Chapter 4

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Thursday, the next day, came quicker than I thought it would. It felt like I had only gotten a minute of sleep. The ringing of my phone startled me causing me to fall to the floor. Grumbling I picked up my phone answering it, “Hello?”

“Where are you,” Jesse’s voice came through.

“At home why,” I asked yawning.

“You do realize you have forty minutes to get to be in Port Angels for you meeting at you store right?”

“What! Are you serious? What time is it?” I scrambled to get out of the death trap known as my blanket. My digital clock’s blue lights read 9:50, “Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck!” I hung up my phone rushing to the bathroom. After quickly brushing my teeth I got dressed in my grey trouser pants, white sleeveless top, royal blue cardigan, and slipped on my black heels. Grabbing my keys and clutch I left. I arrived in front of my new store fairly quickly; Jesse met me at my car opening my door for me when I parked.

“Three minutes to spare; you’re cutting it close Haze. Luckily the diva himself hasn’t arrived,” Jesse said handing me a vanilla bean frappuccino, “Nice outfit by the way. I love that shade of red on you.” Taking a sip of my drink I let my eyes wander around my new store. It was exactly what I envisioned. Everything was so open, inviting, and bright.

“So how do you like everything? You gave me the plans but I kind of tweaked them a little bit,” Jesse followed behind me; the click of my heels echoing throughout the empty space, “I hope you don’t mind.”

“It’s wonderful, I love it,” I answered quickly. From behind me I heard a scoff of disgust. There stood Miguel Gregor. He was a fashion critic and designer. Smiling, in spite of my company, I greeted him, “Miguel! How are you?”

“I am well. Tell me, my dear, why would you come to some shithole place like this? No well known fashion designer would set up shop here,” He, Miguel, back-handedly insulted me,

“But if it helps the dirty faced natives look better I suppose I will stay.” You know that little voice in the back of your head that stop you from doing something that you know is wrong? Well mine was telling me to deck him in the face; Jesse could sense this, I guess, and jumped in drawing Miguel’s attention to him.

“Mister Gregor, how much of your collection would you like to be stocked in our inventory?”

“The newest of my collection; Miguel Anthony Gregor IV.”  Yes you heard right. He is so narcissistic and egotistical that he names ALL his collections after himself. Jesse, being the professional he is, wrote all this down looking attentive.

“Who else will you be selling?” Miguel followed me to my office; sitting in the chair across from mine he propped his feet on my desk.

“Chanel, Dolce and Gabbana, my collections, and some others,” I clenched my fist as I, too, sat in a chair. He nodded yet said nothing.

It was Monday morning, four days after my meeting with Miguel. I was getting ready for my first day assisting classes at Forks. The school never gave me a dress code so I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a nice shirt, and a pair of nice heels. Getting to the school was relatively easy;seeing as my house wasn’t that far away. I parked the car next to a Jeep and grabbed my bag as I walked towards the school. Curious eyes followed my every move as I made my way into the office.

“Hello,” The woman behind the desk smiled.

“Hello,” I smiled back holding out my hand for her to shake, “I’m Hazel Green. I’m here to help some the teachers.” The woman’s jaw dropped as she shook my hand; starstruck I guess.

“Right,” she shook her head letting go of my hand snapping out of it.

“Here is your badge and room numbers. I would like to say it is an honor to meet you.” A blush worked it’s way up to my cheeks, “Oh, you’re too kind.” I left the office looking at the piece of paper that held the rooms I was suppose to help and on what days. In that moment I realized that I had no idea where I was supposed to be.

“Hazel,” a voice from behind me said; turning around I saw Jasper standing there.

“Hey Jasper,” I hugged him softly, “How are you this morning?”

“I’m fine and you ma’am,” a smile, something that was rare to his beautiful face, graced his features.

Lost,” I laughed looking back down at my paper. Peering down at it Jasper recognized the numbers. Instead of telling me he took my hand and led me to a classroom on the second floor.

“Here you are ma’am.”

“Thank you Jasper,” I smiled softly and headed into the classroom. There was a man who looked to be in his mid thirties.

May I help you,” The man asked standing up from his desk. I held out my hand to shake, “Yes I’m Hazel you’re assistant for the day.”

“Ah yes, nice to meet you Hazel I’m Mr. Prat.” he gave me a firm handshake before letting go. Mr. Prat and I didn’t get a chance to chat for long because the bell rang. I was shock to see not only jasper in this class but Emmett also. He just doesn’t strike me as an artsy type of guy. When the door shut and the late bell rang I could feel all the curious gazes on me. Believe it or not it made me nervous.

“Alright class I know you’re all wondering who this is- “ He was cut off.

“I know who that is,” a girl with brown hair said loudly, “That’s Hazel Green the fashion designer.”

As soon as she said that whispers began to fill the class and I even saw some students pull out their phones, probably to text their friends.

“She is here to assist me with class,” Mr. Pratt said gaining control of the class, “As Jessica has so kindly pointed out she is a fashion designer; so she does know what she’s talking about and doing. Now I let her tell you a few things about herself” With a smile I nervously began to speak, “Good Morning everyone as stated before I am Hazel Green; but please don’t feel the need to treat me any different because I’m really not. I’m just here to help out in whatever way I there any questions?”

Not Like The Movies (Carlisle Love Story)(Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now