Just Another Expedition... Or is it?

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Rachel's P.O.V

They are coming outside the Walls again.

   The Survey Corps, if my memory recalls, are a group of bravely suicidal soldiers who venture outside Walls Sina, Maria, and Rose to gain more information on the monstrosities called 'Titans.'  It always irks me how they will come outside the walls to the unknown, risking the lives of valiant soldiers for their oh-so important information. Despite my initial anger, I couldn't stay mad for long; for I have my own responsibilities to keep up with. Each and every time a soldier is on the brink of death and none of their comrades are around, I will go to them, and comfort them in their last moments. I've been doing this for seven years, ever since I was forced outside Wall Rose after my parents... died.

But that's a story for another time.

Today is the day of their... 57th Expedition, is it? I've only been doing this for a short time compared to all of their journeys into Titan territory, but I make every second count. I always stay inside the tree line of the Forest of Giant Trees when they pass, and stay low to the ground when they run out in the open. It works every time, seeing as how I'm ever spotted.

Or so I think.

Something about this Expedition seems off, as if it is the calm before a storm. Using my enhanced hearing to pick up bits and pieces of information, I learn that the whole right flank of their 'formation' has been wiped out, and quickly go to the scene to comfort the soldiers on their deathbeds, and chase down the culprit.

Seeing this culprit is a real shock for me, since it is the first Female Titan I have ever laid eyes on. That, and it is also about to crush a young blond boy when I finally catch up to it. Knowing what I have to do to save the boy from death, I decide to reveal myself. Humans may have killed my parents, but I'm not about to let the innocent boy in front of me perish before my eyes.

"STOP!" I yell, flying front of the boy and landing in between him and the Female Titan.  Spreading my wings out to their full, wide extent, I stand in a defending position. I can tell from the look of shock on the Titan's face that it has intelligence, but I wonder how. This is quite an alarming event, considering that if there is a Titan with actual intelligence, it can cause a lot more damage than any of the others from before...  Knowing I now have its full attention, I speak once again at the frozen threat before me, "Stand down, you monster."

As I remain focused on the giant figure before me, I notice another blond man swing up behind the Female Titan's nape, preparing to cut into it.  My heart stutters in fear– this human doesn't understand the danger!  My anxiety heightens unbearably when the Female Titan catches him in her hand and seemingly crushe him.

After a few seconds of tense silence, standing stock-still in place, I am filled with joy that the second blond is alive after he cuts himself out of her hand. Blood spurts from her hand, steam drawing her gaze to her injured appendage as she stands immobile for a moment.  She suddenly runs off, leaving me to wonder what she is doing here in the first place.

Remembering my purpose, I slowly tuck my wings behind my back, their massive bulk dragging on the ground only a little when I turn to face the younger boy laying on the ground before me.  I feel regret after revealing myself to the humans– if anything, I find myself experiencing a strange sense of euphoria in their presence.  I guess it really has been a while since I've interacted with anyone...

Examining his features, he looks more feminine than male to me as I scan his blood-covered face. His messy blond hair is fashioned in a bowl-style cut, and he has the widest sky blue eyes I had ever seen. The color enraptures me for a moment, and I smile lightly at the boy in question.  His gaze is fixed on me, and he looks at me with both wonder and fear in his eyes. Chuckling, I reach my hand out and ask,

"Can you stand, young soldier?" He looks at me and relaxes at the sound of my voice, weakly reaching up and grabbing my outstretched hand. Helping him to his feet, I walk him over to his two comrades, the shaggy-haired blond that was in peril earlier, and another two-toned brunette. Looking at them both, I slowly approach, aiding the young soldier in sitting down, being careful with his damaged forehead.

"Armin!" The other blond cautiously calls, "Are you alright?"

Does he look alright to you? I think, and scoff.  It is clear that these young soldiers have been raised to fear the Titans, but what about other entities such as myself?  Despite their surprise, they should be helping their fellow soldier without question!  I turn and call out to the two who were a few feet away from us,

"I won't bite!"  My sing-song voice rings through the field. "You should get your friend patched up here." The two nod to each other and move forward, encircling the young one– Armin– as I stand back.

After a while, the two-toned brunette, who I learn is Jean, stands at the edge of the little circle of trees, whistling in an attempt to call his horse. While the other blond, Reiner, wraps Armin's head with gauze, I idly listen to Jean's high-pitched sound, finding its normalcy ironic after the scene we had just witnessed. After he has finished, I knelt down in front of him, asking,

"Are you alright, young one?" He jumps slightly at my melodic voice, and twists toward me with a soft and hesitant smile.

"Y-Yes, thank you for what you did earlier..." Smiling at him, I rise up to my full height and stretch, letting my wings unfurl behind me.  All three stare at the mass of white feathers.

"Of course, soldier. Well, I must depart now to deal with that monstrosity of a Titan, so if you will excuse me–"

"Wait!" Just as I begin to turn around, I hear the young boy's voice and swivel back to face him, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes?" He blushes at my playful tone.

"W-Well, I-I was wondering if you could deliver some information to the center of our formation for us." I scrutinize him, and put a hand under my chin.  That's a huge risk, young one...

"But that would require me to reveal myself to others in a bigger group, and I'm not sure if I can do that..." I say, mulling it over.

"Please!" Armin begs, looking up at me with hope sparkling in his eyes. Drat. My resolve is crumbling.

"Fine, young Armin, I will do what you request. But might I inquire that this information has to do with the monster we just encountered?" He looks at me with an unorthodox expression, and nods. I smile at him.

"In exchange I would like you to keep my existence a secret, do you agree with this request?" He nods and says,

"Yes. All THREE of us will keep your secret. Miss...?"

"Just Rachel will be fine, young one. And consider your request done."

With those parting words, I stretch my wings up and out, flapping them once in a powerful downward stroke.  I soar into the air quickly, setting my course for the center of the Survey Corp's formation.

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