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Rachel's P.O.V

Well, this went totally as planned.


Because, of course, when I get to the center of the humans' formation, they just have to be surrounding the Female Titan who is caught in a trap of harpoons and other nets holding her in place. I sigh, deciding to stay in the shadows to see how this will turn out.

A man, Levi– I learn by what the surrounding soldiers are saying– has jumped onto her head, and is stomping one foot down time and time again, getting noticeably frustrated by the giantess's uncooperativeness. You shouldn't do that– I saw the creature suck in a deep breath before letting out a long, drawn-out screech that hurts my ears so much I am tempted to fly to her and break her nose.

Suddenly, Titans of all different sizes come running at the Female from every direction. A man with enormous eyebrows gives the order to 'protect the Female Titan with your life.' Tch. Just wasting more lives, I see.  I take a moment to assess the enemy count, my gaze roaming over the Titans to gather their number count and range of heights.

Deciding to join in, I kill nearly 15 Titans before having to hide again. I can see some soldiers' lifeless bodies lying on the ground.  Probably trampled...  The sight makes my heart tighten painfully, and I bow my head in respect for them.  The soldiers in the ground are probably already dead or too isolated from the others for anyone not to notice me confronting them, so I resist the urge to fly toward them.

I continue to watch the humans' every move as Captain Eyebrows shouts the order to retreat. What, are you not going to give your soldiers a proper burial? I silently fume until I see the bodies being loaded into wagons and taken out of the forest.  My gaze lowers to a soldiers hidden behind the trunk of a tree to my left, and I make a quick decision.  Flying to the soldier without being seen is easy, and I quietly roll the boy out into the open so he is not left behind.  My effort pays off, and I rest my hand above my heart in a sign of peace to the fallen soldier before returning to the safety of the trees.



   What was that? Quickly and quietly I fly in the direction of the sounds.  My wings are too big to extend them fully, so I settle for tight turns and short bursts of speed, propelling myself off the higher branches of the giant trees.  I finally come across a terrible sight.

Three lifeless bodies, all covered in blood, are scattered throughout a clearing. In the middle of them all is the Female Titan from earlier, but she is fighting another male Titan. I notice that the Male Titan is swinging his fists wildly in a rage, and guess he is on the 'good side.' He is winning so far, but freezes when he sees the Female Titan lower herself into a certain fighting stance that I assume he is familiar with.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how the Male Titan gets his head kicked off. That had to hurt. I think, watching as the Female leans towards his nape, taking a chunk of it into her mouth.

"EREN!" I turn my head to the side to see an oriental girl with tears streaming down her face. Turning back toward the Titan in the clearing, I am just in time to see two legs disappear into the Female Titan's mouth, before she gets up and runs off. This makes me furious.

"Not today!" I yell, and fly off after the kidnapper. I can feel the girl's stare on me as I catch up to the Female Titan, analyzing her movements. My heightened hearing picks up a conversation that I assume the girl is having with someone else; a male, if I hear correctly.

"Cadet Ackerman, what the hell just happened?"

"The Female Titan took Eren!" Distressed girl's voice. Mikasa? "After that, this weird humanoid thing shot out the the trees and chased after her." Weird humanoid? Oh, I am so going to get you back for that, girl.

"Any indication that it is an ally?" I hear the male's voice again. There is a pause. "... Yes sir, it only began to chase the Female after she swallowed Eren." Thank you for being truthful!

"Alright, we're going after Cadet Yeager now, so stay alert, Cadet Ackerman. Understood?"

"Understood, sir." I hear the sound of their gear that they use to fly through the trees behind me, but instead I decide focus on the task at hand. The Female Titan is still ahead of me by about a meter, but I'm flying close to the ground, and I decide to try to cut her Achilles' heel.

Swoosh. SPLAT.

Got one.

As soon as the tendon is cut the giantess starts falling, looking down at me in the process. What surprises me though, is that she did a front flip with both hands and lands on her left foot, before turning toward me.  So not fair... Flying up, I land on a branch at eye level with her, spread each of my wings to their full span, and look her in the eye, challenging her. I take note that her right ankle has healed quickly, and feel two pairs of eyes on both of us watching our every move.

Opening my mouth slowly, I don't give either the humans watching me nor the Female Titan any warning before I let loose my most deadly weapon.

The Siren's Song.

Flying on Her Wings  (Attack on Titan)Where stories live. Discover now