"No! No thanks. I prefer a horror one" I didn't want any romantic things right now. Why? Because in romantic movies everybody is happy and everybody loves each other, you know true love. Yuck!

"Yeaaaahhh" Andy was very exciting about the idea.

We all loved horror movies so we started looking for one. We had to search like 10 minutes when I found it.

"Omg! I wanna watch Annabelle! I heard some very good comments about this movie" I almost jumped out of bed when I saw it. As I said, I love horror movies.

"Yeaaaahhh" Andy again.

The first part was about a couple where the girl was pregnant and they were coming back home or something like that.

"Awe, they are gonna have a baby" Sarah said.

Everything was happy until two crazy people break into the house and stab the women in the stomach.

"You fucking stupid! How can he... omg! He's gonna kill the baby, man do something! God help her!" I love babies and I get very furious if someone does something to them. I was holding Sarah's hand so tight and Sarah was holding Andy's. Me and Sarah were so scared but Andy was just crying in pain.

"Auch, fuck, look what you did to my hand, Sarah" he was crying and laughing in the same time. His hand was proper red because she was holding it tight. Sarah is strong...

We both started laughing but then I started screaming again.

After that, the man gave the women a gift a doll (Annabelle) and so on.

When the movie finished I went downstairs to see what's everybody doing.

"This movie was so cool" I was telling Andy and Sarah on the way there and they nodded.

I can't believe I actually had fun without thinking about Jason.

We were eating. Sarah and I finished.

"Go without me" Andy said and we went back into my room.

"So, how is going on with your boyfriend" I forgot I told her about Jason long time ago.

"Is not going" my face dropped, she reminded me of him again when I really enjoyed myself.

"What? How comes?" she was staring at my upset face.

"We broke up" I said looking down.

"I'm sorry, tell me everything"

I explained her everything and she was paying close attention to me. I just love her, I can always talk with her about everything.

"Something is wrong, in holiday he was the perfect boyfriend and now he did this. Maybe is a misunderstanding, I don't know..." she was trying her best to make me feel better even if I knew the truth, that he's acting like this because of his friends.

"Thanks, don't worry" I said and we stopped talking about this when Andy came in the room.

"I gotta go toilet, I'm coming back quickly" I said.

I locked the door. Looked into the mirror, took a deep breath and told my self: "Everything is going to be alright. Is your birthday party, Amy. Have fun!" I smiled and tried to hold my tears in and then I came back into the room.

"I'm back" I said doing the jazz hands.

"I found a good comedy, wanna watch it" Sarah said eating nuts.

"I would love to!" I went in the bed and took a hand of nuts as well.

We watched the comedy, it was 8pm. We laughed all the movie.

The movie finished at 10 o'clock and just then everybody was ready to go home.

I hugged Sarah tightly and said goodbye to her while she was stepping in her car.

After everything finished I went up in my room. I was happy that this birthday party was a good one, I enjoyed myself and I stopped thinking about him. Tomorrow is school. What am I gonna do? I can't hide from everyone and everything for ever. I can't see his face again, the face that always made me jump of happiness before, now, when I see it I just wanna jump off a cliff.

I need a plan... I'm thinking of surviving on Friday and then I'm gonna tell my parents to move me to another school. I'm still gonna see Alice, Belle and Drake, but the good thing is that I will probably forget Jason... And I will not see the populars anymore. Yay.

I was in my bed listening to music on the headphones.

"Amelia, is 12 o'clock, tomorrow's school, stop listening to music and go to-" my mum took my headphone out my ear and paused. "Why are you crying?" she was worried.

"No, nothing, I'm, I'm not" my voice wasn't so convincing.

"Tell me what happened, is it about school?" she was staring into my wet eyes.

I nodded.

"Did he hurt you?" she guessed.

"How did you know?" I was surprised.

"Well, first at all, I'm a mum and second, I heard you talking with Alice telling her how stupid he is" she smiled.

A little smile appeared on my face.

"Don't worry darling, you're gonna be alright, he doesn't deserves you, he's a jerk"

"Mum? Can I move to another school?" I asked her while rubbing my tears away.

"Are you sure this is what you want? What about your friends?" she was trying to show that that my idea wasn't so ingenuous.

"Yes, I'm still going to see my friends, anyway" I replied.

"Okay, but, talk with your friends first and see what they are going to say, I'm going to make some research for a new school and then you will decide if you really want to move"

We stood like 30 minutes and just talked. She told me about her first boyfriend, first break up and her loves from childhood. It was actually interesting and I enjoyed listening to it. We laughed about them and more others. I didn't know this part of my mum, she made me feel a lot better.

Before I felt asleep she kissed me in my forehead and went down into her room. I didn't know my mum could be that... Loving. I never liked talking to her about boys because I though she wouldn't care, but I was wrong.

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