Chapter 12

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After Breakfast Harry motioned for me to follow him. Once outside he sat on the steps of the steps of the porch, “Have a seat.” I sat next to him with my elbows on my knees and my head rested on my palms.

“What’s got you so down?” Looking at him from the corner of my eye I sighed, “A lot Harry... a lot is wrong?”

“Do you want to talk about it,” he asked kindly


“I don’t want you or your family to get hurt Harry,” I replied.

“What do you mean?”

“My brother was shot because of me....I have a stalker. He’s been sending me notes and leaving phone calls. And,” I paused not knowing how to continue, “And in one of those notes he threatened to hurt Seth and Leah. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you or your family.” I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. Harry put his hand on my shoulder pulling me into a side hug, his other hand patted my head in a comforting manner, “Nothing will happen to Seth or Leah. Here on the Reserve we have a different kind of protection that will ensure their safety. You have nothing to worry about.” I don’t know how long we stayed there like that but I enjoyed the silence.

After my moment of emotional bonding with Harry I went to my store. Walking in I went to the back room grabbing a bucket and sponge putting bleach and boiling hot water it. On my hands and knees I scrubbed the spot as if I was scrubbing my emotions away. My eyes blurred with tears morphing everything into one red soapy blob.

“You’re pretty to be crying Hazel.” My head snapped up looking at one of the sources of my torment.

“W-what are you doing here,” I stuttered out; fear gripping my heart. He smirked taking a step towards me. I stumbled back making my way to the counter a few feet behind me.

“Now now Hazel or should I say Violet? You know why I’m here.-”

“Still his lap dog I see. Your head is so far up his ass I’m surprised that you can’t taste what he’s eating,” I spat out interrupting him. My head jerked to the side as he loomed over me.

“It would be wise,” he sneered gripping my chin in his hand forcing me to look at him, “For you to hold your tongue.” The soft voice of Avril Lavigne singing I will be came through. I glanced down looking away from him.

“Answer it.” I shook my head in refusal.

“Answer it,” he gripped my lower jaw tighter, “Or I will.” With shaking hands I pulled out my phone pressing talk.

“Hello,” I said trying to make my voice sound as normal as possible.

“Hazel? Are you alright? I got this feeling that something was wrong,” Jasper’s voice filled my ears.


“Tell him the truth,” Joshua cut me off.

“I’m at the store,” I said my voice trailing off, “And Joshua’s here.” He took the phone out of my hand.

“I’m just here to deliver a message...The message is from him. He says:

Beware of leaving her alone

For she was lost and I have found her.

Now I don’t intend of letting her go.” He chuckled cynically before hanging up the phone. He looked at me before putting it in my pocket, “I’ve missed this.” His hand got closer to my private area.

“Is there a problem here,” a familiar voice asked. Joshua sighed before removing his hand and turning to face the door. Looking over his shoulder I sighed with relief when I saw Sam. “I think you need to leave,” Sam said firmly.

“This is not over,” Joshua whispered before pulling away and leaving. My heart slowed down once he was out of my sight. Letting out a sigh I slumped against the counter my body shaking.

“Are you okay,” Sam asked making his way over to me. I nodded not looking at him. My phone started to ring again.

“Hel-hello,” I managed to get out.

“Hazel,” a man’s voice said.

“Yes this is Hazel. Who is this,” I sniffled.

“Are you okay? Jasper told me what happened,” It was Carlisle.

“I’m fine Carlisle. I have to go now I have a lot of stuff I have to do,” I hung up. I know he was worried but I couldn’t talk to him in the state I was in. Physically and emotionally ill, my legs gave out. Luckily Sam caught me.

“Why don’t I take you home,” He lifted me up; one arm under my legs and another behind my back.

“No I have to finish cleaning,” I struggled to get out of his arms.

“Don’t worry I’ll clean it up,” he reassured me, “Where are your keys.” Knowing there was no point in arguing I handed over my keys. He slid me into the passenger seat before getting into the driver seat himself. After giving him directions to my house Sam parked my car and helped me inside. Thank you,” I whispered when he set me on the couch.

“It’s no problem Hazel,” Sam hugged me then left.

Not Like The Movies (Carlisle Love Story)(Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now