Chapter 17

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The next day as promised Charlie had the police force, some of it anyway, check out Hazel’s house. Inside the house they found a pool of dried blood at the bottom of the stairs. A further search showed that the upstairs office was trashed. Charlie was interrupted from his work by the sound of yelling.

“Damn it,” Charlie sighed going outside to see what the commotion was about. Harry was being pushed back by a cop so he wouldn’t cross the caution tape.

“I’m sorry sir but you can’t go in there,” the officer said still holding Harry at bay.

“I have a right to go in there,” Harry yelled. The officer was about to respond but Charlie put a hand on his shoulder, “It’s alright Jeff I’ll take it from here.”  Charlie put his arm around Harry’s shoulder walking him away from the scene.


“Charlie I can go in right? I mean I won’t mess with the evidence I just want to know what it looks like in there,” Harry said trying to reason with him.

“I’m sorry Harry but... I don’t want you to see that.”

“Is it bad?” Harry stopped looking anxiously at the house. Charlie sighed knowing he either let his friend see for himself or tell him what he found; he chose the latter.

“At the bottom of the stairs we found blood, on the front door were nail marks, and the office was a mess,” Charlie said taking off his hat and running his hand through his hair, “All of this tells us that she put up a struggle; which means she didn’t willingly go with her captor.” Harry put his face in his hands and started to cry. His shoulders shook as his body slumped. Charlie looked at his friend sympathetically.

“Harry,” Charlie said softly getting his friend’s attention, “We’re going to find her okay? I promise.” Harry nodded barely comprehending what was going on around him. “But, unfortunately, I need you to come down to the station for questioning.”

Sue sat at the kitchen table with a cold cup of coffee in front of her. She looked out the window waiting for her husband’s car to pull up.

“Mom,” Seth’s voice brought her out of her thoughts.

“Yes hunny,” Sue said taking her eyes off of the window. Leah was leaned against the counter staring at her as Seth sat next to her at the table.

“Where’s Hazel,” Seth asked.

“Umm she’s-”

“Don’t lie to us mom,” Leah interrupted, “She would have called if she was staying somewhere else. So what’s going on?” Sue sighed looking down because she wasn’t able to look her children in the eye, “Your father doesn’t want to tell you guys but I guess you’re old enough to know.”

“Know what,” Seth asked softly.

“That Hazel has gone missing and your father believes it was her uncle and,” She looks at Leah, “Your history teacher.” Leah looked at her mother, “We’ve had a substitute for the past two weeks.”

Charlie sat across from Harry in the interrogation room wondering how to proceed.

“Treat me like I’m just someone off of the street; someone you don’t know,” Harry said as if reading his mind.

“Where were you on the night of Miss Green’s disappearance,” Charlie pushed all emotions aside; turning into the experienced sheriff he was trained to be.

“I went out with Sue,” Harry replied.

“Are you in anyway involved with the kidnapping of Hazel Green?”


“Why did you hesitate,” Charlie asked looking up from the file on Hazel.

“I know who kidnapped her Charlie.”

“Who,” Charlie asked leaning forward.

“Vincent Green,” Harry replied, “Vincent is her uncle and I think he has a helper but I don’t know who he or she may be.”

“No he hasn’t moved yet,” Emmett whispered to Alice through the phone. Alice sighed continuing to Alaska in Carlisle’s black Mercedes.

“Just...just keep him company okay,” Alice said before snapping her phone closed. Her eyes narrowed as she stared out the wind shield pushing her foot down on the gas pedal harder.

“What did Emmett say,” Rosalie spoke from the back seat.

“He’s still the same as when we left him,” She tightened her grip on the steering wheel. Jasper placed a calming hand on her leg.

“Are you sure he’s there,” Rosalie asked looking at the sign that read “Now Entering Alaska.”

“Yeah I’m sure,” Alice replied. She pushed the car to one hundred forty mph to get to the Denali coven’s home. It took her a little less than twenty minutes to get to the gorgeous wooden house. She barely turned off the car before using her vampiric speed to get to the door. Tanya opened the door confusion written all over her face.

“Alice what’s wrong,” she asked opening the door. Alice said nothing as she walked around her up the stairs.

“Edward put your fucking clothes on and meet us outside. You have one minute to be in the car or I’m going to drag you back to Forks by your dick,” Alice thought loudly making sure he knew she was serious. With her deed done she walked back to the car and sat in the driver’s seat eerily calm. She flipped open her phone pressing the okay button to start the timer.

“Is he coming,” Jasper asked.

“He should be,” Alice replied stopping the timer at fifteen point seven seconds. Edward put his bags in the, already popped, trunk. Alice peeled out of the drive way waving sarcastically to Irina.

“Why did you come and get me,” Edward spat out.

“It is your fault she and Carlisle broke up, it is your fault she is missing, it’s your fault Carlisle hasn’t moved from the couch, and you’re going to fix it,” Alice glared at him from the rear view mirror. Edward backed down and settled for looking out the window.

It had been two days since the search of Hazel’s house, three days since she went missing, and a few hours since the police department got a mysterious note that said:

I know you’re looking for me

And you might find me

But I doubt that.

Now if you want to find the girl

You’d better hurry

Because by the time the

Moon is high and full

She’ll be dead.

Not Like The Movies (Carlisle Love Story)(Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now