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Rachel's P.O.V

   The forest sure is beautiful... My short flight through the forest turns my attention to the beauty of the place.  How the tall trees sway gently in an invisible breeze; how the meadows here and there remain untouched.  But I guess I can't ignore the problem forever, huh? My mind wanders back to the Survey Corps members, stranded deep in the forest with no means of transportation.

   My anger towards Levi turns to pity for the rest of the group.  I silently berate myself for taking my anger out on all of them.  Well, now I know I need to work on my people skills...  Especially since I haven't interacted with them in so long. My gaze turns upwards as I glide just over the treetops, letting the still air calm my being. I watch the sun hang lazily in the sky.  It is so peaceful... rarely do I ever get to experience this feeling lately, and I settle down on a high branch in order to cherish it.  I know the peace can't last for long, though.

   Shaking any negative thoughts out of my head, I let my eyelids slip closed, welcoming sleep like an old friend.


   "Rachel!"  My body snaps forward and I nearly slip off the tree in surprise.  My wings instantly expand to their full extent, ready to lift me into the air at a moment's directive.  "Rachel if you can hear me, please come out!"  I strain my ears in an attempt to locate the source of the voice before I recognize it– Armin. Staying hidden in the shadows, I quickly locate the blond boy on the ground below. My eyes soften as they land on him.

"Please Rachel, the Corporal is sorry–!"  I fly down from the trees and land in front of the boy, cutting him off abruptly.

"If the Corporal regrets his actions, then he will have to take it upon himself to apologize." Something in my voice makes the boy flinch, and I feel slightly guilty.  "My anger is not directed at you, Armin.  It is merely due to the fact that the short man is incapable of apologizing."  The boy chuckle before hastily slapping a hand over his mouth, eyes wide.  "Don't worry, Armin," I assure, raising an eyebrow in amusement at his reaction, "no one will hear you." His posture relaxes a little as he drops his hand from his mouth.

"Listen, Rachel," his voice is a bit calmer now, "I know that Corporal Levi is a bit–"

   "Self-important?"  Armin shoots me a playful half-smile before continuing.

   "Yes, but he just cares about his comrades– his friends.  He seemed pretty upset by Hanji's injury."  I sigh and spread my wings as I shake my head.  Armin doesn't even glance at them, his sky-blue eyes scrutinizing my own grass-green orbs.

   "You humans have to understand– I do not like being ordered around by someone I don't even know.  Levi may be known as Humanity's Strongest amongst the people within the walls, but until he proves himself to me, I cannot hold any amount of respect for a man who orders me around without even giving a real reason why he thinks to be above me."  Armin goes silent and glances over at the sun.  The trees at the edge of the forest are thinned, making it easy to spy the glowing orb through a gap between the trunks.  Rachel takes note of the fact that it is sunset, and glances at Armin out of the corner of her eyes before sighing quietly.  "Let's get back to the others."  Hope sparks in the teen's eyes.

   "So you'll come back with me?"  I can't help the instinct that implores one corner of my mouth to twitch up a little.  This boy will be the death of me, one day.

   "Yes, Armin.  I will come back with you."

   The blond boy is rejuvenated once again when I fly him back to the others.  I pity them.  They remain stuck on the ground, never able to achieve the ultimate form of freedom... I smile as the wind cools me off and lets me expend any extra energy that I possess.

   "Over there!"  Armin's voice reaches my ears and I look over to my right to where he is pointing.  Angling my wings, I quickly speed over to the gaping hole in between the crowns of the trees and dive down, instantly spotting the rest of the soldiers. They all looked up in surprise (and some in hope) as I begin to descend to gently set Armin on the ground.

After landing, Armin and I are approached by Eren, Mikasa, Jean, Sasha, and Connie.

"You... came back..." Mikasa's muttered words don't go unnoticed by me, and I reply,

"Yes, Mikasa, I did. I didn't want to doom you all for a mistake the short man made." Connie steps forward, fidgeting slightly.

"So, then you'll help us?" I smile at the teen and nod, adding.

"Only when a certain someone learns how to apologize– but I will aid you in getting out of this forest." I raise my head and close my eyes, listening closely to my surroundings. "The recent Titan attack has left everyone shaken; and I have a feeling the creature is planning another ambush as we speak. In addition, it seems as if the Female Titan is here, too." Nodding his head, Eren clenches his fist.

"I'll be ready to turn into a Titan at any time!" I smile at him.

"Of course. Thank you Eren." I turn to the rest of the soldiers in the clearing and call out,  "Alright, everyone!" My voice seems louder than usual, and everyone goes quiet. "We need to escape the Forest of Giant Trees and begin our journey back to the safety of the walls! Gather all the supplies you can carry– we'll be traveling on foot! Stay alert!" The soldiers begin to scramble in haste to follow my directions, and some even salute me as I walk through the camp.  I wave them off, ensuring that they understand that we are equals.  I eventually make my way over to Hanji, Erwin, and a very disgruntled Levi.

"Rachel." Erwin bows his head respectfully. After a brief moment of surprise, I return the gesture.

"How is her condition?" The blond shakes his head, glancing down at the sleeping brunette.

   "Not well.  It seems as though she's getting worse–"  My eyes widen in alarm as I quickly bend down and begin to tear off the bandages.

   What I see shocks me.

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