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Rachel's P.O.V

   I look up at the giant wall as the wagons pull up close to it. It hasn't changed... I'm going to have to remember how to act if I want the Military Police off my tail... I hear the Commander speak up from somewhere beside the wagon.

"We are going to take you back to base and hide you there for now, but I want you to stay hidden until then. Understood?" I glance at him before replying as a reminder,

"Yes of course, Commander Erwin, but you must remember that I am not one to follow the orders others' superiors give me. I am never going to be a soldier, so right now, you and I are equals. Now, in which direction is the base?" He looks at me for a minute, a hint of both curiosity and coldness on his face, before pointing in the direction of a castle-like structure far away, hidden among the trees. I can see all the details perfectly, as I am making use of my superhuman sight. Nodding to him, I quickly jump out of the wagon I am crouching in, making sure at least the top of my wings are covered with a borrowed Survey Corps cape before bolting off to the trees as the rest of the procession comes in through the gate.

   The trees are short compared to what I am used to.  Their height throws me for a loop, and an unpleasant sensations causes my insides to clench and twist.  I think back to the only other time I have felt this way, back when I was a little girl.  I hate this feeling of homesickness...

   I make it to the old castle in about ten minutes and decide to sit up in a tree for the time being, as the castle is basically surrounded by them.  Finding a suitable branch, I start to doze off until I hear an inhuman screech some time later.  Bolting up, I notice my left wing has fallen limply towards the ground again, and groan.

   "This will be a pain to heal..."  I mutter, looking at the broken appendage that hangs uselessly off my back.  Glancing around, I finally spot the source of the inhuman screech: the Eyebrows man, short-stack, and the crazy woman are just arriving at their 'base' followed by all the soldiers who are left alive from their last suicide mission.

Apparently, the Madwoman has already spotted me.

   "YO~! How are you, my feathery friend?  Why don't you come down here so we can meet each other formally–" Oh, hell no.  I see the evil glint in her eyes.

   "No."  I state bluntly, just loud enough for her to hear.

   "AWW!  But why not?! I need to get a good look at that wing so I can experi– I mean heal it!"  What does she think I am, stupid?!  I see some of the other soldiers watching our exchange; some with curiosity, and some with amusement.  Rolling my eyes, I perch myself on the edge of the branch, and look down at her, glowering.

   "You have not yet gained my trust, Squad Leader Hanji, so I will have to ask you to stay away until you do." The brunette crosses her arms over her chest, thinning her lips in a childish pout.

   "Well, poo.  Come on.  If you don't let me get close to you, how can your gain your trust?"  A triumphant light shines in her eyes, but I stare her down.  Lifting my broken wing, I gently lay it down on the branch next to me and settle back on my haunches, giving her my most uninterested look as I remain right where I am.

   "There are other ways to earn my trust, Miss Hanji.  Until then, you are on my 'unknown or possibly an enemy' list."  I state, enjoying her look of disappointment.  I notice the Commander and Captain standing a few feet behind the deflated Squad Leader, and they decide to join in the conversation.

"Well you trust someone if you decided to come with us– so who is it, brat?"  This is the Captain speaking, and boy let me just say, he is really starting to piss me off.  If my superior in the military was as disrespectful as he, there would be no hesitation in my mind to quit.

   "Well, thank you for stating the obvious Captain shorty, but I think you know who has earned my trust. Besides, it certainly can't be you now, can it?" His eyebrow twitches at my new nickname for him and I smirk, enjoying his annoyance.

"Cadet Arlert!  Get over here!"  I can hear the barely contained rage present within his voice, and feel sorry for the one to endure his wrath.  I see the blond soldier from earlier, Armin, step forward. So his last name is Arlert?  Where have I heard that name before...?

   "Y-Yes Captain?" The poor boy squeaks.  I cannot sympathize with the boy's situation, but I do feel empathetic.  It is clear that most of the trainees fear the Captain rather than respect him.

"Get the creature to come down." Shorty demands.  Okay, now he is purposely trying to get on my nerves.  Looking at him in disgust, I turn my attention back to the timid younger boy as he steps forward and looks up at me.  For a moment, I am captivated by his sparkling eyes but I quickly snap myself out of it.

   "Miss Rachel?  Can you please come down?  I'm sure you can come back to the forest after the Commander asks you just a few questions–" before he can finish I quickly swing down, fast as lightening, and grab him, swinging him back up to my branch.  He lets out a cry of surprise as I set him down on the same branch, and face him.  As I raise my working wing in a threatening way and glare at him, he stays fixed in place, staring at me in uncertainty and a hint of curiosity in his eyes.  We remain in this silent standoff for a minute, before I chuckle and smile at him, lowering my wing.

"So, you are indeed the young Armin I had encountered before.  Just checking.  Good to see you again, young one."  He gazes at me, jaw slightly agape, before closing it.  A tentative smile spreads slowly across his face.

   "Yes Miss Rachel, it's me.  My full name is Armin Arlert, as you probably already figured out."  I can sense he is relaxing, and send off waves of comfort to the boy.  After all, I really have taken a liking to him.

   "And you may call me Rachel, young Armin."  I reply, relaxing completely.

   "So, Mi– Rachel, will you please come inside the castle to talk with our Commander?"

   "Who, Commander Eyebrows?" I scoff, and he lets out the cutest giggle.  "Well, as long as–" I am suddenly startled by a loud voice cutting me off.


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