Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

I smiled as I looked around at my new home. The last box was set on the floor. I never realized how empty a house looked when you first move in. I flipped my wrist looking at my watch 2:13 it read. I guess I should head to bed. After locking the door I plugged in the blow up mattress and waited.

“I should make a list,” I thought rummaging around my purse for a pen and a piece of paper or a note pad. Pumping my fist in triumph I quickly jotted down what I would need.

What The House Needs:

·        Furniture

-         Couch

-         Bed( Two: Queen sized and guest bed)

-         Desks (three or four)

-         Table (dining room, kitchen, coffee, and one for bed room)

-         Night stand

-         Dressers

-         Vanity

-         Mirrors (preferably 6-7 feet tall)

-         Closet units

-         File cabinet

-         lamps

·        Appliances

-         Televisions

-         Microwave

-         Stove

-         Refrigerator

-         Gaming Consoles

-         Computer (desk top and laptop)

-         Phones(two home and two cell phones)

-         Washer and Dryer

-         Blender

-         Kitchen Aid

-         Dishes

-         Toaster

-         Anything else that pops into mind

·        Paint

-         Earthy green

-         Royal blue

-         Chocolate brown

-         Scarlet red

-         Neon colors

Yawning I put the list beside my temporary bed and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up and dug through boxes to find an outfit after brushing my teeth. Thank god the water and heat was on or I would be screwed. Realizing I didn’t have a car I called a taxi to head to Port Angels. After paying the cab driver I headed inside the dealership already knowing what car I wanted.

“Hello Miss,” The man, John, asked.

“Hello,” I smiled softly in a friendly gesture, “I’m looking for a new car.”

“Okay what are you interested in?” John stated to lead me to the car lot. I stopped in my smile brightening, “There is no need for that I already know what car I want sir. I would like a Chevy Camaro please; preferably blue.” Without another word John led me to his office to sign paper work. I paid the full cost of the car with my debit card because I had yet to go to the bank or ATM for cash. He shook my hand and handed me the keys to my brand new car, “It was a pleasure doing business with you.” Nodding my head in reply I hurried to the hardware store to order everything I needed as far as appliances went. For some of the furniture I ordered from IKEA the other furniture I was going to design because I knew EXACTLY what I wanted. Before it got too late I headed to Lowes and got the paint colors that I had finally decided on. 

Two days later after getting most of my house set up I decided to the mall. The mall, thank god, wasn’t terribly crowded. It was mostly filled with teenagers who were doing their back to school shopping. I quickly noticed that the selection for stores was slim. Though they did have a White House | Black Market; a store I absolutely adored. IAs I was browsing through the racks of clothes I was startled by a squeal. Clutching my heart I turned around only to be attacked hugged by a blur of shortness.

“Oh My GOD,” the girl squealed, “YOU’RE Hazel Green.” She released her death grip on me stepping back so I could see her fully. She was short, pale with a pixie like hair cut. But I couldn’t help think she was adorable. “I’m Alice.”

“Well hi Alice,” I giggled pulling her into another hug, “It’s wonderful to meet you. I’m guessing you’re a fan?” She nodded her head excitedly before calling over a girl a little older than her.

“Rose, Rose come over here.”

“What Alice,” a tallish golden haired blonde walked over with an aggravated look on her face.

“Look,” was all Alice answered. I couldn’t stop the amused look that came to my face as I looked between the two.

“What. Whatever you’re excited about probably isn’t that interesti-,” She froze when her topaz eyes landed on me.

“I know right,” Alice giggled.

“I love your clothes,” The blonde, Rose, blurted out. I found this quite entertaining because she was wearing one of my dresses. It looked better on her than it did when it was modeled during New York’s fashion week. She walked closed her heels clicking.

“It’s always nice to meet a fan,” I smiled softly pulling her into a hug like I had Alice, “Tell me what your name is darling?”

“Rose , Rosalie Hale.”

“It’s nice to meet you Rosalie and Alice.” Alice’s smile brightened as she realized I hadn’t forgotten her. A small smile also made its way to Rosalie’s face; something I could tell wasn’t there often. “Would you two like to talk over coffee? I saw a Starbucks not too far from here.”

“That would be great,” Alice replied almost as soon as the words had left my mouth. Rosalie nodded; seemingly unsure about something, like she was fighting with herself. The girls had their own car so I met them at Starbucks. They beat me there and were seating in a booth near the back with drinks already in hand. They also had a drink for me; which caught me by surprise because I could see that it was what I usually order.

“I read somewhere that you like it,” Alice answered my unasked question seeing the confused look on my face.

“Well that makes sense.” I took a sip of the delicious treat. Over coffee I got to know my two fans more. I learned that Alice was, heavily, into fashion; anything from home décor to clothes. Rosalie wasn’t into fashion as much as Alice but when it came to clothes watch out, because she knew her stuff. After about an hour or two they both said that they had to go but gave me their phone numbers and address because they wanted to model clothes for me and see my new ideas.

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