A New Plan

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Rachel's P.O.V

~ 1 Week Later ~

I yawn as I take a walk through the thick trees surrounding the Headquarters of the Recon Corps. A week in this place, and I'm already starting to feel like I belong in human society again. As long as I don't get caught by the Military Police, that is...

My wing has been making great progress in healing. The bones are already back in place, and the feathers have straightened out once again. Usually a process like this would take a month to complete, but I quickened the healing pace with sunlight. Laying on the grass under the rays of the sun with my wings spread out helps me be more relaxed and comfortable; not only that, but it improves the state of my extended appendages, as well. I thought I would do a test run with nobody around.

Finally coming to a large enough clearing, I slide the cloak off my shoulders, stretching out my wings to their full extent. It feels good to be able to use my left wing again, even if it has only been a week. I give a few experimental flaps before gaining a running start, and pushing up off of the ground. I feel the exhilarating rush of wind in my face before crashing to the ground, rolling a few times.  Sprawling on my stomach with my feathers in disarray makes me sigh, chuckling a bit.

   This is definitely going to take some practice...  I wish Fable was here.  She'd definitely be able to help... Standing back up, I attempt to fly again, only to fall once more.

   If one doesn't succeed, try, try again.


   Armin and Eren watch from the trees as Rachel tries to fly.  The two boys are both drawn to the sight of her wings– they are beautiful.  Each shining, white feather sways from side to side as she flaps the huge appendages.  In the early morning light, the two boys can even see hints of shimmering blues, purples, and greens: soft tones that whisper loving sentiments to the eyes that lay upon them when they flicker into existence.  Armin is momentarily transfixed by the way the sun shines between the gaps in her feathers, but he shakes his head and punches his hand lightly when Eren shifts beside him.  Glancing at the brunette, Armin whispers,

   "Do you think she'll fly again soon?"  Eren shrugs, his eyes glued to the figure in the clearing.

   "I don't know.  Maybe we should talk to her."  Of course, Eren being Eren, says this too loud, and Rachel turns her head towards the two hiding in the foliage.

   "You can come out, you two."  Sighing in defeat and sending a scolding look toward Eren, Armin leads the way over to Rachel, who lays on her stomach in the grass with her wings spread out wide.  "Hello Armin and Eren, what brings you here?"

   "W-well, we saw you leaving early and thought we should follow you in case you needed help..."  Armin trails off.  Rachel smiles kindly.

   "Thank you for your concern, young ones, but I'm doing just fine."  They're so sweet when they worry.  Maybe I should let them see me fly for the first time once again...

Rachel's P.O.V

Standing up, I glance over at the two.

"Do you two have any suggestions?" They both seem confused, and I clarify. "For flying. I believe you both saw me earlier? Well, I'm having trouble getting up in the air, so maybe you can help me." Armin looks shocked and happy, and Eren just radiates confusion.

"But how are we supposed to help?"  The boy voices, "We don't know much about flying–"

"Trying rotating you're wings while flapping." Armin cuts Eren off. I regard the boy, impressed he knows that.  Of course!  Staying in the same compound as Shorty must have erased some of my brain cells.

"Alright. Thank you, young Armin. Please stand back." The brunette and blond jog a little ways away. I hear a quick, whispered conversation between the two;

"Armin, how'd you know that?"

"I read it in a book."

Chuckling, I face the opposite way and begin to lightly jog forward, leading into a sprint. Flapping my wings in a circular motion, I quickly add more power, before launching into the air. I feel the muscles in my shoulders and back strain with misuse yet the hints of memory, and I continue to rise.  A laugh of excitement passes my lips at the familiar feeling of being free. I can hear the impressed gasps of both Armin and Eren as I fly high overhead, enjoying the wind rushing through my hair and feathers. There is no breeze today, which means I glide easily through the current-less sky.  Swooping back down, an idea strikes.

Heading straight for the two boys, I shout,

"Armin, you and Eren grab my hands!" Reaching down, I grip Armin's wrist in my right hand and Eren's in my left before flapping my wings extra hard. The strain is more to take, but I know I can handle it as I settle in a nice, easy glide over the treetops.  The fatigue in my back makes itself known quickly, but I know from experience I must work through it to regain my strength.

"W-wow! This is amazing!" I can hear the excitement in Eren's voice as he turns his head in every direction. Armin is looking around in amazement.

"This truly is incredible! D-do you always see everything up here?" I start to steadily climb higher as the Survey Corps Headquarters comes into sight.

"Indeed, young Armin. I can even see much more than this, if I climb higher– but I want to take this flight easy for you two." As I near the base, I hear shouts saying,

"What's that?!"

"Someone, get Erwin and Levi!"

"Is that Eren and Armin?!" Circling overhead, I wait until Shorty and Eyebrows came out of the building before beginning my descent. Once closer to the ground, my wings beat furiously in order to provide a soft landing. The huge appendages work overtime to support both Armin and Eren's weight, but I manage to maintain a steadily slowing speed.  A few lines of solders gathered around us are knocked back as the strong gusts of wind blow over them.

Once my feet are back on the ground I stretch, unfurling my wings as I gaze down at Armin and Eren. The brunette laughs as he jumps to his feet, becoming a bit dizzy if the way he uses Armin for support is any indication.  The blond is just beginning to slowly stand up, himself.

"T-that... was awesome!" Eren lunges forward and hugs me, then quickly pulls back and stares down at his feet.  A dark blush of embarrassment blooms on his face. I pat his head, laughing.

"Don't worry, young one, I am glad you enjoyed it." Armin then comes up and gives me an awkward side hug, saying,

"Thank you, Rachel." I smile and pat him on the shoulder, before turning to Commander Eyebrows and Captain Short-stack. I smile at them with a glint in my eye before flipping my hair over my shoulder and saying,

"I am back in business."

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